The day was gloomy. The rain was on and off making it hard for the gladers to get their work done. The soil was too damp for the track hoes, the maze was too wet for the runners, so Alby let everyone take the day off. Frypan even managed to get the day off, only having to heat up some leftovers at meal time.
"Morning baby" Gally hummed in y/n's ear, snaking his arms around her waist, before pulling her closer to him. For the first time in a long time they were able to sleep in. She rolled over onto her side so she was facing him. Her tired eyes, still baggy from just waking up met his. Gally took in her beauty. Even though she had bags under her eyes, and her hair was a mess he thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. He began to place quick pecks all over her face. He kissed her nose, then her chin, then her cheek, then her forehead. He saved her lips for last, letting his lips linger there longer than the rest of the kisses.
She pulled back slowly. "Why didn't you wake me to go to work" she questioned realizing the time. Every morning Gally would wake her up to go to work, she wondered why today was different. "It's raining, so shuck face let everyone have the day off" he smiled wrapping an arm at the small of her back. Another one snaked around her neck, pulling her lips to his once again. This time the kiss wasn't short and sweet. It was deeper and more passionate.
A knock at the door interrupted them. Gally growled causing y/n to giggle, before getting out of bed to go and answer it. "What do you want" he snapped after he opened the door and realized it was Alby. "Keepers meeting in council hall. Five minutes" Alby said. Gally slammed the door shut and walked back to bed.
"Now where were we" he groaned plopping down back onto the bed. Y/n rolled her eyes before sitting up. "You need to go to the meeting" she said climbing over Gally to get dressed and ready for the day. She made it halfway over him when he pulled her back down on top of him. "I don't want to go, I want to spend the day with you. Forget those shanks." He complained holding her hips down on top of him so she couldn't escape. "Gal we have the whole day. Go see what they want. I'm gonna go and get some food" she replied. She finally wiggled out of his grip and got up to get dressed. Gally went to council hall while y/n went to the kitchen.
Y/n walked into the kitchen and everyone looked up at her, then quickly looked back down at their food. She walked in grabbed some food from fry and found an empty picnic table to sit down and eat at. She ate her food alone as she did most days when Gally was too busy. The gladers liked y/n but always kept their distance because of Gally. He was very protective of her. But Y/n was the same way. If a girl got to close to Gally, all hell would break loose. They were perfect for each other. Both hotheads, loud, stubborn and wild. That's why they were usually inseparable.
Y/n sat eating and poking around at her food. Sighing. She hated how people didn't want to be near her but she understood why. Gally was overprotective, and that was something she loved about him. She could hear the girls at the table next to her talk and she began to listen. "Newt is so hot, I call dibs." One girl said, "oh I call Minho" another said. "We'll I think Gally is pretty cute" another said and y/n couldn't help but laugh at how pathetic these girls sounded.
"Gally is only into crazy girls, as you can see" one of the girls whispered before pointing over towards y/n. Y/n dropped her fork on her tray and stood up from the table. She waked over to the picnic table that was occupied by three girls. "I'm sorry, but did I just hear you call me crazy?" Y/n scoffed looking at Sierra in particular she was almost positive she was the one who said it. All three girls sat there in silence eyes wide. Y/n just shook her head at the three and began to walk away. "See... Crazy" Sierra laughed. Y/n stopped in her tracks, her jaw clenched. She shut her eyes and exhaled before she kept walking. Patience.
It was still raining outside and the glade was a muddy mess. Y/n waited outside the kitchen as people piled out and ran to homestead. Finally the three girls exited the kitchen. Y/n grabbed Sierra by the wrist stopping her from walking away. "So you had a lot to say about me inside" she hissed. The other girls ran away in fear leaving y/n all alone with Sierra. Sierra tried freeing her wrist from y/n's hold but couldn't. Y/n laughed at her struggle before letting go of her grip, freeing her hand. "You are nuts, you and Gally. You-" before Sierra could finish y/n punched her in the face dropping her to the ground. Y/n hopped on sierras body pinning her down to the ground. "Apologize" she demanded and Sierra shook her head. Y/n brought a first up punching her in the face once more. "Apologize" she repeated, still no apology. Y/n raised her fist again.
"Thomas don't" a voice called out. The new greenie this month ignored and ran over to the two girls fighting. He stopped y/n's fist from pounding into Sierras face again. He put one arm around y/n's stomach and another around her chest pulling her off of Sierra. Y/n turned around and saw the greenie Thomas holding her. Then a voice y/n knew all to we'll came into ears. "Hey shuck face get your hands off of my girl" he belted across the glade. Y/n looked over and saw Gally running full speed over to them.
Sierra got up and ran away at the noise of Gallys voice. Thomas finally let y/n go. But it was too late.
Gally jumped on top of Thomas knocking him onto the ground. He sat on Thomas's legs holding him down while sending punch after punch all over the boy. Some were to his face others to his stomach. Thomas tried his best to block but Gally was strong and repetitive. He kept going, blow after blow.
Alby, Newt and Minho came into sight and finally pulled Gally off of Thomas. If I didn't see his chest going up and down id suspect he died. Blood stained his face as we'll as Gally's knuckles. "You two are ridiculous. How many times is this going to happen?" Alby questioned looking back and forth in disgust at y/n and Gally. "Both of you to the slammer" he demanded. Newt gripped y/n's arm tightly. She yanked it free, "I can walk myself" she hissed turning her heels and walking in the direction of the slammer.
Y/n sat in the corner of the slammer with her knees to her chest. Gally knew something was wrong, this wasn't like her at all. To sit quietly and all cuddled up in the corner. "What's wrong y/n?" He asked taking a seat on the ground next to her. She looked up at him blankly before shaking her head. "It's just... I have no friends... and everyone thinks I'm crazy" she murmured. Gally's eyes fell forward. He stared at the wall as he tried to think of something to say. He knew 'your not crazy' and 'I'm sorry' wasn't enough.
Y/n put her head back down to her knees. She wanted to cry, but that wasn't something she did. She never showed any signs of weakness. Gally stuck two fingers under her chin and pulled her head up so she could look him in the eyes. "You're perfect the way that you are. Screw those shuck faces. I love you" He insisted. Y/n couldn't help but smile and feel better after his words. Gally wasn't a man of many words, especially thoughtful and sweet ones. But she knew he meant it.
"You're right, forget what I said. What only matters is that I have you" she declared. Gally smiled and pulled her onto him so she was straddling his lap. His emerald green eyes shone against the dim light from the full moon. He stared in y/n's eyes as he took her in. He loved every inch of her, her personality, her body, her everything. He brought his hand up to her face before his tough calloused fingers traced her jawline. He dropped both hands down to her hips and pulled her closer. "I really fucking love you" he whispered before leaning in to kiss her. Y/n's tangled her fingers in his hair as their lips moved in a perfect sync. Gally's tongue lightly ran across y/n's bottom lip before she parted her lips granting him access to her mouth. He slipped his tongue in to deepen the kiss. Smiles crept up on both of their faces.
Y/n pulled back trying to catch her breath. She placed her forehead on his, "I really fucking love you too" she breathed.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
أدب الهواةHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...