Hi. So first merry Christmas to you all. And secondly you may recognise some of this because I've done it before but that was just a sample of the full story and here it is. Enjoy
"What were you thinking Dean?" Sam shouted.
"I was thinking that my brother just left me to go to college, and I knew you weren't coming back. So yes I took a break and met a girl, who, for your information wasn't a one night stand, and I fell in love with her. And yes, the kid wasn't in the plan but things happen. I don't regret a thing, other than leaving her and our daughter behind to find dad!" Dean yelled back.
"So this is what you do when you sneak off? You go and see her and the kid?" he asked, a little more calmly this time.
"Yes. I spend whatever time I can with them, and one day when I get out of this craphole of a life, I'm going to ask her to marry me," he confessed. "But for now, I'm going to ask her to come live with us in the bunker. You'll like her Sam. She's smart, funny, she makes a good macaroni dish. Plus Mary is great."
"Your daughter's name is Mary? Like after mom?"
"Yeah, it was Y/N's idea."
"So you've kept this a secret for how long?" Sam questioned.
"Six years."
"Well, lets go pick them up. I have a niece to meet."You were just finishing up doing the dishes when Mary ran in the kitchen. Her smile was wide when she came up and wrapped her arms around your legs. You couldn't believe that she was six years old. It seemed like just yesterday she was two and asking you to buy her the stuffed animal she saw at the mall the other day.
She was growing and fast. She was now in school everyday, she loved learning. Her teacher said she loved english, and that she was brilliant at math. She took after you, but she looked like her father in more ways than one. Everyday, you swore there were a few more freckles than before, just peppered over her nose and slightly over her cheeks. She had gorgeous dirty blonde hair. She often asked you to braid it for her. Her eyes were exactly the same as his. A beautiful colour of green, almost breathtaking even. She reminded you of him in so many ways.
He was the love of your life. Dean Winchester was everything and so much more. He always tried to make everything work, even with his busy life. He would always make sure to come back to see you, and to see his little girl. She was never in the plan for you two, with him being a hunter and all. But he told you that he regrets nothing.
"What's going on sweetie?" you asked her.
"I miss daddy. When is he coming home?" she questioned you, her sad green eyes meeting yours.
"I'm not sure. I know he misses you and he loves you. He'll be back soon to see you," you assured her.
"I promise sweetie," you smiled as you kissed her forehead. "Let's get you ready for your bath."
She ran down the hall to her room, you following behind her. She grabbed her towel, clean pajamas, which just happened to be a small ACDC t-shirt that Dean bought her, it was swimming on her, and he pajama pants along with her hairbrush.
"Mommy, can you put bubble bath in the bath?" she begged, giving you adorable puppy dog eyes.
"What's the magic word?" you teased.
"Absolutely," you smiled as she cheered. You prepared her bath for her, making sure the water was warm enough for her and that there were enough bubbles for her liking.
You washed over her tiny body. Laughter erupted around the room when you got to her ticklish spots. You couldn't help but watch her. She was always so happy and it warmed your heart. You worried when she came back from school in tears because all of her friends dad's were home all the time and hers wasn't. She got to see Dean at least one weekend every month, but he would try to be there more than that. It had been almost two months since you'd seen him. You knew he was trying.
"Mommy, do you love daddy?" she asked curiously as she played with the bubbles.
"Yes of course I love your daddy. I love him very much," you told her.
"Then why can't he be home more often? Hannah says her daddy lives in a different house because her mommy doesn't love him. She doesn't want him living there. Is that what happened between you and daddy?"
"No of course not sweetie. Daddy works a lot, he travels around the country helping people. If daddy didn't do that, then he would live here," you explained to her.
"Is daddy a superhero?"
"Yes he is. Now let's get out of the bath before you turn into a raisin," you told her and she giggled.
You dried her off and helped her into her pajamas. The weather was changing, it was dark outside when it was only seven o'clock at night. She slipped on her slippers and ran out of the bathroom. You heard a knock on the front door.
"Mommy, can I get the door?" she asked you.
"Yes, but be careful. If you don't know them, just close the door," you told her and she nodded her head in agreement.
You headed to the laundry room to drop off her towel quickly before heading down to see who was at the door.
I finally told Sam about her and Mary. I've been keep him in the dark about it, not wanting to put them in danger by it, but I was so tired of keeping this secret. It wasn't fair to Sam and it wasn't fair to my girls.
I decided to take Sam to meet his niece and Y/N. We were in town and I hadn't seen either of them in almost two months. Sure I talked to Mary on the phone when I could and I would text Y/N often, but it wasn't the same as being with them.
