Baby drama

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Johanna holds Aria with a look of satisfaction. The corner of her mouth tugs to constantly smile, which she cant stop doing. Aria, sound asleep in her arms, mumbles something in a baby slur. Jack on the other hand is grimly separating the needs for Aria on the table. Cute girly clothes, and a small cotton dress, the color of autumn leaves. Binkie's, diapers, and baby bottles litter the table. He seems frustrated for a while, confused. Peeta who sits next to me, chuckles, completely amused. He gets up to help Jack but he swats him away with a grim face. My smile falls and I whisper his name. He turns to  me, his eyes bright suddenly, there was something the way he looked at me that I couldn't or never would recognize. "I'm trying Katniss. Thanks for the help Peeta but you know I gotta learn from my own" Jack said while Johanna barks a laugh. The baby in her arm squirms and her small eyes open wearily. She sniffs and starts to wail. Jack looks alarmed like, what do I do now? "Jack !" Johanna said, her hand out. Jack hands her a bottle full of milky formula. Johanna takes it and inches it towards the small baby's mouth. She opens and begins to suck. Aria seems to be delighted, a tight smile forms. "Her first smile" Johanna breaths. Jack looks at Johanna with tenderness.

After Aria finished her formula Johanna had to bounce around and pat her back to make her burp. And my children along with Haymitch and Effie arrived. It was late for them to arrive four hours after.  "OH MY GOSH! THE BABY!" Effie squeals. Her eyes are huge as bowling balls and have not begun to small in size. She takes the baby and my children stand at the side, baffled. They've never seen a live breathing baby before. Evan asks "Whaz her name?" "Aria" I answer, Peeta stands next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Effie is a total freak when it comes to baby's" he said, amused. "I don't blame her" I mutter. I mean, after seeing children being reaped in the games, it'd be nice to see more offspring. More lives living. More lives that never will have to suffer going into an arena or seeing any family members slaughtered on live television. I watched the sun set outside the window, Effie had calmed. And I had put my children to bed. "Why were you guys so late?" I asked her. She turned to me, while carefully handing Aria to Johanna. "We went on a nice long walk down by the lake and learned about the ecosystem" she said. "Effie...isn't that a little to early for that?" I asked. Peeta who was standing and talking to the baby and a soothing voice was eavesdropping. "Wait what do five years old's learn?" she asked, suddenly confused. Haymitch huffed something under his breath. He looked over at me, shooting me a warning look. "They learn about tad poles, the circle of life" I said. "Ah, the circle of life. It all starts out when a man--" "EFFIE!" I cut her off, hitting her arm. But it was all playful. I smiled at her to ease her shocked expression But still-she looked confused too. "When do they lear--" "No Effie. Don't start that" I said grimly. "Wellll" she lulled on, beginning to yawn. She patted her lips and said "We should be off, long day" "Bye sweetheart" Haymitch winked at me. I waved them out and turned back.

Peeta looked like he was holding in a big laugh. I smiled at him and Johanna was looking at him at the corner of his eye looking the same as Peeta. Jack seemed to not notice, his eyes were transfixed on Aria. They burst out laughing. "Real mature" I said flatly. "No! NO! It's just Effie. Not the--" Peeta started, putting emphasis around the word "'circle of life' it's her..not knowing what the kids should learn" Johanna added "Or knowing not to tell the kids the circle of life" "Okay I have to admit it was pretty funny" I surrender. Peeta laughs with me.

We crawl into bed, our body's close together, sharing each others radiating heat. "You've been in a mood since the baby Peeta" I said over the heavy silence. I felt him laugh silently. I took his hand and intertwined out fingers together. "It's nice to see a baby--refreshing" he admitted. I kissed him on the cheek and then suddenly he was on top of me, his breath swarmed around me, tickling my neck. My hairs on my body had rose. We both started to laugh. Even my mood was different today. He kissed my lips and they parted with his, I breathed in his sweet scent until I felt high off of it's drug like scent.

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