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Christmas time baby! 

It was Christmas, your favourite time of the year. But living with Sam and Dean wasn't as easy as you first thought. They never thought much of days like Christmas or even Halloween, a day you loved just as much, maybe a little less than Christmas. And of course you would have to suffer from that as well.
At least you convinced them to put away their work for at least for today and have a day off. It took some puppy eyes and begging but finally they gave in. More likely Dean gave in because Sam was actually happy to take a break. Even though the boys told you not to, you decided to decorate the bunker.
Since you were out of food and you suggested to cook something nice for today, Sam and Dean decided to go on a supply hunt. That would be all the time you got to decorate the bunker and release the Christmas spirit - not that much.
You rushed into your room and crawled under your bed to grab a few boxes with decoration and a few Christmas CDs. It was hard carrying them down into the main hall but once you reached it you smiled widely and put a CD in a music player, blasting 'All I Want for Christmas' loudly. You sang along and started unpacking the decoration.
You turned around to see Castiel standing in the doorway. The angel had a confused expression on his face - confusion with a mixture of curiousity.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
You beamed and held up a box of red and green bulbs. "Christmas decorating!" you crowed proudly. "Do you wanna help?" you asked him, getting to your feet.
"Uh, no, that's fine. I'm okay. I'll just watch." Castiel backed away as if he were scared of the Christmas decorations.
You shook your head. "Oh, no, you won't. I'm not letting you get away without having the full Christmas experience."
Setting down the box of Christmas bulbs, you put your hands on your hips and, quickly, striding across the room, grabbed the angel's hand and pulled him towards the tree (set up by courtesy of the Winchester brothers since you were too short and too petite to do it yourself).
"Sam and Dean aren't having the full Christmas experience," Castiel complained as he let you drag him forward.
"Oh, they will. Just as soon as they come back," you said determinedly. "Now, I am going to be cooking a full Christmas dinner for the three of you, as well as decorating and wrapping my presents for you boys, so you are going to help me. Okay?"
"Okay," the angel meekly said.
It took a while for Castiel to get the notion of not only putting bulbs on the tree, but also making sure that the same colours went in different places, but he finally got the hang of it. You went to put on a new CD and by the time you came back, the tree was complete.
You narrowed your eyes. "Castiel, what did you do?"
The angel threw his hands up in the air and looked innocent. Well, except for that gleam in his eyes.
"Nothing?" he asked.
"You totally just used your angel powers to finish the tree while I was gone, didn't you?" you asked.
"Do you want me to undo it?" Castiel asked innocently, his fingers in the position of being ready to snap and remove all his "work."
"No, it's okay," you said. Castiel looked pleased.
"But there's still tinsel and baking and Christmas cooking and decorating the rest of the house," you added quickly.
The angel's face fell.
"How are we supposed to do all of that?" Castiel tilted his head.
"Don't worry, we'll finish off the decorating part first and get to the baking and cooking afterwards!" you smiled at him while taking out some holiday lights.
"Let's put them on the railing of the stairs and on some doorframes if possible," you said and glanced through the bunker. You had so many ideas but weren't sure if you would be able to finish it all in time.
Castiel simply agreed with your ideas and you were glad he helped you. Otherwise you wouldn't even be done with the bulbs yet. On your walk upstairs, you tangled some holiday lights into the railing before lighting them up. They shined in red and green colours and it was simply beautiful. Smiling, you hopped down the stairs again before taking some other holiday lights and putting them on doorframes with Castiel's help.
Soon the bunker lit up in multiple colours, and it sent happiness and warmth through your body.
"Can you help me put the tinsel onto the tree?" you asked and glanced at him with puppy eyes.
"How can I help you?" he asked and you thought for a moment, but then smiled.
"Let me sit on your shoulders so I can reach the top of the tree," you suggested and Castiel nodded before getting on his knees so you could sit on his shoulders before he stood again. At first, you tried to keep balance while fiddling your fingers in his hair but soon you realized you were safe with him, so you put on the tinsel.
