A/N: This is in Oliver's POV
And I am glad to say that I'm back from my trip, but it's exam season. But I'll try and update when I can."WOOD!" Oliver heard and grinned.
"Looks like the prank worked, thanks boys" he gave the Weasley twins a box and turned around to see the short, angry Slytherin walking towars him with pink and blue hair.
"Hello darling" Oliver greeted her.
"You dirty little-"
"Uh uh uh! Watch your words, there are first years here" Oliver said, still grinning.
"You-ruined-everything!" she shouted and pointed her finger at his chest.
"I-have-a-date-tonight!" Oliver was much taller than her and looked down at the angry girl, pressing her finger at his chest.
"He would love your new hair" Oliver winked.
(y/n) wanted to say something but couldn't find her words, her eyes filled with tears as she ran off to the dungeons.
"Oi (y/n) wait! It was a joke!" Oliver yelled after her.
He felt a bit quilty, he did't want to make her cry, he just wanted to prank his rival. (y/n) and Oliver never really get along together, they spend their first moments together as first years in the train, talking about Quidditch. Oliver laid eyes on her and adored her, until she was sorted into Slytherin and Oliver in Gryffindor. They kept talking for a couple weeks, but it faded and quickly became pranking, teasing and shouting at each other. It only became worse when they both get into the Quidditch teams. And now they are both team Captains.
"Are you okay Oliver?" Harry asked.
"What? Oh, yeah.. i'm fine. See you tomorrow Harry, get some sleep for the training" Oliver said and walked away, finding his way to the Gryffindor tower.
He walked through the portret hole and let himself fall on the couch. He sighted and ran his hand through his hair. This time he was gone too far, sure she did some things what Oliver made angry, but they never let each other cry..
"I saw (y/l/n) crying with her new fabulous hair" Fred snickered and took place in front of Oliver.
"Yeah, her friends tried to kill us" George said and took place next to his brother.
"We've gone too far" Oliver said.
"Too far? Are you joking? It's only beginning! Maybe she wouldn't even go on that date with Zabini"
"SHE'S DATING BLAISE!?" Oliver quickly sat up.
"Yeah, they went on a date for like 3 times now" George shrugged his shoulders.
"What's the problem mate?" Fred said.
"Nothing" Oliver waved it off and stared out off the window.
Oliver developed a crush on (y/n) from the moment they've met in the train. Not that anyone knows, he wouldn't even accept it himself. He tries to ignore it but the jealousy awakes again, just like when she dated Draco Malfoy for half a year. She's Oliver's dream girl, as he wrote in his journal. She likes Quidditch, plays Quidditch, she is an amazing player though! She's even for the same Quidditch team as Oliver is, but of course Oliver couldn't talk about it with her, they are rivals. He acts like he hates her, just because he knows he doesn't have a change with her and doesn't want to break his heart.
"I have to make a Transfigurations essay, i see you guys tomorrow" Oliver said and walked away.
He worked in silence for Merlin knows how long until he heard someone giggle and a door opening. He looked up from his essay and saw the, now blue and pink haired, Slytherin girl with her date.
"Oh hello Wood, didn't see you there" Blaise snickered and (y/n) giggled.
"I was just leaving" Oliver said and took his stuff.
He stood up and walked to the door but (y/n) grabbed his wrist, what made butterflies release in his stomach. He turned around, looking in her (e/c) eyes, sparkling with mischievousness.
"You were right, my DATE loves my new hair" she grinned and released his wrist.
"Makes her look more special you know" Blaise winked at her what made her blush.
Oliver squeezed his eyes and gnashed his teeth as Blaise laid his arm around her waist and turned her around. (y/n) looked behind her, winked at Oliver and waved before disappearing behind the bookshelves.
"Harry, you know what to do. Fred, George, grab the bludgers and- What in Merlin's name do they think that they're doing here!?" Oliver said and marched towards the Quidditch field.
"(y/l/n)!" he shouted.
(Y/N) looked down at Oliver and made a gesture to the players of her team before landing in front of him.
"Sup Wood?" she said.
Her hair was her own color again, (h/c). Her eyes were puffy and her face was red. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was messy from the wind.
"What are you doing here on the field? And what happened to you?"
