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T/N/K= the neighboring kingdom 
You had to listen Arthur go on and on about the new man. He insulted Arthur twice apparently, although he was made his servant? "Y/N?" Arthur asked, "I only see you a couple times a month. I wish you'd pay attention."
Smirking, you retorted, "I'll listen when you don't bore me, Arty." You were a princess of a neighboring kingdom, so you knew Arthur from childhood. Your father agreed with his on magical beings. There was something scary about them.
Arthur faked being hurt. "You hurt me, Y/N. Am I not interesting enough?"
"Well, our lives are rather riveting," you said sarcastically. Your father hated it when you were sarcastic. He stressed that ladies weren't rude to others.
"Mine is," he bragged.
"Yes, sword fights and tournaments," you huffed, "Meanwhile, I get to wave a handkerchief." A snort from the hallway shocked you back to royal mode.
Arthur rolled his eyes. "Merlin!" A dark haired man came into the dining hall that you and Arthur had occupied. You felt your spine straightening and tightening. Years of practice made it routine.
He seemed embarrassed about being caught. "Yes, Arthur?"
"You weren't spying on us, were you?"
You waved your hand slightly to show indifference. "You are the man Prince Arthur has been complaining about."
"Guilty," he said awkwardly. His eyes were a nice blue.
"And eavesdropping as well?" You added.
Arthur rolled his eyes. "Lighten up, Y/N." You cracked a smile at that before turning to Merlin who looked scared. "I'm only jesting. I'm Y/N, Princess of T/N/K. Arthur has talked about you quite a lot."
"All horrible things, I assume." The statement made you laugh so Merlin smiled at that. He said something about chores and left.
You looked at Arthur. "I wish I had someone like that at home. You're so lucky."
"You can have him," he joked.
Merlin walked in the door way, crossing his arms. "But who would do everything for you, Arthur?" He replied cockily. You giggled at that, making Merlin beam again.

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