Finally you were done and inspected your masterpiece.
"We did a good job," you smiled and glanced up at Castiel.
"It's beautiful," Castiel agreed and you could swear the corners of his lips moved up as well. As you glanced right above you, you noticed a bunch of mistletoe.
"Cas, we're standing underneath mistletoe," you whispered as you turned to him.
"Okay," he simply said and you saw the confusion on his face.
"You don't know the meaning of that, do you?" you asked with a small smile on your lips. The angel simply shook his head.
"It means you have to kiss me," you whisper. Realization hit Castiel and he didn't seem to know what to do, so you decided to take over.
But just as you leaned in, the front door opened and you quickly moved away from Castiel
"What the hell happened here?" Dean asked as he walked down the stairs.
"Well let's move on with the baking and cooking part," you said to save yourself. You patted Castiel's shoulder to let him know that he could let you down. Castiel stared at you like a deer in the headlights. You patted him again, harder, and he quickly let you down.
"Looks great," Sam said, coming into the room. He looked a little surprised when he saw Castiel with you. "Cas, were you helping, as well?"
"(YN) says I need to have the full Christmas experience," Castiel said, a little too quickly.
"It certainly looks like that," Dean said, grinning. He was grinning a little too widely for your liking.
"Cas, I need all the help I can get, so if you're going to help..."
"I'm coming," Castiel said.
"Here are your supplies," Sam said, holding out several shopping bags. "The turkey is still in the car, so Dean and I will go bring it in now."
"Okay," you said. Castiel was standing a little too near to you and you were finding it a little difficult to speak. "We'll... uh... be in the kitchen."
You immediately strode in the direction of the named room, Castiel trailing along after you. Once you were there and you had looked inside the bag and got your hands on the very concrete ingredients (instead of a more abstract thought lingering in your mind), you were able to get a better control on your emotions. You took charge right away.
"Okay, Cas, I'm going to get you to start cutting the bread into cubes for the stuffing. Sam," you said as the brothers walked into the room. "You can get started on cleaning the turkey. Dean, you can start peeling the potatoes."
"What?" Dean threw up his hands in the air as soon as he helped Sam put the turkey down on the table. "I never signed up for this!"
"And what are you going to do?" Sam shot back. Knowing him, he would have probably spent the rest of the day holed up in his room over some research book. But you had saved him from that horrible fate. ;)
"I, my dear Samuel, am going to chop up the rest of the ingredients for the stuffing as well as making the dessert."
"Pie?" Dean's ears perked up immediately at the thought.
"Yes, and some other things as well," you said mysteriously. You held up a hand as Dean opened his mouth. "You'll find out later, Mister," you told him sternly.
You washed your hands and asked Cas to follow you into your room afterwards.
"I need your help wrapping my gifts for Sam and Dean up," you told as you entered your room and you took out two boxes. One was a little smaller, the other one a little wider.
"What did you get them?" Castiel asked in curiousity.
"I got Sam an old book with some facts about monsters. It's the first version of it, actually, and, like, really really old. And for Dean I got a chain, it's nothing like the one Sam gave him once but I couldn't think of anything else; Dean's difficult," you sighed but smiled.
"Do you think Dean would be happy if I got him a copy of the amulet Sam gave him?" Castiel suddenly asked and you glanced at him.
"I thought about this but wasn't sure." He became a little insecure.
"Dean will love it," you smiled at him before getting some wrapping paper and starting to wrap up the presents with Cas' help.
"(YN)!" you heard Dean yell, probably from the library.
"Coming!" you shouted back and got up after hiding your presents once again.
You rushed into the library and found a desperate Sam and Dean. Wrapping paper was all over the table and it looked like a mess.
"Can you help us?" they asked, both of them putting on puppy eyes.
