Wedding: Part 2

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My heart does not stop, my heart fills with madness. Gale will scare my children, why does he want to be here anyways? He hates Peeta and I, our whole family. Why is he here? Police are surrounding him with guns four of them he stands on his tipsy toes and waves to me. I continue walking down, i see Peeta but i try not to make eye contact, my children which are spreading pink yellow and blue flowers on the walk way see him to. Once there done they sit with my mother, she smiles at me crying. I then feel so dizzy i might fall, the tears come down my cheeks. I tried to hold it in. Effie rushes in the front her dark velvet dress waves,she hands me a bouquet of white roses, fake thank God because then they would reek of there smell. Similar to snow's. I see Johanna, Jack, Haymitch, i recognize Mayor Undersee, and Madge. She waves, i wave back smiling widely. The pianos music stops when i step up the stairs, i take a deep breath. Peeta does to. He seems to have sweat formed on his forehead. I wipe mine away, i wipe his away. I mouth it's okay relax. He nods slightly, taking my hands his are very hot same as mine are.

The man that has a big book in his hand seems to been of talking for hours.The man gives me my ring case, i take it out. I carefully put it on Peeta's ring finger, smiling. Peeta pulls on mine, it's so beautiful it takes me a while to look back up. White and gold, crystal with a gold ring. I have been staring straight at Peeta for the whole time, so has he. We don't know where else to look. When the man says kiss the bride, i almost jump out of my socks. Then before i know it Peeta is kissing me, i kiss back before he stops. Everyone applauds, clapping, and whistling. "Yay mommy!" Ivy yells. "Yay daddy" Evan yells. Peeta and I laugh

. We walk down the aisle everyone follows us to the banquet. The lighting it blinding. The chandeliers hover over us, they have been here for years. Classical music is on, calming me and Peeta down i can tell by the muscles on his arms. Madge invites me into a hug her smile bright, Mayor undersee is talking with people from District 12. Her warm hug makes me close my eyes, she releases me. "Katniss Peeta Congratulations! I have a gift for you both" she says handing us each a bag. "Oh madge that's to nice of you" Peeta says giving her a hug. "Oh it was no problem Peeta!" she remarks.  I dig into the bag, my hand hits a soft material. I pull it out to see Ivy sized clothes. It's a pink yarn woven dress, not a hole or overlap. Perfectly sown. "Thanks Madge Ivy will love it--where is she?" i say. "Ivy! Look what Madge made you!" i say as i spot her and Even. "Evan Peeta has one too!" i say. I take Peeta's quickly then hand it back to him. A pair of khaki pants. Ivy takes it like she would a stuffed animal she snuggles it in her arms. "Thanks Madge" Ivy says giving her a hug. Peeta takes the bags setting them on our families reserved table. "Evan say thanks" Peeta says. "Thanks" Evan says giving her a hug. "Gosh they are too cute Katniss!" she says high pitched. The room now seems to be getting more crowded, more people saying 'congratulations'. Johanna and Jack sit down. Effie, Haymitch, my mom Peeta, Madge, Ivy, Evan, and i all sit down as Mayor Undersee taps the microphone at the front on stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen i want to thank you all for coming out today on this beautiful day for Mr. and Ms. Mellark's wedding. They also thank you. How about you guys come on stage!" he says orotund. "Are you coming Katniss?" Peeta says slipping his feet out to stand. I look up at him, nodding. "Do you want to take the kids?" i ask. "Yea sure" he says getting Ivy. "Evan come on sweetie" i say. He walks over to take my hand, his small hand fits perfectly inside my palm.

Peeta strides on stage, taking the mic. I walk the stairs standing beside Peeta. "Thanks for coming today, we are having a great time so far. Now i would like you to meet our children----" he says everyone gasps, and awes. "Ivy and Evan" he continues pulling them in front of the stage. They wave, smiling, the bright light making them look like bright white angles. The crowd claps. "Thank you i have some things to announce" Undersee speaks into Peeta's ear. "Alright folks who's ready for some food?" He booms loudly. Everyone cheers.

We all sit back down with our plates full, the cake behind me is as tall as me. It will feed everyone. The crowd is huge. Gale which is sitting with the police is staring at me as he eats his chicken leg. I hand the kids napkins there mouths are greasy with the chicken's grease. "Ms. Mellark" Johanna says in front of me. I look up, Jack is not beside her. "Congratulations, and any wonder why--Gale is here?" she says. "Thanks for the thousandth time today" i groan, she chuckles. "I don't know, that's what I'm going to do is ask him. "Katniss" Peeta says. "There's no reason to" he says. "Well there is honey, because he's scaring the kids and i don't like him" i say calmly. "Okay" he sighs. I kiss his forehead.

"Why is he here?" i ask the police i spot jack, not looking this way. I look back and spot Johanna smiling at him, i look back at his grinning face. None of the police respond. But Gale does. "Because Katnip why would i want to miss an important day?" he say. "Well you missed two of them, my children" i say in a stentorian voice. "Sorry i missed that but i was in 2" he says taking my hands i slap them away. The police guard me from him Gale's voice is loud now the police are  going all over the place. A gun fires and i duck, flinching to the ground. Screaming, crying, ivy Evan! Closing my eyes, i start to shake. "Katniss?" Peeta's soft voice snaps me back. I get up quickly hugging him my wedding dress is ruined with bright red---blood. Gale's body is laid face forward on the ground blood wells, from a whole on his cheek bone.  I get up Jack's eyes are glassy, the gun in his hand--gun-. "Did you kill him?" i say in a taut voice. He nods. "You ruined my wedding, my kids have seen someone die!"
 i yell sobbing. "I--I'm sorry" he stutters. "GET OUT" i yell. He and the police jog out.Johanna's face is ghost pale.My mother and Effie drag me into the bathroom along with the kids and Peeta. I sob into my mothers arms while Effie strokes my dress down. "D-Did-the kids see it?" i sob. It take moments before she responds. "Yes, there in shock right now, there at the hospital" she says. I stumble into Peeta's chest wanting Peeta's warmth instead of my mothers. "I should of listened to you Peeta--I'm so sorry" i sob into his chest. "'s okay. I still love you" he says kissing my lips, he wipes my hot burning tears away.

We eat slowly, we decide to eat cake them go to the hospital. Peeta and I cut then cake then eat, the crowd slowly descends. When everyone is gone we change and head to the hospital.

SORRY FOR A VIOLENT WEDDING!!! COMMENT BELOW IF YOU WANT ME TO CHANGE IT! Your opinion counts! The reason why i put it in: I thought the wedding was getting boring, Katniss' children hates Gale such as the rest of the family, Gale just needed to be gone instead of going back to District 2. Don't worry ladies and gentlemen there is more violence coming and a lot of happy moments.

May the odds be ever in your favor.

- Katnissmellark675

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