"Daddy! I want to come in here!" West yelped, pulling Misha toward the door.
Misha looked up at the sign, and flashed a smile.
"Y/N's Bakery." He muttered. "Sure lets try it out."
As they entered the bakery, there was a soft ring from the bell that hung over the door. The smell of cinnamon and coffee surrounded the room. It was somehow calming and warm.
It wasn't so packed, maybe a few people in line. But that didn't bother Misha, he didn't care for well known places.
"Daddy, I want to try this!" West muttered, catching his fathers attention. "It looks yummy!"
"Ooh that does look good! I think we should get that and-" he paused looking around the other selections. "Mm that looks good too!" He pointed at the chocolate cupcake with light pink frosting covering the top, shaped as a flower.
West nodded, and licked his lips in excitement.
As the last guy left, it was their turn.
"Hi." You muttered.
Misha looked up, both your eyes meeting on another, you were both mesmerized. Feeling your stomach flutter immensely as he kept his gaze on you.
"Hi." He smiled.
He couldn't resist the way your hair was pulled back in a messy bun. With flour covering your shirt and apron.
"Daddy!" West yelped, pulling you both out of your trance.
Misha cleared his throat and nodded. "Right um yes. We would love to try the uh-" he paused and looked over the name of the cupcake. "The chocolate flower." He smirked.
You nodded, your lips slowly curving up.
"And that one!" West croaked pointing at the double chocolate torture.
You smiled and nodded. "Of course sweetie."
You retrieved the two little muffins and gently slipped them into there containers.
"This is such a beautiful little place. Is it yours?" Misha stammered.
"Yep! It's my home." You exhaled, looking around the store. You remembered just how long it took you to get to where you are, and honestly, you couldn't help but feel proud of yourself.
"Daddy! I want my cupcake!" West demanded, tugging at his shirt.
"Okay." Misha chuckled.
He met your gaze. "So how much do I owe you?"
You looked down at West, and flashed a smile. "It's on the house."
You slowly looked up and chuckled. "Plus, I work almost everyday, and I have never seen you two which can only mean, your first timers. So if it's bad, I won't have to feel bad!" You both chuckled.
"Uh trust me, we've tried some weird crap in our life. Im sure these will be amazing."
You felt the blood rush up to your cheeks, making you fluster.
"Daddy, let's go. I want to eat my cupcake!" West exclaimed.
"Right. Sure." He handed west the cupcakes. "Thanks for this. I'm sure they will be great!"
"Of course. Hope you enjoy it." You whispered. "I-I mean the cupcakes of course." You stammered, feeling the heat escape your body.
Misha chuckled, as he swung West over his side.
He slipped a five dollar bill into the tip jar, and made his way out of the bakery.
As he walked past the store, he couldn't stop himself from staring at you. His mind racing with thoughts, wishing he had the confidence to ask you out for some coffee. Or something.
But he knew this wouldn't be the end.
It was only the beginning of a new chapter."So where do you want to go Westy?" Misha muttered, as he looked through the hole between the seat and the door.
West looked out the window and smiled. "I want to eat that yummy cupcake we had. The one with lots and lots of chocolate!" He squealed. Licking his lips as he remembered just how amazing they were.
Misha nodded. In fact, he had hoped his son wanted to go back. It would give him an excuse to see you again.
It's been almost two weeks, and he still couldn't get you off his mind.
"Sure that sounds great!" He muttered.
"Maybe we should get her something since she gave us those yummy cupcakes last time."
West furrowed his eye brows. "Like flowers? Girls like flowers right daddy?"
Misha chuckled, and nodded. "Yes, they do. Good job West!"
He turned to face the front, and turned the key into the ignition.
"Let's go get some at the store before we go get some of the cupcakes okay?"
He couldn't help but have a smile plastered on to his face as he imagined your cute reaction as he gave you the flowers.
This wasn't something Misha was used to. Getting this way for a girl. He was nervous but excited all at the same time, and somehow he loved that feeling.
(At the store)
West walked around as Misha followed close behind.
West found a small little cupcake keychain.
"Daddy!" He croaked.
Misha squared down to his son. Staring directly at him. West shoved the keychain into his face and smiled.
"Can we get her this?"
Misha watched his son gush over the chain. Staring at it as if he won the lottery.
"Of course! I'm sure she'll love it."
West chuckled and walked toward where the flowers were.
"Daddy! Get these ones!" West exclaimed. They were red roses, typical, but he let his son decide what to get.
"Why not." He cackled.
You were tired from being on your feet all day. Baking up a storm since you somehow grew busy.
Something about an actor showing up? You weren't quite sure. But it didn't bother you.
You loved it and you couldn't help but feel excited.
The door bell rang as both West and Misha walked inside.
You were too busy to even notice. But he did. He couldn't stop looking at you. Your hair pulled back into that same messy bun. Your apron covered in flour. He had the biggest smile like a child on Christmas morning.
