Derek Hale

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Sitting inside of this moving hunk of metal had you more scared than ever. It was not even more than ten minutes ago you were gasping in fear as you looked around your surrounding and seeing huge wooden objects around you. You couldn't catch a hint of the ocean waves no matter how hard you tried, as a matter of fact you couldn't even remember how you got here. One minute you're swimming carelessly next your feeling pain in your head and your tail is missing. The stranger who was driving you told you his name was Derek and he found you when he was walking in the "woods" with two other boys.
"I need to go home." You looked at Derek. "then we can drop you off at the ocean tomorrow." Derek sighed in frustration. "no, you can't just drop me off at any ocean, different merfolk inhabit different areas, and some aren't very nice" you gulped. Derek looked at the actual fear in your eyes and sighed. "okay, first thing tomorrow we will start on finding what ocean or part of the ocean you live or whatever." He sighed. "thank you." you replied and looked out the window. "where are we going?" you asked. "my place," Derek replied. You arrived a few minutes later and you looked up at the giant building wondering if you were in the right place.
"this is where you live?" you asked looking at your surroundings. "yeah, it's a loft" he replied. "it's really big for one person." You looked at him. "well the ocean is pretty big for one person" he replied. "yeah, but I share the ocean with my family, other merfolk and the sea creatures" you looked at the sight. "where do you sleep?" you asked curiously "well I live inside" Derek pointed and lead you into the door up to his loft. You examined your surroundings and began touching everything in your reach. "are you hungry? Maybe I can order us something" Derek grabbed his phone. "what do you like?" he asked. "seaweed wrapped octopus" you replied quickly. Derek furrowed his eyebrows and pressed his phone to his ear.
"what are these?" you asked taking another bite of the little circle of food that Derek had placed in front of you. "California Roll" he replied. "what is that?" you asked. "Sushi" Derek smiled admiring you cluelessness. "it tastes really good." You assured him. "is there anymore?" you asked and leaned over seeing what was on Derek's plate. "uhm, I'm actually eating beef, or cow if you don't know" Derek cleared his throat. "Cow?" you furrowed your eyebrows. "yeah," Derek pulled out his phone and turned the screen to you. "these" he showed you a picture of a cow. "and you walk around with a picture of a cow on your phone?" you asked taking another small bite of the last of your California Roll. "no, I looked it up on the—internet" Derek sighed knowing you had no clue what he was talking about.
"how about we watch a movie" he changed the subject. "a movie?" you asked feeling more confused than ever. "yeah, this is the TV." Derek walked you to the living room. "just use this and press this button and it should turn on" he showed you. Derek stood up leaving you alone with the TV, and you tried your best to figure out the "remote" on your own.
Derek called Scott and explained to him that he needed their help to find out which ocean you came from because different merfolk inhabited different oceans and some were not as friendly. Scott argued but eventually agreed to help. Derek looked back at you and smiled as you examined the TV up close. There was something about your cluelessness and innocence that made Derek feel useful that brought out his more fluffier side.

**two months later**

You were beginning to get used to the customs of being on land. Being with Derek made it so much easier. But you were missing the feel of your tail and fins, you wanted nothing more but to swim into the depths of the ocean and touch the bottom. You wanted more than just Derek's bathtub. One night Derek took you to a big building you have never been to before. He walked you up to the door and with all his strength he pulled the handle of the door and immediately opened with no key required. "after you" he gestured for you to walk in.
"where are we?" you asked trying to fumble your way through the dark. "we" Derek found a switch and turned it on. "are in the Beacon Hills High School swimming pool" he smiled and stepped aside. A huge smile spread across your face seeing the lights in the pool illuminate the water. "oh my! Derek!" you squealed in delight. "can I go in?" you asked. "yeah." Derek smiled and with out another second to waste you jumped in your pants ripping into shreds as your fins and tail formed. Derek walked along the side of the pool and watched you danced under the water.
"come in and join me." You smiled after resurfacing. Derek shook his head and smiled "I'm not much a swimmer" he replied. "maybe you can be just this once." You tilted your head playfully. Derek sat on the bench by the wall and watched you in awe as you splashed and played in the school swimming pool. "god I miss the ocean" you sighed as you floated on your back looking up at ceiling. "when do you think I can go back?" you asked and in flash swam to the pools edge. "whenever we find out which area you came from" Derek replied and walked up to the edge the both of you exchanging smiles. "who's there?!" another voice yelled behind the flicker of a flashlight. "we got to go" Derek pulled you up, your fins turning into legs instantly.
"we should go back there soon" you grinned at Derek. "we definitely will" Derek replied and helped you into the loft. "are you hungry?" Derek asked. "California Rolls!" you shouted and jumped onto the couch. "let me order," Derek lifted his phone. You tugged at the hem of the shirt you borrowed from Derek and covered your knees. "food is ordered, it will be ready for pick up in an hour." Derek sat down by your feet and dropped your ankles into his lap. "thank you Derek" you smiled and sat up. "you've made me love the land just as much as I love the sea" you assured him.
"maybe one day you can show me the ocean" Derek proposed. "maybe anything above, because I don't think your werewolf lungs would handle going under" you giggled. You turned your attention back to the tv an old classic movie was playing on the tv, a beautiful girl was wrapped in a handsome man's arms. He looked at you full of lust and love and he pushed his lips into hers. Derek looked at you as you fell in love with the scene. "how does that feel?" you asked "what?" Derek asked. "to love someone?" you asked. "well it's—" Derek shrugged.
"it's like falling off a cliff into complete darkness." He replied. You looked at him confused and back at the tv. "how?" you asked. "well once you do, you can't help but feel at peace with what may come, the further the fall the more you don't want it to end, because the moment you hit that bottom you will be broken so as you're falling you hope and pray that this pit is bottomless so you can continue to stay at peace and serenity" he gulped.
"that sounds scary" you replied. "it is." Derek replied "but sometimes you just have to find the right pit to fall into" he looked at you with a smile. You could see his eyes filled with something that you never seen before. Before you could stop yourself you nearly jumped into his lap and pressed your lips into his. "Y/N," Derek pushed you away. "I can't" he mumbled. "do this." He pointed to you smelling your arousal. "I don't understand." You replied innocently. "have sex with you." Derek looked at you. "what is that?" you asked getting a confused expression from Derek. "it's when two people get together intimately." He scratched his neck.
You leaned in slowly and pressed your lips into Derek's once more, "show me," you mumbled into Derek's lips. Your eyes met his and the both of you stared deep almost seeing each other's souls. "only if you want" Derek replied. You smiled and kissed his lips giving him a nod. Derek smiled against your kiss and laid you back down on the soft cushions. He thrust his hips in between your thighs, you held his face between your hands as he deepened his kiss against your lips. Derek broke the kiss and got to his knees, he lifted up the oversize shirt that you were wearing and lifted the clothing up and off your back, his lips immediately attacked your exposed neck. With one pinch of his side you managed to flip Derek around so you were now on top. Derek smiled at your dominance and smoothed his hands up your sides. "are you ready?" he asked. You smiled and nodded.

