You sat in english class, hastily scribbling down notes about The Crucible as your teacher lectured on about Puritans and their values. You were trying to pay attention, and maybe on another day you would have, but you couldn't shake the terrible feeling that had you nearly squirming in your seat.
You cast a glance outside the window, hoping that maybe looking at the pretty blue sky would convince you that everything was fine. You should have known it wouldn't be that easy, because of course nothing was ever easy in Beacon Hills. The coming supermoon did nothing to change that, and it might have actually been making things worse.
One seat behind you, Isaac Lahey couldn't help but notice your nervous demeanor. He knew he should have been paying attention, especially since he had a lot to catch up on since he had returned from France, but he couldn't help his concern. He had always been worried about your safety, even after you had broken up when he left.
He knew it might not be his place anymore, but old habits die hard, and he saw nothing wrong with just listening to your heartbeat for a few seconds. He frowned as he heard it alternate between different speeds, as if you were constantly trying to calm yourself down. He knew it might not be a good idea to ask you about it, especially with the current state of your relationship (virtually nonexistent), but he decided to ask anyway.
"Hey," he whispered, poking you gently in the back with his pen.
You jumped slightly as Isaac pulled you out of your thoughts, looking back at him with a frown on your face. "What?"
"What's wrong?" he asked quietly. "Your heartbeat's all over the place."
"You're listening to my heartbeat?" you asked accusingly.
"Just this once," Isaac told you, although that was a lie and you both knew it.
"Nothing's wrong," you told him. "Take your notes. You need them."
You turned around in your seat and picked your pen back up, but it took Isaac barely two seconds to tap you again.
"Don't lie to me."
"You wanna talk about lies, Isaac?" you questioned as you turned back to him.
"Oh come on, Y/n," he whispered. "You know that's not fair."
"Oh, my bad," you told him. "You're right. It's my fault for thinking you actually cared."
"That's not fair," he insisted. "And it's also not true."
You were silent as you simply rolled your eyes and turned back around for the second time. Isaac sighed and leaned forward, his breath tickling your cheek as he whispered in your ear.
"You're avoiding my question," he told you. "Would you please just tell me what's wrong? I'm worried about you."
You frowned, trying to will yourself not to believe his sincerity. You bit the inside of your cheek, realizing that was impossible. Isaac hadn't exactly been there for you in the past few months, but you knew he meant what he said. You didn't know what was going on, but you figured you'd be better off if you told someone, even if that someone was Isaac.
"I don't know what it is," you admitted quietly. "It's just a feeling."
"A feeling?" Isaac repeated. " a banshee feeling?"
"I think so," you whispered. "I feel like something is going to happen, I just don't know what it is."
"It could just be the supermoon," he told you. "I can already feel it."
"Maybe," you said, although you didn't believe that for a second.
"Don't worry about it," Isaac promised you. "Everything will be fine."
He reached out, gently grabbing one of your hands in his under the desk. You froze for a moment, wishing you could go back to the way things were before he had left. For one blissful second you were able to pretend, but then you were tugging your fingers out of his and bringing your hand back into your lap.
"This does not mean we're friends," you whispered quietly.
"Of course not," Isaac told you, but he could tell he had gotten to you.
You still had feelings for him, whether you liked it or not, and he was still hoping he could get you back. He regretted leaving Beacon Hills, but most importantly he regretted leaving you. He had returned after Scott had called him for help with the dread doctors, but he had really been planning on coming back anyway. He missed you too much to let you go, even if he had needed a break from fighting for his life.
"Hey," he whispered, causing you to grit your teeth.
"What?" you hissed.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry," he said softly.
"You already apologized," you reminded him. "Like a hundred times."
"I know," he told you. "But this one's specific. Scott told me about you walking into the woods. He told me about how you found the bodies-"
"That's none of your business," you told him icily.
You didn't like talking about the number of times you had wondered through the woods, downtown, or onto the highway to find a dead body. Whenever you got that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach, you found yourself dropping whatever you were doing to go out and search for the dead. It always came to you without warning, and you had often walked outside without a jacket or even shoes on.
