President Snow's Granddaughter

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"Katniss me and your mother will be planning the wedding and taking care of your kids, alright?" Effie says. "Effie you really don't have to do this" i say. "Katniss this is a huge deal!" she hisses. "Okay" i sigh. The guys that escorted me yesterday ding the doorbell, the kids gallop to the door. "Ivy Evan! Don't open the door" i yell. Peeta picks them both up and ushers them to me as he opens the door. "Guys we are busy today please be good mommy and daddy we love you" I say placing them on their beds.Mom organizes there books and toys into there shelves of wonder. That's what Ivy calls it. "Ms. Mellark?" a husky voice booms in the house. The kids grab my waist holding on tight. The man in the police suit, the one I've talked to is in my kids room with a gun. I push them back closing the door behind. "I'm sorry Miss but this is urgent!" he hisses. "What is it?" i hiss back. "President snows granddaughter has been put in Jail she is going to be escorted today. But the family has been unheard of. So we need to patrol district 12" he says Peeta comes in the hall wearing a black uniformed bullet proof suit. He looks stunning. "Oh and we have a suit for you" he says giving me a uniform from a man's hand behind him. 

"Change now we are going to be called here in a minute" he says urging me into my bathroom. I quickly change, the suit is a pain to put on since its so sturdy and heavy. My hair on my back is naughty, so I quickly brush it till no more tangles are found. Lastly I put it in my usual braid. I come out, and Peeta hands me a gun. "A gun? No bow?" I ask. He shakes his head. "I guess a guns better" he says.

We enter the hospital all the 'Police' are talking on their cordless phones. Not paying attention to the nurses that stroll by. The hospital is busy with nurses rushing all over the place, I wonder why. Preparing for Snow's family, I assume. Johanna and Peeta are on my team, of course. This situation makes my stomach churn. They are bullet proof vests but still Peeta's shoulder is still sore from the gun shot. I feel sick to my stomach the more I walk, so does Peeta and Johanna they know how it feels. I can tell by there faces. We have all been through it. The hospital seemed to make Johanna and Peeta a bit twitchy even now they seem paranoid. "Hey are you okay?" i ask him. He nods. Taking my cold hand, his strong sure hand pleases my sick stomach making it warm and fluttery like a birds first flight. Without Peeta, I would not be living. So this situation right here and right now which I wish was over makes it dreadful. We enter the room I was in yesterday, the sign is no longer on the door. Whatever number it was. This keeps getting stranger and stranger by the minute.

"I have been so rude, My name is Jack, I am the commander" the guy says shaking all of our hands. His hands are rough, you know this man works hard at what he does. "And of course I know all of yours" he says shaking Johanna's hand the longest. "Now I'm not going to tell you there names, to many" he says gesturing towards our group of ten people. "So Katniss or should it be soldier Mellark?" Jack says. The memories pour in I start to breathe through my mouth, a bit unsteady like. "No" I stammer. "Just Katniss" I plead. Peeta takes my hand. "Do you want to watch the escort of President Snows granddaughter?" Jack asks. I'm not so sure i would like to see her die over my life time i have saw enough of that. "No" Peeta Johanna and i say at that same time. We don't laugh about it, this is serious. "Alright then let's patrol" he says smirking.

I grab my gun out of my pocket unsure how to fire i ask jack. "Well see that? That's the trigger" he says pointing to a gap in the gun where my finger could fit. "It triggers the fire that's why it's called trigger" he says. "Reload you do this" he says screwing open a hole and spilling out metal things that fall to the ground making loud clinking noises, he scrambles in his pocket for more. He pours them back in. "These are bullets" he says showing them to--Peeta Johanna and i. "This gun is advanced technology, you don't have to put the bullets in align together it does it's self. Better then the capitol gun Clover had" he says chuckling. Clover must be Coins granddaughter i assume "This is a pretty advanced gun" Johanna says we all  nod. "Yes it is Johanna" Jack says eying her. "Oh and this is how you fire" he says snapping back into perspective  holding the gun up to his eye level, he closes his left eyes and fires at a trash can making a loud phew, clank. People are scurrying out now, once they see us they go back in."Have you used a weapon in your life?----Oh shoot i shouldn't be asking that yes you have-- So you will be fine using this little pistol" he says motioning for us to start walking. He puts his gun in his holder, i do so too.


"Cloves dead now the family count is elven" i hear a girls voice into the cordless phone's of Jacks. He grins at the news. I want to, but it doesn't come on, Johanna's lips play a small smile."The family is at the hob group B is near hob go into side entrance group B is going into main" she comes in again Jack takes it from his pocket, and speaks into it. The rest of our groups phones have muffled voices from theirs. "Alright 7889" Jack says. He runs towards the hob. I grab Peeta's hand tight while we make it to the side entrance. "The whole family has red jackets on" he says. He points to the family, i gasp they all have make up on there hair is crazy, and there clothes underneath are ridiculous.  Everyone is staring at them, i realize they have knives. "That is defiantly them" Peeta says. I look at the six at them, alive and well.  "Yea" Johanna and i say we smile at each other. Johanna aims her gun at a blond old lady while i take a young boy. The door that is inches open protects us from there sight, and tables in front of us. My knees ache to stand up, i open the door slightly more.  Peeta's gun isn't even out. My gun shakes, i cant kill him. "Peeta i can't do this" i shake. "Me neither just let the group do it" he says. "Then what was our point in coming then?" i stutter. "I don't know" he says stroking my hair away. It calms me down to make me stop shaking. "FIRE" jack yells. Peeta and i jump at his loud deep voice beside us. Johanna grins. I fire while looking away people scream running away from Coin's family, the young boy spots our group B and A. He stares straight at me, he throws his knife right at me. I gasp, ducking with Peeta below me i run away shooting directly at him as he kills an innocent girl on the sidewalk. I hit him, he chokes up blood then slowly falls to the ground. I dart my eyes away.

Peeta pulls me away Johanna runs towards the hospital shooting at the last one standing. One guy charges towards us, the door closed i open it quickly. I fire the gun my ears ringing, it hits his head. Nurses and doctors scream as the guys blood squirts out of his eyes. I know this will be in one of my nightmares i look away fast, squinting. The group tackles the rest, some peacekeepers have pulled out long lethal knifes, stabbing them viciously Jack comes in wiping away dirt from his face, he is a little handsome i would say. Johanna seems to be making googly eyes at him.  Our group is still alive expect one is dead. The fight went quick, I'm surprised. We enter the hospital not injured i rip off my heavy bullet proof wear. I'm not naked but I'm wearing Spandex everything which makes everything stand out. I feel completely nude. Jack gives my pants and a jacket. Peeta strips off to, Jack gives him the same clothes. Johanna also. She growls as she looks at her stained jacket. "It's not stained it's the design" Jack says chuckling. They both look at each other glaring then it turns soft. "I'm going to go change" Jack says exiting the room. Johanna gives me a shh sign, she follows Jack out. "Well that was weird" i say as she exits. "There's something going on between them i bet" Peeta says. "There has to be" i say.

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