**a week later**

You were sitting on the couch watching the news and Derek was out getting some food. The lady on the screen was talking about another rain storm and something caught your attention. She was reporting for Beacon Hills but she was standing by an ocean. You paused the TV and walked up to the screen your fingers pressing into the glass. "home" you whispered. Derek walked in at that exact moment and you turned to him with a huge smile. "hey," Derek smiled and gestured you over to eat. "I got you the California Roll platter since you seemed to like that one most" he was mumbled. "Derek" you walked up to him and grabbed his arm.
"what?" he smiled at your adorable enthusiasm. "look," you pulled him along to the tv. "right there, that is my home!" you smiled, Derek's smile was replaced with a frown the moment he seen the ocean behind the reporter. "I can go home now" you smiled. "Derek I can be with my family again!" you jumped up and down. Derek force smiled but deep down he was feeling his heart breaking.
"are we almost there?" you asked feeling the excitement feeling your veins. "yeah." Derek smiled weakly at you. You closed your eyes and channeled your hearing feeling your heart sync with the distant crashing waves. Derek pulled up into the park lot and sighed, "right there" he pointed to the horizon. You scooted to the edge of your seat and smiled brightly. "well what are we waiting for?!" you asked and pushed the car door open. Derek opened his and watched as you ran to a small pier that lead a few feet into the shallow pool of the ocean.
"come on Derek!" you waved and stopped at the edge, Derek smiled and closed his door. He stopped behind, you stood there and admired the ocean water as it pushed against the small dock. You closed your eyes and took a leap. You felt your face push into the water and in an instant your tail and fins grew back. You jumped out of the surface and smiled at Derek, he smiled back at you, admiring you as you swam. He noticed the ocean water made your hair glow and shine, your skin was fresh and your smile was sincere.
"stay with me" Derek proposed. You stopped mid backstroke and looked at him sternly. "I can build you a pool, a really big pool, it can go as deep as you need it to be—just stay. Please" Derek pleaded. You floated in one spot, "Derek" you chuckled softly "I would love to live with you, forever" your voice shook. "but—I can't" your lip quivered. "please" Derek's eyes teared up making your heart crack in two. "Derek" you swam up to edge of the pier below Derek's boots. Derek knelt down on one knee his face an arm's length away. "don't you see, you're a creature of the land and I'm an aquatic creature." You looked back at the miles of stretched ocean water. "I can't live with you because this is where I belong, I'll never forget you Derek Hale." You smiled and pressed a water soaked hand to his warm cheek. "and I'll always be here." You smiled at the ocean.
"but, I don't want you to be here, I want you to be with me." Derek's eyes were now streaming tears, which was abnormal considering he was usually stoic and stern. "I—I Love You Y/N" Derek finally choked out. "and I love you too Derek Hale" you smiled and pushed yourself up, you held Derek's jaw between your hands and he helped pull your body half out of the water by your wrists the both of your lips crashing into one another's. Derek closed his eyes tightly taking in the salt on your lips and you the mint in his breath. You pulled away and dove back into the water swimming a few feet away, only to turn around and give a smile to Derek who was still standing on pier watching you swim further and further away.

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