Your ability had nearly gotten you killed on several occasions, and you couldn't help but wonder if Lydia would be the one to find your body if you actually had. You hated what you were and there were times when you had wished Isaac were there so that you wouldn't be entirely alone. But the beta had left you when you needed him most, and that was something you weren't sure if you could forgive just yet.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there," he continued. "I should have been there to protect you."
"It doesn't matter," you said firmly. "I'm fine now."
"I know," Isaac told you. "But if anything happens, I'm going to be right there. I swear to god."
You sighed. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Isaac."
"Y/n-" Isaac started, but before he could finish, the bell rang.
You sighed in relief, wanting nothing more than to go home and just sleep the night away. With any luck, the dread doctors wouldn't be too active during the supermoon and you could have a night of peace. You quickly scooped your books into your bag, resisting the urge to look back at Isaac.
You headed towards the door, but before you could make it Isaac gently grabbed your wrist.
"I know you probably hate me now," he told you. "But if anything happens, you can call me, okay?"
You nodded, wanting to tear your eyes away from his intense blue ones, but finding it impossible. "I know."
You pulled your arm out of his grasp, turning your back on him and walking out the door. He watched you disappear into the steam of other kids with a sinking feeling in his stomach, suddenly feeling like tonight wouldn't be as peaceful as everyone was hoping. He didn't know what it was, but it was like the dreadful feelings you had told him about were infecting him too.
He shook it off, hoping that you really did know you could call him for anything. Because no matter what you thought, Isaac still loved you more than anything. He would do anything for you, and every moment he spent away from you had made him feel like he had made the worst mistake of his life. He just hoped that you would understand that too, and that he wouldn't lose you in the way he had lost so many people before.
"Sasha!" you called as you leaned against your back door. "Here, girl! Time to come inside!"
You peered into your dim yard, noticing that it was heavily illuminated by the bright moon outside. While the night was more visible, it did nothing to quell your nervousness. You didn't like being outside on a full moon, and it only worried you that your dog wasn't coming back inside.
You walked a little farther out onto your porch, shivering in the chilly air. You squinted in the darkness, trying to make out the wiggling shape of your dog. With a sigh, you walked farther out onto the porch as your shoes thumped on the wood.
"Sasha!" you called again.
You rubbed your hands up and down your arms as you waited, and that was when you heard it. Help me. Y/n, help me. Come find me, Y/n. You have to find me.
You blinked, your expression going blank as you stood in the frigid air. Your legs began to move, but it was as if you were a puppet being controlled by strings. You had no idea what you were doing, but at the moment it didn't occur to you to care. You stepped off the porch and headed towards the woods that bordered your yard, oblivious to the frantic barking behind you.
Back in your house, your dog continued the barking that you had been oblivious to for the past five minutes. She scratched at the door with sharp claws, whining as if it would get you to come back. You would later realize that she had never been outside at all, and you had been drawn into your backyard for an entirely different reason.
The moon was bright and pale that night as it shined through the windows and cast a dim glow through the highschool hallway. You fingertips grazed over the illuminated numbers on the lockers as you drifted through the hall, seemingly oblivious to where you were. It wasn't until you heard the voices that you finally came out of it, blinking in the dim hall.
You eyes darted around the space, and it took you a few moments to actually realize where you were. You tried to take a deep breath and calm yourself, but it just came out shaky. A wave of fear ran through you as you peered around the empty hallway, realizing that there was still a body that had to be found.
You could hear voices drifting down the hall, and you could tell they were coming from the library. But as you thought about it, those weren't the only voices you could hear. There was a soft whisper echoing in your ears, as if whoever the voice belonged to was standing right by your side.
You immediately knew what it meant, and you felt terror run through you as you felt that familiar sensation. You felt your legs begin to move faster, and before you could even think about it, you were running towards the library. You breath came in short gasps as you heard the voices, but you knew you would be too late.
"Scott. Scott. Scott," they whispered as you shoved open the library doors. You let out a piercing scream, just in time to watch Theo Raeken plunging his claws into Scott's abdomen. Scott's eyes were wide as Theo stabbed him, but they grew wider as he saw you enter the library. He stumbled back towards the stairs, feeling blood well up in his mouth as he realized he wouldn't be able to protect you from Theo.