"Do they know about me, Dean?" Sam asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, they know all about you. I met Y/N three days after you left," I assured him. "When Mary got a little older, she asked me if I had any brothers or sisters. I told her about you. She was about three, so when she would say Uncle Sammy, she'd had trouble saying words with the letter 'L' so she'd call you Unca Sammy. It was the cutest little thing. I've shown her pictures of you too."
"So does she know we're coming?"
"Nope, I'm going to surprise her," I smiled.
I pulled up in front of her house, a few lights were on, indicating that she was home. I couldn't wait to see them, I couldn't wait to ask her to move into the bunker. Sam and I got out and walked to the door. I knocked a couple of times, waiting to see whose face I would see first.
The door opened slowly, only enough to see a little bit before it opened widely. Mary was standing there, smiling widely as she saw me. She ran into my arms.
"Daddy!" she screamed, "I missed you!"
"I missed you too gorgeous, so much," I said as I squeezed her tightly. I carried her into the house, Sam closing the door behind us. "Sam, I'd like you to meet my daughter Mary, Mary this is Uncle Sammy."
"Hi," she said shyly. She was a little nervous, Sam was at least four feet taller than her. Sam had a look of amazement on his face. It warmed my heart.
"Hi there," he started, kneeling down to her level. "It's nice to meet you."
She was still a little unsure. Sam opened his arms, inviting her into them. She smiled and placed her arms around his neck. I was taken out of my thoughts by a familiar voice.
"Mary, sweetie who was at the do-" her words cut off as her eyes met mine. She looked as though she would break in any moment. God I missed her so much. She ran and jumped into my arms. I squeezed her tightly to me, relishing in all of her, the scent of her shampoo, the faint smell of the perfume she always wears. She wrapped her legs around me, clinging to me so tightly. She pulled away slightly and crashed her lips to mine.
"Eww," Mary said, causing us to break the kiss.
"I've missed you so much," she said, as I wiped a stray tear away from her cheek.
"I missed you too, sweetheart. I thought I'd surprise you. I brought someone along with me," I motioned to Sam.
"You must be Sam," she smiled as she walked over to hug him. "I've heard so much about you. It's great to finally meet you."
"Yeah you too." he smiled.
"I'll let you two get to know each other. Mary, it's time for bed. I'm going to put you to bed tonight," I said, picking Mary up and carrying her down the hall.
Her room was almost exactly the same as before. She had a few new drawings on her wall, and a new stuffed animal on her bed, but it was still the same.
"Daddy, can you brush my hair before I go to bed?" she asked me as she held her brush in her hand.
"Of course, sweetie," I smiled as I took the brush from her small hand. She sat on the bed ready for me to begin. She had beautiful hair, it had grown quite a bit since the last time I had seen it. I carefully brushed through, being extra cautious with her ends. They were still a little wet, probably from her bath.
"Thank you daddy," she yawned. "I love you."
"I love you too baby girl," I said as I tucked her into bed, "I'll see you in the morning beautiful." I placed a kiss on her forehead, then her nose before turning the light out and closing the door slightly.
"So you went to Stanford?" you questioned as you handed him a beer.
"Yeah, I was going to go to law school until Dean came and told me dad was missing. How long have you two been together?" he inquired.
"Almost eight years. We were together for two before I found out I was pregnant with Mary. We were both so young and terrified, but he was there for me throughout the whole thing. He's been great with me, and with Mary," you explained to him.
"I can tell you, I haven't seen my brother this happy, ever. I mean I just found out about you and her, but when he talks about you two, his face lights up," Sam told you.
"I'm glad to hear that. I get a little worried sometimes. I know with what you do, there is a chance that it might be the last time I'll ever see him. He's been such a great father to her, and an amazing guy to me. I couldn't ask him for anything more," you explained.
"He's always wanted a family, even if he's never actually admitted it. I'm glad you could give that to him. Did you ever meet our dad?" he asked.
"Yeah, he came by a few times when Mary was little, she probably doesn't remember. He came by to see how Dean was doing. I don't really think he approved of me, considering Dean was out of the life because of me, but he came around. He spent Christmases and Dean's birthday with us. He came by not long after Mary was born. He never approved of it, but I think a part of him was happy that Dean had something to call home."
"Do you ever think about what your life would be like if you didn't get pregnant?" he inquired.
"I used to, when Dean left to go find you, I thought if I didn't have her then I would have gone with him. I don't much now, sure I wish I could wake up every morning and kiss him, but that's not in the plans. I'll take what I can get," you smiled.
