"Scott do you think I have a chance with Y/N?" you heard your classmate, Chris asked Scott. "No" Scott whispered back. You looked over at Scott who happens to be one of your best friends and you give him a dirty look. Once Chris walked away, you went up to Scott and softly punched him in the arm. "What was that for?" he asked you, holding his arm. "Why did you tell him no?" you asked. "Because, you're the most powerful witch in this world and you're going to go out with him?" Scott replied. You looked at Chris and then back at Scott. "He's sweet and cute" you said back. "Sweet and cute don't mix with witches" Scott responded. "Whatever" you said, mad. You walked away from Scott. He ran up to you, "It's just that you can do better. You're so cool and powerful, you deserve someone that's on a higher level" Scott said, trying to make it sound better. "Next time let me decide who I like and who I don't" you told him.
During lunch time you went and sat next to Chris, hoping he would ask you out or something. Even though he wasn't exactly your type, you still sort of liked him. "Hi Chris, how are you?" you asked him. "I'm great. What's the deal with Scott? Are you too a couple?" Chris asked. "Me and Scott? No way" you replied. Scott was sitting at the other table and he listened in on your conversation, with his wolf ears. He got so mad and stormed off. He made a big scene because everyone in the cafeteria stopped what they were doing and stared at Scott. "I will be right back" you told Chris. You ran after Scott, "Scott. Wait up. SCOTT" you yelled. He turned around and his eyes were glowing, "Scott. Calm down. What is wrong? You need to calm down before someone sees you" you told him. "I am calm, so calm!" he shouted. You walked up to him, touched his arm but he pulled away. You've never seen him act like this. "Leave me alone" he demanded. You let him walk away.
The next day at school things were tense between the two of you, so you sat with Chris at lunch. "Would you ever consider going out with me?" Chris asked you. You blushed, "Maybe" you replied, playing hard to get. "Just maybe?" said Chris. "Sure, why not" you responded. You and Chris flirted for the rest of lunch, when lunch was over you headed to your next class. You were about to walk into class when someone grabbed your arm, "Hey!" you shouted. It was Scott, "Don't go on a date with him" Scott said to you. "Were you listening in on our conversation?" you asked, already knowing the answer. You were getting really mad, "Scott that's not fair. You can't just do that" you shouted. "I'm just protecting you" he responded. "I don't need protecting Scott, god. Let me live a little" you replied. You escaped from Scott and went to class.
You ignored Scott in the hallway, you ignored his calls and his texts. He even tried showing up at your house but you didn't answer the door. "I think he gave up" you thought to yourself. The next day you waited for Chris at his locker, "Hey cutie" Chris said to you. You noticed that Scott was in the same hallway so you kissed Chris on the cheek, then looked at Scott. His eyebrows were raised and his face got all red, he was mad. Scott came storming over to you and Chris. "SHE'S MINE" he yelled at Chris. Scott grabbed your hand and pulled you into an empty classroom. "What the hell, Scott" you said. "Y/N. Stop this. Stop all of it. Don't date him, don't talk to him, and don't do anything with him. You can't see him. I forbid you to" Scott said, going on a tangent. "You forbid me?" you said, pissed. "Yeah, I do" Scott replied. "Who do you think you are? You have no right to tell me who to date or who to talk to. Chris is a nice guy, a lot nicer than you! He doesn't demand things like you do, he's not bossy or" you were saying. "I love you, Y/N. I've been in love with you for years, but you never noticed. I have wasted years of my life trying to push my love for you under a rug and I can't do it. I can't let you waste your time with him when I know we belong together" Scott confessed to you. This was all so overwhelming for you, he was your best friend and has been for years. You never thought of Scott as more than a friend, "I need to go" you told him, leaving him in the empty classroom after confessing his feelings for you.
You left school that instant and ran home, you got to your house and headed up to you room. You were a witch, the kind that casts spells, has special gifts and can fly. Well, maybe not the flying but you are pretty much one of the most powerful witches. You didn't believe a word Scott said, so you had to investigate. You read your tarot cards hoping they would give you an answer, but nothing. Next you tried having a premonition, about anything that could give you and answer, but nothing. You tried a spell, you wrote your spell on a piece of paper, you chanted the spell, lit it on fire and it was supposed to give you the initials of your soul mate.
S.M. is said on the paper, Scott's initials. You didn't know anyone else with those initials. You tried anything spell, same thing happened. You tried one last spell, to make you see your soulmate. It was basically going to give you a premonition about your soulmate. You chanted the spell and then there it was, your premonition with your soulmate. You didn't have time to think, you left your house and you were gone.
"Y/N?" Scott said, as he opened his front door. You were crying, "I'm so sorry Scott for saying all those mean things to you and being an awful person" you began to say. "Its okay" he replied. "No, it's not. I shouldn't treat my soulmate like that, it was just that I didn't know, my feelings-"Scott cut you off. "Soulmate?" he asked. "I went home and had a premonition. It's you Scott. You're my soulmate. You're the one I'm going to be with for the rest of my life. It's you and it has always been. I was so stupid to not see that. I'm sorry" you were still crying but Scott wrapped his arms around you and hugged you. This felt so right, a few days ago you only saw him as your boyfriend but now you knew he is the one. That hug felt incredible, it was like sparks flying, magical. "I knew we would be together, even if you didn't" Scott said to you. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you."
Scott kissed you for the first time, on the lips. The kiss was special, there was a connection, for sure. "What are you doing?" you asked Scott. His eyes began to glow, his wolf ears were out, "I'm marking you, that way everyone knows your mine" he said, right before he bit you (not hard enough to turn you, but it did turn you on). "Now you're mine" he proclaimed. "Forever" you replied.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...