The crowd-The idea

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The crowd outside was intimidating. I had to go out, either way. Peeta didn't like any bit of it. A single dang thought I had. He was biting his nails when I stepped out. The first step outside swayed me like an emotional boat, waiting to wreck and pour everything out. I had to-and he knew it. Ivy stood next to me, protecting and guarding me like the little angel she is. Her arm was shaking--or was it mine? I hadn't noticed because the woman lunged at me. I rocketed back onto the ground, unsure of what to do next. But adrenaline was pumping into my veins--waning dangerously. I had to make two quick decisions--fight her or let the peace keepers handle this. I chose my first quick decision-lunging at her too with a deep growl. Ivy said something but I couldn't hear over our angry feet kicking up the gravel and dirt. It filled my nostrils and I staggered back waiting to sneeze. She took me by surprise--taking my neck. My vision was collapsing. My lungs too--I couldn't breath and I swore loudly while gasping for what little air that entered through. If Peeta hadn't come out I would of been dead--dead. And I knew she wanted it-but what about the rest of the people?

A few other people crowded around. Peeta took my arm, while Ivy ushered everyone away with her small arms. People stood like cement to the ground. They wouldn't leave until I said something. I ripped myself out of Peeta's grasp. "Kat-" "No" I snapped. He looked at my warily, biting his lip.

"I'm sorry" I apologize to the crowd. A few people were giving me dirty looks. Some were calm and sincere--understanding. "Sorry..what?" one said, cupping her ear and cocking her head. "She said she's sorry" one said, she stole a quick glance at me. I took a step back. "And you know what? What is she apologizing for? She's done nothing wrong!" a man yells. "She fought me" she protests. "She was protecting her family" he continues but was cut off from the numerous amount of peace keepers. Mayor Undersee was in the middle wearing an angry expression.

"What's going on?" he asks over the murmurs from shocked faces. Woman and men are being dragged away, handcuffed and to remain still. I remain silent and still, shock plays with my whole body. Peeta caresses my left hand. It's electric buzz keeps half of my mind off of what is going on. Everyone in our neighborhood is making an appearance now. Including my mother who seems to of just woken up. The shock seems to rip through the crowd like a knife slicing through butter. I can't contain myself to just not stand still. I pace awkwardly behind Peeta, mother comes over to sooth me. "Katniss it's alright" she said. The mayor comes over to me, breaking my last long stride. "They have no idea, do they?" he said. I shook my head. Whatever he said now doesn't matter. They know but they honestly don't care. And it's haunting. And cruel. I cannot take it.

Undersee takes my hand, dragging me in front of Johanna's house. Johanna comes through the crowd, swearing at anyone that lays a single finger on her. Johanna looks mortified. Jack stands to the side, eyeing me with whatever expression I cannot describe or figure out. "Katniss I have an idea" he said. I raised my right eyebrow in question. Peeta crossed his arms--waiting.

"We need to put them all in jail. And then you go to save them. They'll have to like you after that" he said and it was the most smartest idea ever. An idea I wouldn't ever think about.

"That's actually a wonderful idea" I said, mused. And he began his plan.

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