"Of course," you laughed before helping them wrap up their presents. Dean started humming to the music playing in the background and you couldn't help but smile. For not being a fan of Christmas he knew the songs pretty well. Soon the three of you were singing loudly to "Last Christmas."
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away.
This year, to save me from tears,
I'll give it to someone special
You sang loudly and then Cas joined the room again.
"Come on Cas! Sing with us!" you laughed, but Cas wasn't sure of the situation. With a little help of Dean you taught him some lyrics and finally it was the four of you singing.
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man undercover but you tore me apart
Oh oh now I've found a real love
You'll never fool me again
You haven't felt that happy in ages. There were no worries, no one cared about hunting or any supernatural creatures, all you cared about was the four of you. The family that grew together over the years. You weren't a family of blood but it didn't matter to you because as long as you were with the Winchesters and Castiel, you felt at home.
You were so busy with singing and having a good time, that you almost forgot the food and it wasn't much more until it was done. Everyone helped putting the plates down and finally getting the food to the table. For people who usually didn't celebrate Christmas, they knew pretty well how to celebrate it. Castiel sat down next to you, while Sam and Dean sat down in front of you and everyone put some of the food on their plates.
You fiddled with your fork, waiting for the three men to take bites.
"Is it okay?" you asked nervously, fidgeting, insecurity quickly setting in. You had tried so hard to make this perfect. What if you had messed something up?
"It's delicious," Sam told you with such enthusiasm that the rush of relief overwhelmed you for a moment.
"Ohmigod, so good," Dean mumbled over a mouthful of food. Turning to Castiel, you could see the angel's eyes popping out.
"I thought you only tasted molecules," you teased him.
Castiel just shook his head. He chewed slowly and then swallowed.
"I can taste more than just molecules. It's taken practice, but I can taste it like you now. And, (YN)... I've never tasted anything so good."
You felt tears springing to your eyes. That was silly. This shouldn't mean so much to you. But it did.
You leaned forward and gave him a one-arm hug. Castiel returned it enthusiastically. The lack of awkwardness for once made you even happier.
Then there was a snap and you quickly pulled back, surprised, to see Dean holding a Christmas cracker, the end in Sam's hand. Sam laughed when Dean pulled out a pink paper crown.
"Are you really going to wear that?" Sam teased him.
"With pride!" Dean announced. You all laughed as Dean put it on his head and Sam told Dean to hurry up because he wanted to open his.
You turned to see Castiel holding out a cracker to you. At first, you were confused what he wanted, but when he grabbed your hand and put it on the cracker, you suddenly understood. Your heart was beating fast and you couldn't think straight but then Castiel asked, "Shall we pull?" and you did.
Castiel ended up with the cracker and you all laughed when he put his blue tissue crown on his head. You ended up with red and Sam with green.
"To an amazing Christmas and a great new year! I was a little unsure about this whole idea, but I have to say, (YN) did a really great job," Dean smiled at you, holding out his glass.
"To Christmas," you all echoed and clinked glasses.
"To (YN)," Castiel said softly. Dean and Sam agree and you clinked glasses again, your fingers trembling a little.
After talking a little more, it was time for your Christmas treats (brownies and cookies and so forth) and, of course, the pie. While Dean rushed to grab the pie, you brought the rest of the desserts to the table. Everyone grabbed something. Again, you checked their faces to see if it was good but you only had to hear their moans to feel satisfied.
Of course, everything was gone faster than you could think of. It actually surprised you how much could fit into Sam and Dean's, especially Dean's, stomachs. You already felt full after eating only one slice of pie.
To your surprise, Sam and Dean wanted to clean up the dishes all by themselves. Their reason was that you already did so much for them so they would actually finally get to repay you. Instead, you brought all of the presents to the Christmas tree, Castiel helping you of course. It seemed like he didn't want to be further away from you than just a few steps.
"Alright, who wants their gifts?" Dean asked loudly while drying off his hands.
"Me!" you answered, maybe a little too excited, but the boys only giggled before you settled down in front of the Christmas tree. First of all, you grabbed your presents and handed them to each of the boys.
