Several daggers flew through the air however, none of them reached the targets before my arrows. Each dagger came from Lucy who was showing me her skills. I was doing the same. I just happened to be more successful.
With a small smile, Lucy turned to me.
"Your bow makes them go faster." She claimed.
"Perhaps. Or perhaps I'm better." I grinned.
"With a bow, yes. Not so much with blades." Lucy pointed out before walking to the targets to retrieve her weapons. I followed and pulled each arrow out the targets.
"Speaking of, aren't you meant to be meeting my brother?" She questioned.
"If you mean Edmund, then yes. Peter doesn't like me."
"I'm sure she does." Lucy assured me. Then she grinned. "Although, we all know Edmund likes you much more than anyone else." She raised her eyebrows.
"Okay, well, I must leave." I announced making Lucy laugh. With another goodbye, I left her for the grounds I was to meet Edmund.
Edmund was waiting for me when I got there. There was a sword in his hand that he was swinging around. There was an air of grace around him and I watched for a few seconds. As I watched, I noticed a sword sitting on a stand, probably for me. Finally, I cleared my throat. Edmund turned around and a smile grew on his face.
"Hi," Edmund said as I walked up to him. "Glad you could make it."
"I need to learn." I told him. "Is that for me?" I nodded to the sword.
"Ah, yes." Edmund moved to the side and I pulled the sword up. It was heavy enough for me to have a good grip on it. I gripped the handle and Edmund noticed. He walked around and stood behind me.
"Your grip is too tight." Edmund explained putting his hand over mine. His lips were very close to my cheek. I turned my head to look at him. Our faces were close enough that I could easily kiss him. Edmund smiled.
"You're doing that on purpose." I nudged him with my elbow and he kissed my cheek with a laugh.
"Maybe, but you are holding it too tight." Edmund explained moving so that he stood in front of me at sword's length. "Ready?" He asked raising his sword. I nodded and copied his technique.
It wasn't that I didn't know how to use a sword. It was more like I didn't know how to fight with it. Edmund had been helping me with that. Despite what Edmund thinks of me, his brother had other opinions. For some reason, the oldest Pevensie child despised me with all his might. It probably didn't help with the fact Edmund and I had open feelings about each other.
"Your footing is off. Your feet need to be firmly planted on the ground." Edmund instructed after I tripped over my feet for the tenth time. The third time I fell into his arms. I did as he said and parried his strike as I learned.
"Ed!" The two of us continued to practice when peter called for his brother.
"What?" Edmund called blocking my swing.
"We need to talk."
"Fine." Edmund took a step away from me and lowered his sword. Both of us were out of breath and we stood still for a second. I held my hand out and Edmund passed me the hilt of his sword. Our hands brushed and I gave him a small smile before he went to speak to his brother.
Someone touched my back and I jumped, dropping the swords. I quickly picked them up and turned to see Lucy.
"That was a short practice." Lucy stated. "Usually you practiced for longer. Mainly because you kiss." She smirked.
'Yeah, your other brother is the reason for that." I explained.
"Come on," Lucy took my arm and pulled me into the castle. I questioned her, but Lucy ignored me.
Instead, she dragged me around until she stopped. I nearly bumped into her. There were two voices and I recognised them as Edmund and Peter's.
"I don't care if you don't trust (Y/N)! I do." Edmund told his brother.
"You're not good at that. Remember the White Witch?"
"Fine, but Lucy and Susan trust (Y/N). You don't know how to trust people at all."
Peter sighed and I looked at Lucy who was smiling.
"I just want you to be safe." Peter added.
"I'll be fine. I love (Y/N), Peter." Edmund told his brother. While I was listening to her brothers, Lucy left me in the corridor. There were footsteps coming towards me and I froze. As Edmund came around the corridor, I relaxed a little.
"What're you doing here?" He asked.
"Lucy dragged me here." I explained. "And before you ask, I heard everything." I held out my hand and Edmund took it. He kissed my cheek and grinned.
"All of it was true."
"I love you too."

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...