Today was your favorite day of the year, well second to favorite Christmas Eve. You were always in a good mood around this time of year, even if you spent it alone spoiling yourself with candy half through your life, but this year was going to be different.
You rolled out of bed and ran downstairs with joy, seeing everyone sitting at the table in the kitchen reading and eating breakfast while Cas sat and played with some ball.
"Merry Christmas eve, guys!" You yelled happily, humming and grabbing yourself a cup of coffee
"You too, y/n." Sam said with a sad tone, not taking his eyes off the paper
"What is Christmas ... eve?" Cas asked
"It's a holiday Cas." Dean grumbled, he left it with a nod.
After breakfast you lied and told the boys you were going out to get groceries but you were really going to get presents. You shopped everywhere you could think of, and bought everything you could including wrapping paper and tape. You finally arrived home after a few hours of being out and a few phone calls from Dean, panicking on why you took so long.
"What the hell, where were you I've been callin' for hours!" Dean yelled, looking at you with anger but with worry
"Cut the cord, I just went shopping for a little."
He looked over at your bags and back at you, grumbling and walking away. You went in your room and spent an hour or two wrapping presents, smiling from excitement the whole time. After you finished you threw the left of cut up wrapping paper away, not thinking of any of the boys going through the trash and questioning it but apparently you were wrong.
"Why is there Christmas paper in our trash can?" Sam asked, giving everyone at the table a confused look.
Cas and Dean shrugged then looked over at you. You looked at everyone nervously and nodded slightly looking down at your lap.
"We don't have time to celebrate Christmas, y/n. We have to much work to do." Dean said
"But ... it's Christmas. Nobody works on Christmas!"
"Well not everyone fights monsters as a job!" He yelled, making you angry as Sam and Cas tried to stop him, but of course he pushed it off.
"Well sorry for trying to bring a little joy into this shitty life!"
"There is no joy in this life! You can't just make up joy. We're not kids anymore, y/n. This ain't no imagination, this is the real world so get your head out of your Christmasy ass and get it through your skull!"
"Fuck you Dean, fuck you."
"y/n –" Sam tried to stop you.
You tipped over your chair in anger and stormed out muttering swears under your breath as Dean did the same.
"Merry Christmas, assholes."
You went to bed angry that night, angrier than ever. This was supposed to be a happy time, a loveable time. You turned your back to the door and faced the window, showing the snow fall down against it. You missed being a kid, being able to play in the snow and enjoy it. Now all you did was fight monsters, and sleep.
"You know, you can be a Dick sometimes." Sam said to his brother
"You think I don't know that?"
"If you do, why don't you quit it?"
"Cause I just don't like Christmas, ok?!" He paced around the room, running his fingers through his hair as Sam sat back and gave him puppy dog eyes.
"Look, it's just Christmas has never been well for us. When we were kids it was alright, just you and me. But I always wished Dad was with us, ya know? I wish we would wake up to stack of toys instead of a few cheap ones from each of us. Then growing up and doin' this we're always busy on Christmas, it was just a little .... I don't know emotional seeing her so excited for it, then turns out we're hunting that day or something, I just didn't want her to get her hopes up."
Sam noticed how sad Dean looked as he said his speech, breaking his heart. Then the greatest idea came to him, maybe the best idea he ever had.
You sighed and rubbed your eyes at the sunlight and clock that said 7:15, not wanting to get out of bed after what happened last night. You got up after about 20 minutes of lying there, showered and didn't even come to mind it was Christmas day till later. You pulled on your Christmas sweater and some random PJ's, not bothering to dress in anything else.
You walked down the stairs slowly and couldn't believe what you saw. You looked at the beautiful, big Christmas tree full of decorations and a beautiful angel on top with presents all around it. When you finally got into the room you noticed Sam, Dean and Cas all sitting on the couch with smiles and eggnog on the table, already ready for you. Your eyes welled up with tears as Sam and Dean gave you a tight hug, even Cas did as well.
"This is so beautiful, how did you ..?"
"Let's just say we have our special ways" Sam smiled, passing you a glass of eggnog.
"Dean?.." You asked nervously
"I'm sorry. I uh – I don't want to make this day sad or anything so I'll just leave it at I didn't want you to get your hopes up if we had to hunt all day today, which we don't have to at all. I just didn't want to see you heartbroken is all."
You gave him another hug, laying your head on his chest and closing your eyes with a smile as he leaned his chin against the top of yours while rubbing your back.
"Thank you." You whispered
"Merry Christmas, Kiddo."
You gasped and ran up the stairs, remembering your presents you wrapped yesterday. Cas came up behind you and helped you bring them down, wishing you a Merry Christmas as well making your heart warm up with joy.
You all sat around the tree in your pajamas (other than Cas, of course) and listened to Christmas music on the old radio while passing out presents. Nobody's smiles leaving their faces the whole time, for the first time in years.
"Can I ask you all something, why is there an um ... angel on top of the tree?" Cas said with fear, looking up at the object.
", some people do it for Christmas, Cas. It's okay."
"Is it a real angel... like, you know?"
You all shook your heads as he calmed down, still kind of nervous just by looking at it.
"Here, this will take your mind off it. This is for you, Cas." You smiled, passing him the present.
He looked down at it with confusion, then back at you.
"For me? I get gifts too?"
"Of course, Cas! You're family." Sam said, patting his back as he had a small smirk. He looked up at you and gave you a smirk as well, making you smile.
He opened the paper slowly and noticed a necklace inside with angel wings on them.
"Oh y/n, this is beautiful. Are you sure you don't want it?" He held it between his fingers, still confused
"No Cas, the reason I bought it for you was because I know how much you miss your wings. But this way, now you can have them around with you wherever you go."
He leaned in and gave you a soft hug, whispering a quiet thank you as you kissed his cheek and helped him put on the necklace. You both smiled down at it, noticing how well it looked on him.
"Perfect fit"
Next was Dean's present from you. He opened it as fast as he could with excitement.
"A new Bon Jovi cd! I love it, y/n. Thank you." He kissed your cheek and kissed the CD after, making you chuckle.
"I got new stuff for my laptop and a few books that sound fantastic! Two things that'll come in handy, thank you." Sam gave you a hug also, squeezing tightly as he did.
The day went on with presents, Christmas movies, eggnog, dumb jokes, beer along with snacks. You all enjoyed time together, the whole day filling with smiles and laughter something that hasn't happened in forever. This was all any of you could ever hope for, and you all were so thankful you got to have a good day filled with happiness.
A beautiful Christmas with your beautiful family, all you ever wanted.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...