Dean unwrapped his at first, he took the necklace into his hand and inspected it carefully; you were clearly worried until the corners of his lips moved upwards. He put it on and leaned over to hug you.
"Thank you, I love it." Dean smiled at you.
Next one was Sam. He was carefully unwrapping his gift and his eyes widened as he saw what was in it.
"This is the original one, the first edition, where did you get this?" he asked completely shocked.
"I've got my ways," you shrugged and smiled before Sam pulled you into a hug. As you glanced at Castiel, he was confused. He held his present in his hand and it was clear to see he wasn't sure about it.
"Come on, open it up," you smiled at him and finally he nodded. He took his time unwrapping it but when he did a smile spread across his face. You actually got him some comfortable clothes, how could he stay in his formal clothes all the time? You also got him shower gel, you loved the smell of it and knew you would go crazy smelling it on him, but that would stay your little secret.
"Thank you, (YN)," Cas smiled and pulled you into a hug. Every hug gave you warmth and you wished every day would be like that.
You loved Sam's, Cas' and Dean's gifts. Sam gave you a wellness voucher with a small letter saying that you should relax a little more and take some time off. Dean gave you one of his shirts, actually your favourite one of his shirts, he knew you always wanted it but he said you'd have to buy it for yourself. But Castiel nearly topped everything. He snapped his fingers and a giant teddy bear appeared. It reached to your stomach. And with that he had a cuddly blanket, that you could wear.
"I wasn't sure what you would like and watched some people buy gifts and decided to get this," Castiel said shyly.
"Thanks Cas, that's amazing!" you said happily and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss onto his cheek.
But what was better than all of the gifts was probably Dean's face when he saw the gift Castiel got him. His eyes widened when he saw the samulet. You even believed you saw a tear forming in his eyes but he shrugged it off and pulled the angel into his arms.
"Well, I guess that's it for our Christmas then," Dean noted after all the wrapping paper had been pushed off to the side (because of course no one wanted to clean it up right now).
You shook your head. "You got the eggnog right?"
Sam looked amused but he shook his head. "No, we didn't. I'll go pour some."
"And I'll go help," Dean said, a little too quickly.
"Okay... umm... I guess we'll just... wait here then?" you asked.
You shifted. You looked at Castiel out of the corner of your eye. The room had suddenly become a little more awkward.
"(YN)..." Castiel started.
"Yes?" you asked.
Castiel blushed. "I think we're standing underneath mistletoe."
You looked up and, sure enough, there was mistletoe above your head. You looked down, feeling your face grow hot very quickly.
"I see that," you said quietly.
"Do you want me to...?" Castiel started.
You opened your mouth but found you couldn't speak. You managed to nod.
Castiel moved a little forward. He put his hands on your hips awkwardly. And then, slowly, he leaned in and, ever so slightly, brushed his lips against yours.
The two of you sprang away to see Sam and Dean standing in the doorway, triumphant looks on their faces.
"I thought I might come back to find you two like this," Dean gloated.
"We di..." you started but Sam cut you off.
"But of course it was only to be expected."
"When we planted it right there," Dean added.
"To make sure," Sam continued.
"That the two of you would finally resolve that tension between the two of you," Dean explained.
"Honestly, it was driving us nuts," Sam groaned.
"Bu... we..." you stammered.
You were stopped by feeling Castiel's hand on your cheek. When you turned to look at him, you saw his blue eyes were twinkling just the slightest.
"Dean and I moved around so that you would have to move right under that mistletoe," he said quietly.
You suddenly laughed out loud. You couldn't help it.
"Well, I hope you're going to kiss me properly now," you said.
The rest of the night was spent by eggnog and carolling (bad singing, you had to admit, but it was good fun)... and more mistletoe. Sam and Dean, the bastards, had hung it everywhere. But then Castiel had a way of taking you all around the house. And he kissed you under every single branch of greenery.

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