Barry Allen

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"I should get that."
"No (y/n), you need to study for the MCAT."
I snag my phone from my roommate so I can see who it is. "Come on Chloe I've been studying for hours, let me take a break. Oh it's Barry! Why didn't you tell me it was him, he has basically been avoiding me lately."
"Is your boyfriend not calling enough really your biggest concern right now? I'm freaking out about this exam, how aren't you?"
"That is because I'm always stressed, this isn't anything new. Oh and Barry is not my boyfriend by the way. You know he is into Iris. Like everyone knows Barry is into Iris except for her."
"Shut up and answer your phone before it goes to voicemail."
"Hi!" But I get nothing. "Hello?"
"Just drop it already okay?" Barry? Who the heck is he talking to?
"What's wrong?" Mouths Chloe as she looks at me all perplexed.
I put my hand over the mic, "I think he butt dialed me." I whisper.
Her face lights up and she waves me over. "Come here, come here. We have to put it on speaker."
"No! We shouldn't listen in on his conversation, that is rude and kind of weird. Why are you always trying to do creepy shit?"
"I've told you a dozen times basically everyone Facebook stalks their crush but you (y/n), quit trying to make me sound weird. Aaaand you can't tell me you don't want to find out why he has been MIA for the past few weeks?" I huff and hand her my phone in defeat. She gives me a cheeky smile and hits the button.
"Cisco I told you I can't." She raises an eyebrow, 'Who?' she mouths. That STAR Lab guy?
"Yes you can Barry. How have you liked this girl for this long and not told her how you feel? You talk about her all the time, you can't help but smile when she texts you. This is well beyond a crush, so just tell her already." Cisco replies.
"She is my best friend. If she says no I might lose her and I can't risk that. She means the world to me, I can't not have her in my life. I just can't."
"You're not going to lose her. You didn't see her all those times she came to see you during those 9 months. She cares about you too. Even if it's not in that way, she isn't going to leave you. Just call (y/n)."
My jaw drops and I just stare at Chloe complete stunned. Wait what?! The line goes silent for a bit but then we hear someone take a deep breath. "Okay. You're right, I have to tell her. I can't keep hiding my feelings from the people I like." A light rustle goes over the speaker as he takes his phone from his pocket. "Any advice on how I ... oh my god."
"Ummm, how long has this been on?"
"A while." Chloe quips .
"Chloe? How much did you..."
"We heard everything Bar."
"Yep and if only you could see her face right now. That however will have to wait until after we are done studying. I need to make sure your now girlfriend and I get our asses into med school. So bye bye Barry." She chimes and hangs up on him. She sets the phone down and hands me a book. "I told you he was your boyfriend. Now get reading. The sooner you finish, the sooner you can go see him."

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