"No!" you cried as Theo stabbed Scott over and over.
You reached out to grip the table as your knees began to buckle, feeling tears begin to well up in your eyes. Theo stood up as the light finally died from Scott's eyes, and he turned to you with a sick grin. You watched the blood drip from his fingers with a breathless gasp, completely frozen in shock.
"I bet you've seen some pretty horrible things as a banshee," Theo remarked calmly. "But this must make the top ten."
"Y-you killed him," you gasped. "You killed Scott."
"He didn't fit into my plan," Theo told you with a shrug of his shoulders. "You on the other hand, you're a critical part of it."
He slowly walked towards you and you stumbled back, your hands trembling as you almost tripped over something on the ground. You looked down to see that it was an arm, one belonging to Mason who was out cold on the ground. You looked back up at Theo, who was watching you with those dark, green eyes.
"See, you and Lydia found the nemeton together," Theo continued. "You know where it is, but I know you'll never tell me on your own. You're too loyal."
"Why do you care?" you whispered, feeling more confused than you ever had. "What do you want from us?"
"I want a pack," he told you, now only a few feet in front of you. "And you're going to help me with that. You might actually even be a part of it."
"I'd die before I was ever loyal to you," you told him shakily, finally finding your voice.
Theo smiled softly. "I thought you might say something like that."
In seconds, one of his hands darted out and tangled in your hair, yanking you towards him. You cried out, trying to kick and fight, but he was too strong for you.
"Let me go!" you cried.
"Sorry," Theo apologized as he reached out with his other hand, still sticky with Scott's blood. "I know this is dangerous, but I need to find it. I need to know where it is."
"No," you gasped. "Theo, don't-"
You were cut off by your own choked gasp as Theo plunged his claws into your neck. He violently pushed them further in as a hundred memories passed through your brain. It was an awful feeling to have someone digging around in your mind, and you had never felt so violated.
"I see it," Theo gasped, grinning as he realized he could now get what he had always wanted.
He tore his claws from your neck, expecting another cry of pain, but you were completely silent. He let go of you, watching with a frown as you dropped to the floor, your fingers trembling. Your eyes were blank as Theo knelt down to examine your face, tilting your head to the side.
His frown grew as he realized that you weren't going to snap out of whatever he had done to you. He stood up, regretting the fact that he wouldn't be able to use you to his advantage anymore. He left you there on the floor with Mason as you stared blankly off to your right, the sight of the nemeton and the ring of bodies surrounding it still fresh in your mind.
Isaac rolled over in his bed, unable to sleep. It wasn't just the supermoon that was affecting him, although he was sure that was a part of it. The fact that Scott had been gone for hours was also starting to worry him and then there was the problem of that sick feeling blooming in his gut. It had gotten progressively worse throughout the day, and if it weren't impossible, he would have compared it to the feelings a banshee got.
With a frustrated noise, he sat up in his bed and ran a hand through his curls. He thought about you and how nervous you had been earlier, and he couldn't help but think this had something to do with you. He had tried to simply shake off the feeling, but that seemed to be impossible.
His feet hit the floor softly as he padded to the bathroom, but before he could get there a wave of terror ripped through him. It felt like ice had frozen over in his chest and that something was terribly wrong.
He placed a hand on the wall to brace himself, but he felt like he was being hit by a semi-truck. You immediately crossed his mind, and there was no doubt that whatever was happening to him had everything to do with you. He thundered down the stairs, somehow knowing exactly where you were. If anyone had asked, there was no way he would be able to explain it, but he knew had to help you.
Isaac shoved open the doors of the school, skidding to a stop when he saw the chaos of the library. Books and broken pieces of chairs were strewn across the room, and there was shattered glass on the floor. Liam's friend Mason was helping Scott, who was heavily bleeding, up off the ground. They both looked like they had been through hell, but that wasn't even the worst part.
As Isaac's eyes fell to the floor in front of him, he saw you lying there on the carpet, a blank look on your face as Melissa held one of your trembling hands in her own. From the look on her face, Isaac could tell that whatever happened to you wasn't good.
