Hey fandom imagine lovers
If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines.
Hope you enjoy this book
And please share with people who you know...
"So, how's your day out with the girls going?" you ask quietly as soon as you close the door to the baby's room behind you. "It's great." Oliver replies. "We went to the Disney store and Toys R Us, and we're just getting to the restaurant now." "That sounds like a blast!" you exclaim, smiling. "And I assume the girls are enjoying spending time with daddy?" "Of course they are, you're having fun, right girls?" he ask, and you hear YES!!! yelled back over the phone. "See?" There' a pause, before Ollie's voice comes back on. "Hang on, someone wants to talk to you." There's the sound of the phone being passed, before someone starts speaking. "Hi mommy!!" "Hi, angel, how's your day with Daddy going?" you ask, sitting down on the couch and setting the baby monitor next you. "It's so much fun!!" she squeals excitedly. "We went to the Disney store and the- no, Lily stop!! I'm talking to mommy!" There's a commotion on the other end. "Hi mommy!" Lily exclaims. "Abbey, you already talked to her, it's my turn!!" "Girls, girls, stop fighting!" you scold, though there's a smile on your face. "Hi, sorry about that." Oliver says, on the line once again. "I'm going to get them fed, you know how they get when they're hungry." "All too well." you agree. "Enjoy the rest of your day, and call me when you're on your way home." "Yes ma'am."
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