"He wants that too, believe me."
"Hey guys, what did I miss?" Dean walked through the hall into the room.
"Nothing. Just talking about you," you grinned.
"All good I hope?"
You had spent a couple of hours catching up with the two of them. Turns out they had a hunt nearby and he decided to surprise you. He has his arm around you all night, and he placed several kisses to your forehead throughout the evening. It felt great to have him back.
You showed Sam to the spare bedroom while Dean showered, and got ready for bed. You made sure Sam had towels and sheets. You threw a couple of blankets in too, knowing your house got quite cold at night.
You quickly changed out of your clothes and threw on one of Dean's old shirts and pajama pants before climbing into your bed, awaiting Dean to come out of the bathroom. He emerged from the bathroom, his chest still wet from his shower and his pajama pants hanging low on his hips. You couldn't help but glance over his body.
"You like what you see?" he smirked.
"Definitely," you winked, "get your sexy ass over here, Winchester."
"Yes ma'am."
In three steps he was over at the bed, climbing in next to you. His lips were on yours instantly, your heart skipping a beat as he deepened the kiss. His fingers trailed underneath the material of your shirt, the warmth running over your skin. You smiled into his kiss before he pulled away.
"I've been waiting so long to do that," he admitted.
"Too long. I've missed you so much, Dean," you told him.
"I've missed you too, beautiful," he smiled. "I thought about you everyday."
He leaned in to kiss you once more, his body weight settling on top of you as he slowly kissed your lips. You brought your hand up to his cheek, your thumb rubbing over his stubble. You couldn't help but relish in the feeling of having him there; of having him hold you just the way you like it. God knows how you've missed him, but you weren't about the be selfish and as more of him; of asking him to stay.
"Mommy, Daddy. Are you awake?" a tiny voice broke the comfortable silence.
"Yes, baby girl. What's going on?" Dean asked her as he moved off of you.
"I had a nightmare," she sniffled. You saw his face change when he heard her words, as if his heart just broke.
"Come here, Mary. Mommy and I will protect you," he told her. Her feet padded their way over to the bed, she climbed up and sat in between the two of us. Dean picked her up and sat her on his lap, holding her tightly while you held her hand.
"Do you want to talk about your nightmare?" you asked. She leaned into Dean as she nodded her head.
"There was a monster out to get you and Daddy. He said that he wanted to hurt Daddy so that he could never see you or me ever again. Then he was going to come after you and Uncle Sammy," she explained. Dean pulled her tightly to him. Gently rocking her back and forth, trying to calm her down. He placed sweet kisses to her hair as you wiped away her tears.
"Don't you worry, Mary. Nothing is going to take me away from you. I promise," he assured her.
"But the bad guys always go after superheros. Mommy told me you were a superhero. What if they get you?" she questioned.
"They won't," he smiled. "I'm too fast for them."
"I promise. Now let's get you tucked in. I'll protect you from the monsters," he smiled. He put her under the covers and placed a kiss to her forehead. You curled up next to her as Dean turned out the light.
"Daddy," she whispered.
"Yeah, baby girl?"
"Do you love Mommy?" she asked him. You were slightly panicking, not knowing exactly what he would say.
"Of course I love Mommy. You're Mom is amazing," he muttered to her.
"Then why don't you tell her everyday? Hannah said her daddy stopped telling her mommy and now he's not allowed to live there. Is that going to happen?"
"That won't ever happen. Daddy just hasn't found the right way to tell her that he loves her yet. What do you suggest?" he mumbled.
"Tell her she's pretty, Mommy always smiles when you tell her she is. Then say 'I love you' and kiss her. She said that when you kiss her you take her breath away," she recommended.
"Sounds good. Could you see if she's awake?"
"Mommy, wake up. Daddy needs you!" she shook your body. You looked at her, as if surprised.
"Okay sweetie," you yawned. She moved out of the way, climbed towards the end of the bed. Dean moved closer to you, his calloused hand cupping your face.
"Y/N, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on, except for Mary and even then, she looks like you. I'm so sorry I haven't said this to you sooner, but do know, I mean it. I love you so much, and I don't ever want to picture my life without you," he confessed.
"I love you too, Dean." His lips brushed over yours sweetly as he pulled you into his chest.
"Mary, is it okay if I cuddle with Mom tonight?" he asked her kindly.
"Can we both cuddle with Mommy?"
Dean lay on his back allowing you to rest your head on his chest and wrap your arm around his waist. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into him. Mary climbed into the bed and rested her head on your back, wrapping her arm around your waist. You had never felt so loved in your life.