"Come on daddy! The line is going to get long." West pulled his father up to the front.
Misha could feel his heart racing and his stomach flutter as they took a step closer to you.
As the lady ordered her Carmel covered Apple, Misha and west walked over.
You met his gaze, your breath hitches to the back of your throat. You thought you were never going to see him again. But here he was, standing before you.
"Hi." His lips curved up into that cute smile you grew to like.
You both stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Just gazing into one another like two lovebirds.
"Daddy! Can I give it to her now?" West interrupted.
Misha blinked and cleared his throat. "Right yea! Sure westy."
You finally took your gaze off the guy and averted your eyes down to West.
He had flowers in his hands.
He propped up on his tip toes and placed it on the counter.
"This is for you. Thank you for the yummy cupcake!" He flashed a smile. Making your heart melt.
"Aww this is so beautiful. Thank you." You walked around the counter and knelt down in front of him.
He threw his arms around you without any hesitation. Pulling you in as close as he could.
"Oh and this is yours too."
You looked down at his hand where the keychain laid on his palm.
"This is perfect. Thank you sweetie." Your voice shook as tears welled in your eyes. Never in your life have you felt loved like the way this little boy has shown you.
Misha cleared his throat. "Yea we wanted to thank you for being so kind that one day."
You propped up and place the keychain in your pocket, and walked back to the other side of the counter.
"It was really no problem. But thank you for this." You met his gaze. "Seriously, this is beyond amazing."
He curved his lips up, and nodded.
"I should put these in water." You smiled as you put your finger up motioning for them to wait.
You ran to the back and placed the flowers in a cup and filled it with water.
Your cheeks hurt so much from smiling. The cute boy you gushed over the past couple of weeks, making your friends, family and coworkers annoyed with you. But here you were, getting butterflies all over again.
As you walked back over to the register, the boys were surrounded by girls. Cameras were out, flashes everywhere. You weren't quite sure what was going on.
"What's happening?" You whispered to your coworker, Marisol.
"Well the actor the customers were talking about? Guess that's him. I think his name is like Musha callen? I don't know." She stammered.
You furrowed your brows. Everything was making sense. Of course you knew who he was! He was the guy your best friend drooled over from that show. Along with the other two guys.
"Thank you all for coming out. It means a lot. But West and I need to get our delicious cupcakes and make our way back home to Maison." He muttered.
He walked toward you, making your heart pound faster.
"Sorry about that." He smiled.
"Don't worry about it." You exclaimed. "The same as last time?"
He nodded.
As you handed him the cupcakes, your hands grazed over each other, causing a spark to ignite not only in you, but in him as well.
You swallowed hard. Not knowing what to say or do.
"Daddy? Can I eat my cupcake now?"
Misha shook his head and licked his lips.
"Yeah. Hold on." He pulled out his wallet and you caught his attention.
"No, don't worry about it. You both didn't have to get me the flowers and the beautiful key chain. So please, this is on me."
He smiled profusely, yelling at himself to ask you out.
"Thank you." He let out.
"of course." You whispered.
He pulled west up and placed him on his shoulders. They made their way out of the store.
His heart pounding, as regret washed over him.
"Good job Misha. Messed that up." He muttered to himself.
"Good job Y/N." You whispered under your breath.
The Rays from the sun tingled Misha's skin. He and The kids, decided to play at the park for a bit, before Vicki had to pick them up for the week.
Maison played in the sand, singing holes and dumping the sand all over her, while West ran all around.
Misha sat on the swing, watching his two little ones, but not able to focus. All he could think about was you. And how he screwed up the chance to ever ask you out.
It's been a few days since you two seen each other, and he did whatever he could to say away from the bakery.
He didn't want to make himself come off as a creeper.
"Daddy!" West yelled, catching his attention.
Misha snapped his gaze to him, and furrowed his brows. "Whats wrong Westy?"
His little boy began to push him on the swing, as laughter escaped from him. Something Misha loved to hear.
"When are we going to get cupcakes again? I want some!" He stammered still pushing his father.
Misha looked back at him, a smile appearing on his face. "You have a crush don't you?" He teased.
West tried to keep from smiling, but couldn't resist. "Nuh uh! You do! You like her!" He exclaimed. "My daddy's in love with the cupcake girl!"
His son skipped toward Maison, still chanting out loud.
"I don't know her! I-I" he began, but paused as he tried to figure out what exactly it was that he felt for you.
But then it him. Since the day he met you, he couldn't keep from thinking about you. From wanting to know you.
Your smile was forever implanted in his mind, and he knew that was the same smile he wanted to see forever.
"Come kids! We're leaving." Misha stammered, hopping off the swing.
"Where are we going daddy?" Maison asked.
He scooped up his daughter into his arms.
"We're going to get cupcakes."