"Training, what else!? And that's none of your business, Oliver"
This was the first time since years that she called him Oliver, he loved how she said it. She wiped her face with her sleeve and placed her hands on her hips.
"Well you could go now, McGonagall gave our permission to train, now"
"And Snape gave us permission. We were here earlier, so find another place or come back tomorrow" she said and turned around.
"I have a better idea" Oliver said.
"What about a match? So we could look how we play before the big match you know"
"The team who wins get the field"
"Deal" Oliver said.
Oliver thought that she was beautiful when she was angry. How her eyebrows furrowed or her (e/c) almost spitted fire. She looks so powerful and strong. Oliver quickly woke up from his daydream when he heard people scream and saw George flying towards him with an angry look on his face.
Everyone landed quickly and Oliver knew what happened when he saw the confused look on Draco's face, staring at his hand where he was holding the golden snitch. (y/n) ran to him and kissed him on his cheek from happiness before hugging her team mates.
Oliver threw his broomstick on the ground and marched away from the field.
"YOU ARE TOTALLY GONNA LOSE WITH THE MATCH WOOD!" he heard the Slytherins scream.
Oliver didn't care that he loosed the little match after a couple hours. He knew the tactics of the Slytherins and decided to train tomorrow. He whistled a random song when he walked around the corner and heard someone crying. He looked around, seeing a girl sitting against the wall with her head in her arms, laying on her knees.
"Are you alright?" he asked the girl.
She looked up, tears made her cheeks wet and her eyes were puffy.
"Since when do you care, Wood?" she asked.
"Since you look awful, and you're crying" Oliver simply answered.
"How sweet" she said and rolled her eyes.
"I just thought Blaise and I had a thing, but he used me for some Hufflepuff" she said and wiped the tairs away with her sleeves.
"Oh good, now i ruined my bloody sweater" she said when she saw mascara on her sleeve.
"So.. you really did love Blaise?"
"No what made you think that? My heart is always broken and i'd like to cry in the hallways, it's my hobby you know"
Oliver snickered.
"I just thought.. i just thought my feelings about this boy were finally over and Blaise could make it better.. but it only became worse" she quickly stood up.
"And now i'm telling you all of this, you better shut up about it, Wood. I'm warning you" she said before walking away.
The two weeks after were quite the same as before. Only Oliver and (y/n) didn't yell at each other anymore, she ignored him and refused to look at him. Oliver tried to talk to her once, but she, and her friends, gave him a cold look, so he turned around and walked away.
Today was the match against Slyhterin.
"So everyone knows what to do?"
"Yes Oliver, this is the 3th time you asked in 1 minute" Katie said laughing.
"Good, well.. let's go then"Oliver said.
The match was awful, it wasn't a friendly match though. The Slytherins tried to knock the Gryffindors off their brooms and insulted them what made them lost their concentration. (y/n) was absolutely beautiful today, and Oliver couldn't take his eyes of her, what made Fred scream his name that he needed to concentrate. Then something happened that no one would thought would happen. Harry and Draco both saw the snitch and Oliver concentrated on the boys, what made a bludger hit his head. He fell of his broom and felt a something hard hit his back before everything went black.
When he opened his eyes he saw (y/n) hanging half over him with a worried look on her face.
"HE'S AWAKE!" she shouted to someone behind her.
Oliver just grinned at her, not knowing what happened.
"Why are you grinning Wood? You just fell of your broom"
"Looks like i fell for you" Oliver said.
(y/n) froze and stared at him, a light blush appeared on her face.
"I was worried about you!" she said.
"Worried?" Oliver asked, still grinning.
She rolled her eyes.
"Not funny!"
"I think it is actually"
She hit him on his cheek and before Oliver could react, she grabbed him by his collar and kissed him. Oliver's eyes widened but he quickly melted into the kiss.
"FINALLY!" they heard Fred and George say and let each other go.
"Why did you do that?" Oliver asked, still confused.
"Because i love you, you bloody idiot" she said and laughed.
Oliver never thought that there would be a way that make (y/n) even more beautiful than she already was, but she approved. Her smile was the prettiest thing Oliver had ever seen.
"Merlin i've always wanted to do this" he said before pulling (y/n) close and kissing her again.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...