"Y/n!" he cried as he slid to the floor next to you. "What happened? W-what's wrong with her?"
Melissa was silent for a moment, but Isaac already knew what the answer was going to be. "We don't know."
"It was Theo," Scott croaked, looking pitifully up at Isaac. "He wanted her to tell him where the nemeton was and he used his claws to..."
Scott gently touched the back of his neck with his hands, demonstrating what Theo had done to you. Isaac immediately felt a growl building his throat and he vowed that he was going to find Theo and kill him with his bare hands.
"I'm sorry," Scott whispered as Mason helped him over. "I couldn't protect her."
"What do we do?" Isaac whispered, reaching out to gently grab your hand. "Take her to a hospital?"
"I don't mean to be the hopeless one here," Melisaa said softly. "But I don't think there's anything any medical doctor can do for her."
"What about another kind of doctor?" Mason asked suddenly. "Liam said there was someone that helped you out, someone who knew about you guys."
Isaac looked up and met Scott's eyes. In one glance, both boys silently agreed.
"There is," Scott told Mason.
"So you can take her to him?" Mason asked.
Isaac nodded, looking down at your blank expression and squeezing your hand. "We can take her to Deaton."
Isaac gazed down at you as you lay on Deaton's exam table, staring blankly at the ceiling like you had been doing for the past twenty minutes.
"Isaac," Deaton said softly, drawing his attention away from you. "Could you move please?"
Isaac frowned, looking down at you like he didn't want to be another inch away from you. But then Scott put a hand on his shoulder, and Deaton assured him it would only be for a second. Finally, he let you go and backed away.
He watched as Deaton steped forward and shined a light in your eyes, and he realized he didn't like the way the doctor was frowning.
"Well," Deaton began. "I wish I could say I've never seen anything like it."
"This has happened before?" Isaac asked. "So you can fix it?"
"Not necessarily," the doctor admitted. "These types of things can permanently damage a person. Y/n's emotional state, her psyche, and even her brain could be critically impaired."
"What?" Isaac demanded. "You mean she's stuck like this?"
"There has to be a way," Scott told Deaton. "There is isn't there?"
Deaton pursed his lips. "It's dangerous."
"Tell us," Isaac insisted. "Anything is better than nothing."
"Not necessarily," Deaton warned. "It's possible that we could hurt her even further. It could do ten times the damage if-"
"Just tell us!" Isaac snapped.
"Scott," Deaton said calmly. "Do you remember when you and Lydia went into Stiles' head to separate him from the nogitsune?"
Scott nodded.
"It would be like that," Deaton told him. "Only with one more detail, perhaps the most important one. Isaac, you said you felt something was wrong with Y/n, correct? And you somehow knew where she was?"
Isaac nodded slowly, eyeing the veternarian cautiously. Deaton peered down at you as he set down the mini flashlight and looked from you to Isaac.
"When a werewolf creates a bond with someone, especially when that someone is one of the only few people they trust, they become connected to them. The fact that Y/n is a banshee only made that connection stronger. You're bound to each other, perhaps for life. That bond might be the only thing that can save her."
" mates?" Isaac asked.
"Essentially," Deaton told him.
"So we go into her head," Isaac said uneasily. "Just like Theo did."
"That's why I said it could damage her further," Deaton reminded him. "But if you don't..."
"She's as good as dead," Scott finished. "If we can help her, we have to try."
Isaac nodded. "And I go in too?"
"You might be the only person who can bring her back," Deaton told him firmly.
"Isaac," Scott told him. "It's your choice."
Isaac took a deep breath, looking down at your empty face. You seemed like a china doll, frozen and completely fragile. Isaac thought about Deaton's warning, but he knew there was no other option.
"We have to do it," Isaac told him. "We're bringing her back."
Isaac squeezed your hand once more, cringing at how cold it was. He couldn't help but feel responsible for what happened to you. After all, if he hadn't left for France, you would probably still be together. You might not have been by yourself, and you might not have wondered into Theo in the library. If Isaac had been there he could have protected you, but he had left you alone once again.
He shook off those thoughts, telling himself it didn't matter as he gripped your hand. It didn't matter, because he was going to get you back, no matter what he had to do.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...