The bakery was a bit crowded. Not as much as before. But enough to keep you busy.
As Misha opened the door, West and Maison darted inside.
They made their way to the counter where you stood, giving the man his piece of apple pie.
As Misha set his gaze on you, he felt his stomach flutter. His lips slowly curved as he watched you do what you did best.
"Hi!" West croaked, catching your attention.
As you saw the familiar face, you couldn't help but grow enthused. Seeing him somehow made you feel at ease.
"Hey kiddo! How are you?" You smiled, walking over to West, and taking him in for a quick hug.
"I'm okay." He stammered.
Maison stood close to her brother. Peeping only enough to see you.
"And who might you be cutie?" You exhaled.
"That's my sister, Maison." West answered. "Our daddy said we can have cupcakes!" He smirked.
Daddy? That could only mean-
"Hey, you two shouldn't leave me back there-" he stammered. "I could've gotten lost." He winked, making them giggle.
"H-hi." You exhaled, feeling your heart pick up.
He flashed a smile, making your knees grow weak, or so they felt.
"Hi." He couldn't keep his gaze off you, it felt like forever since he's seen you, and yet he was still mesmerized.
"Daddy." West groaned.
You snapped out of your trance and cleared your throat. "Right! Someone wants a cupcake, am I right?" You muttered.
You made your way to retrieve a few extra sweets for the kids, before bagging up the cup cakes.
"Thank you!" They chimed simultaneously.
Misha chuckled, as he watched the devour the cake pop you had given them.
"They love your sweets. They never seem to stop asking for it." He laughed.
"Well don't I feel honored." You chuckled along with him. "They're really adorable. And I'm glad they like my cupcakes, gives them a reason to come back every now and then."
Misha enjoyed that you cared for the kids, even though you barely knew them yourself. The way you treated them with such kindness, it made him fall more into you.
"You know, I never did catch your name." He exhaled.
You met his gaze. "Y/N."
His lips curved more, making his nose scrunch up just a bit. "That's beautiful." He whispered. "I'm Misha."
"Well nice to finally meet you." You chuckled.
His phone went off, causing you both to jolt.
It was Vicki.
"I have to take this." He seemed defeated.
"Yea, go for it."
He made his way outside, putting the phone to his ear.
"Hey Vick, I was just about to call you-yea-no we will be home in a just a few. We stopped to get some cupcakes." He spewed out. "We will see you in a little bit. Okay, drive safe. Bye."
He shoved his phone back into his pocket, letting out a breath. As he turned on his heels, he stopped in his stance, as he noticed you with the kids.
Watching you as you served whip cream in their mouths from the can, watching them giggle along with you. It was something he hasn't seen in so long. And it made him grow into pure bliss.
Misha pushed his way in and to you.
"Alright kids, unfortunately we have to go. Mommy is here to pick you guys up." He muttered.
They both groaned, and frowned, not wanting to leave. "Can we come back next week?" West stared endlessly at you.
You stiffened your body and hummed. "You two are always welcomed here, but it's not up to me. It's up to your daddy." You smiled, gently scrunching your nose to Misha.
West turned to Misha, and frowned. "Please daddy! Please!"
Misha chuckled, and nodded. "Of course we can. Where else are we going to get delicious cupcakes?"
"Yay!" He yelled.
West threw his arms around one leg, while Maison hugged the other. Getting whipped cream all over your jeans. You could only laugh.
"Alright, get your cupcakes and let's go." Misha stammered.
"See you guys next week!" You winked.
You met Misha's Stare and reached your hand out toward him. "It was nice to see you again."
He took your hand in, feeling an immediate spark. "Likewise." He muttered.
You were about to make your way back the kitchen, until Misha cleared his throat.
"I-I was wondering if-if uh-maybe you'd want to go out uh, sometime?" He was hesitant.
Your eyes grew wide, shocked of what he had just asked. For weeks, you've been thinking about him. Wishing you'd grow the courage to actually ask him out, and here he was. Asking you out.
"I-I'd love that." You exhaled, your smile growing by the minute.
Misha couldn't contain his happiness. He let out a breath as he lightly chuckled.
"Well uh, what time do you close here?" He asked, never taking his gaze off you.
"7:00" you replied.
"Okay, well how about I pick you up after work? Maybe get some coffee?"
You nodded, still smiling like an idiot, or so you felt.
West slipped his hand into Mishas, snapping him out of your trance. "Right, I have to go, but I'll see you at 7."
"See you." You stammered, trying so hard to keep from squealing.
You watched as they made their way out of the cafe. Misha still looking at you through the window.
But as he vanished from eye shot, you felt as if you were finally able to breathe.
"Oh my gosh." You smiled to yourself. Feeling the blood rush up to your cheeks, as you grew with excitement.
"Tonight is going to be amazing." Misha mumbled to himself.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...