Walking down

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I walked down the sandy pathway, well everything was sand, while Peeta's eyes glittered in the moon light.  The lit up path drove me towards him, with what looked like glowing stones. We locked each others eyes, not sure what we were going to do or say. "It's so beautiful here" I whispered softly. "Not as beautiful as you" he said. I smiled, ear to ear, I laughed. He grinned. "Oh Peeta, your so charming" I goofed. 

He offered a hand, taking me into the water. I was wearing a silky dress, the warm wind picked up and it made my dress flow. "Are we going to swim?" I questioned as my feet cautiously came to a stop nearest to the edge of the water. It felt cool, not too cool that'd you shiver to your feet and head. "It's a perfect night for it.." "But come on we just got here..." I said, trailing off into my sleepiness. I wanted to do something else. Sit by the waters edge, listen to the critters that chirped during this time of the night, and feel the breeze against my tanned skin. "That doesn't matter" he said matter oh factly. I wanted to say I was tired but I couldn't waste this once and a life time opportunity. It was Peeta and only me and this beautiful oasis. I waded through the water first, liking the way it moved around my almost naked body. I stripped off my dress throwing it to the shore, hating the way it felt on me soaked. I slowly pulled my hair out of its braid, and it neatly fell in little waves. Peeta took off his shirt, which caught my attention. I went over to him, while he brought me deeper and deeper until I had to wrap my legs around his waist to keep from drowning. I've never had much experience with swimming. With Peeta's stocky build he stood rock solid in the water. I smiled at him while staring into his blue shinning eyes. His lips grazed my breast, my bra on. I felt like taking it off but I had other things on my mind. 

"We could go hiking tomorrow. Explore the place" I said dreamily. A wave crashed into us both, almost knocking him over, but Peeta wouldn't budge. "That sounds exactly like something you would want to do." "Yes" I smiled. His lips crushed over my smile, breaking it into a gasp of pleasure to come out of between my lips. He felt nice against me and I loved the way I was wrapped around him. I wrapped my legs around tighter, careful not to choke him. My insides were squirming for many things right now. But that'd have to wait. "Let's wait" I stopped his insistent lips, burning with love and passion. He said "Yes." and I fell off of him, crashing into the water. I swam closer to shore and floated on my back, stretching my arms back. I stayed like this for some time. "It's getting dark we should go inside" Peeta said. I nodded. The moon was going a little lowly behind jungle trees, making shadows in some of the water. Which looked like monsters from nightmares. I shook my head to get the memory out. Hunger grumbled in my stomach, and I walked to our glowing house. 

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