Derek Hale

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Before you even make it to the loft door you can already hear Derek's fist pounding against the punching bag, one after the other. Things between you two haven't been going to well after you found out that he is turning teenagers into werewolves for his pack. Let's just say you two have been giving him the silent treatment and you can tell that he is getting tired of it.

You open the heavy loft door to see shirtless him stop and look at you but soon go back to punching the bag. Just as he does this you walk in tossing your keys on the table. Without saying another word you head for the stairs to start walking up them. He stops you halfway as he stops boxing to say, "Are we really going to continue to ignore each other."

Your hands rest against the rail as you response in an aggravated tone, "That depends, are you going to go around making huge decisions without me again."

His face expression turns even more serious as he lets out a deep breath, "Y/N I did what I had to."

"You didn't have to do anything Derek you chose to do this." Your voice gets louder as you walk back down.

He stays quite as you continue to talk, "You made a sudden decision that you wanted to make, you did what you wanted to do once again."

"I did what I thought was best for everyone." He raises his voice as you walk closer to him putting you between him and the metal table.

You press your finger against his chest, "No you did what was best for you not for everyone, you;re the one who gets the power. Not me, not them; you."

Just as your about to walk away he gently grabs a hold of your arm pulling you back in front of him. Only you fight against his grip for him to grab you by your hips to lift you up with no problem. He sits you down on the metal table seeing you glare at him. You hated when he did this because of it making you feel weaker than him even though you two are both alphas,

What's going on in that beautiful mind. I'm on your magical mystery ride, and I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright.

He keeps a hold of your hips, "I'm am not the only one that gains powers; they're able to protect themselves. Your trying to avoid our current situation; whether you want to believe it there is an alpha pack in Beacon Hills."

"You just painted a big target on their forehead, you know that the alphas are going to go after other werewolves." You say lower your voice a bit.

"We need to form a pack Y/N they make us stronger and strength at this moment is what we need." He admits to you.

You rest your hands on his forearms, "That might be what we need right now, but what they need to be is teenagers they don't need to be in this whole mess."

"There already in this Y/N they've been involved in this for quite sometime now, neither them or us can stop this all alone. They're just are going to face things that normally teenagers don't, they're going to have to grown up a bit faster." He tells you leaning down to your eye level.

"They shouldn't have to go through this Derek, they shouldn't have to grow up faster. They should be enjoying their high school years, not worrying about their lives being in danger. We both were born into this, we had no choice in whether we wanted this life. We had no choice but to grow up to survive, but they do; they have a choice." You look at him showing how upset you are about them being involved.

"I gave them a choice Y/N, I didn't force them into the pack, I let them chose to become a werewolf, I would never force someone into this." He stares straight into your eyes trying to show you that he is telling the truth.

You let out a soft sigh, "I just don't want any of them to get hurt, we both have watched too many people around us get hurt. That is the last thing that I want for those kids, I don't want something to happen to them."

He looks at you trying figure out whether you're thinking about anything else, but reassures you by saying, "I promise you Y/N that I will do everything in my power to keep them safe, and especially keep you safe. Whether I show it or not I do care about what happens to them."

You smile at him, "I'm glad to hear that because it's hard to tell sometimes."

"I know it is." He smiles back.

You wrap your hands around the back of his neck, "Although you don't have to worry about me, I can hold my own."

He straighten up to look down at you as he slides his hands up and down your sides repeatedly. "Yeah I know you can hold your own; whether you're in a fight or an argument."

As there is a moment of silence between you two you can't help but stare back and forth at his lips and eyes. He gets the hint as his smile widens for him to gradually lean bringing his lips closer to yours. He stops as you push him away hoping off of the metal table top still having his body pressed against yours. "Shouldn't you be getting back to working out?" You ask playfully smirking.

His hands slide down from your sides to your back side, feeling him firmly squeeze and lift you up. As he does this he places you back in your previous position saying, "I can skip the last five minutes." You don't have a chance to say a smart remark back because he abruptly presses his lips against your.

Your lips fit perfectly with your top lip covering his as they glide against each other at a slow steady pace. His hands grip tightly on your hips to move down towards your outer thigh. The farther this kiss goes you feel him pull you closer trying to close the gap between you two. You tug at his bottom lip as he applies more pressure with his fingertips on your thighs.

Both of you get startled by the loft door opening making you two pull apart to see Erica, Isaac and Boyd standing there. Erica walks in with her arms crossed smirking, "Well, well, well look at you two; we seem to be interrupting something here boys."

"Yeah you two seemed to be very occupied a few seconds ago." Isaac adds.

Derek helps you down as you tell him, "I should probably let you guys get to your training."

You whisper to him, "Will finish where we left off later."

He laughs turning to them as you start walking up the stairs to hear Isaac yell to you, "You know we heard that."

"You were supposed to, don't make him spend all night training you!" You yell as you reach the top of the stairs to your personal lounge area.

"Well that's just disgusting." You hear Erica say jealous.

"That's enough you two, let's get to training, Boyd your up first." Derek says immediately after for them to all go silent, 

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