Just Jack

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Peeta takes my hand pulling me around but there's something about the silhouette that reminds me of someone. I stop Peeta and in the moon light I can make out his bewildered expression. "Jack?" I say, stifling a scream the more he comes closer. "Katniss?! Is that you?" he yells, his voice echoes throughout the open fields. "Yes!" I say- relieved just as he stands in front of me. He reaches out his hand fast then tucks it into his pocket as his eyes flit over to Peeta. His action snapped me, and I almost became mad. I had to keep calm. It was something about that action that pulled my stomach into a tight twist."Have they gone to District thirteen?" I question, trying to keep my voice from breaking. He nods at the ground, he lifts his head up and locks eyes with mine for a minute. "I'm sorry I tried to catch up to them" he apologizes after he stares at me. "Hey..Jack you did what you could" I said softly. He smiles but It doesn't meet his eyes. "The train is going to be gone for a few days, which I have no idea why. This is all adding up-it's real strange" Jack said. Usually Peeta would have something to stay but he stay's silent, lips pressed in a line. I nod, digesting it all. "So they are being killed aren't they?" Peeta suddenly asks, interrupting my congested thoughts. Jack takes a step back and looks around. "There going on trial then there's going to be an execution in three days" he replies. "Three days?" I ask, we have time to drive there or walk. "We have time Jack! Did you just find this out?" I said. "Yes I did, and that's not a very good idea" he said, then he thinks, eye brows pulled together. "I should go...you write a note and I will take it to the Mayor" he said. Then I thought of someone--Madge. "Is his daughter still here?" I ask. Jack squints his eyes at me then says "Yea..why" "I need to visit her"

Madge didn't know anything that was going on. I tried to fill her in on things but she looked sad so I stopped midway through the conversation. "Kantiss" Jack said, in the other room. I followed him out, he pulled out a chair for me to sit at a wooden desk. A paper and pen awaited me. "Write, I should be on my way soon" he said huskily. His breath near my neck stood my hairs on end. He seemed suddenly to close. I shifted-uncomfortable. I began to write in my scrawly handwriting.

Mayor Undersee,

Your overacting. You need to stop. This isn't necessary at all. My children are feared. There friends are gone, along with there parents. Stop playing this game. You could start a revolution for what I have feared for so long. You don't understand, do you? One wrong action could start it all. And maybe it has begun. So don't kill these innocent people, it was an accident. These people do not want to die, especially not for this. So please if you truly cared and understood you wouldn't to this. Stop and think, is this really what I should be doing?

-Katniss Mellark

Once I've finished I read it over a few times I hand it to Jack.The last part I wrote over a few times for a clear point to come across. I hope this all would stop. I hope the letter would help. He studies it with curious eyes, grazing through the lines. He looks up, a small smile plays on his lips. "You should see Johanna first before you leave. She'd be broken" I said, and walk away.

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