You woke up to find yourself warmer than usual, then you remember the events of last night. Dean had come to visit last night, taking both you and Mary by surprise. You were lying on his chest, you could hear his steady heartbeat beneath you. His arm wrapped around your shoulder, bringing you closer to him. Then you remembered, he told you he loved you last night, for the first time.
"Mommy, are you awake," your daughter whispered, breaking you from your thoughts.
"Yes, sweetie. Is everything okay?" you asked her. You didn't want to leave the comfort of Dean's chest, but you needed to turn to face her. She sat up next to you, her hair sticking up in many places.
"I'm hungry," she said as she rubbed her stomach. You laughed at her actions before sitting up.
"Me too. How about we wake daddy up with kisses and make him make us breakfast," you suggested. Her face lit up and she smiled widely, agreeing on the plan. She climbed over your legs and carefully over Dean's so she was on the other side of him. "Ready?"
You and Mary began to place kisses to Dean's face, causing him to stir. He brushed it off at first, which was strange for him being a hunter and all. You continued to pepper his face, not missing a single spot.
"Daddy, wake up," she whispered in his ear. He opened his eyes slightly, groaning at the thought of waking up.
"Looks like we're going to have to tickle him to wake him up," you smiled at her. She nodded her head, liking the idea. Her tiny fingers began to tickle at his sides, causing him to flinch uncontrollably. You burst out in laughter as he moved, his laugh was like music to your ears, something you would never get tired of hearing.
"Okay, stop! I'm awake now," he breathed out.
"Daddy, Mommy and I are hungry. Will you make us breakfast?" she asked, using her best puppy dog eyes, ones that neither of you could resist.
"I guess I could do that for my two favourite girls," he smiled as he covered his eyes with his arm. "What are we feeling today? Pancakes and bacon, or waffles with chocolate chips?"
"Waffles," you and her said at the same time.
"Alright, let's go," he grinned, getting up from the bed. Mary jumped off the bed and ran down the hall before you could say another word. Dean's waffles were her favourite, and no matter how hard you tried, you could never make them as good as his. You slipped on his flannel shirt while he threw some pajama pants on and a white fitted t-shirt. You couldn't help but glance over him.
"Like what you see?" he smirked.
"You have no idea," you winked. He chuckled before closing the space between you and him, crashing his lips to yours, sending the butterflies soaring in your stomach. Mary wasn't kidding last night when she told him that every time he kissed you it took your breath away.
"God, I love you," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around you.
"I love you more, Dean Winchester," you smiled.
"Not possible," he said as he scooped you up in his arms and carried you into the kitchen.
Mary was sitting on the couch with Sam, showing him a photo album. He was mesmerized by the photos. Most of them were of her when she was three or four years old. There were quite a few of her and Dean in there and a few of you and her. There was even the odd one of the two of you. Mary loved that photo album. She looked at it often when she missed Dean which was quite often.
"Do you and Daddy have any pictures?" Mary asked Sam.
"Yeah, we have a few, but not as many as you. I'll show you them sometime," he smiled.
Dean started making his famous waffles. You watched as he mixed everything up in the bowl, adding the perfect amount like he has down a hundred times before. He smiled at you as he poured the mix into the waffle iron, and left it to cook. He made his way over to you, wrapping his arms around you.
"You're beautiful, you know that?" he said lowly.
"Oh really? I've only been told once or twice by this attractive guy. Turns out my daughter looks just like him," you raised your eyebrow.
"Stupid Johnny Depp," he joked, causing you to smile.
"Daddy, how long are you here for?" Mary asked. The dreaded question you're not sure you want the answer to. "Forever?"
"We'll talk about it later, sweetie," he smiled as he placed a waffle on her plate and handed it to her, "Don't worry, I'm not leaving any time soon." Relief washed through your body. He looked over at you to see you smiling, you leaned up and kissed him hard. He smiled into the kiss before pulling away.
"Awesome! Mommy did you hear that!" she yelled in excitement.
"I did!" you replied.
"We're always really sad when you leave, Daddy. Mommy cried the last time for a whole day," she told him. You could feel your face turning red at her confession. Dean was never supposed to know that. Hell, you didn't know Mary knew that.
"There will be no tears while I'm around. Unless they are happy tears!" he demanded.
———–DEAN'S POV———-
Mary seemed to enjoy her waffles as did Y/N. God knows what they had for breakfast when I wasn't there. Y/N was an amazing cook, but she doesn't wake up until she's had at least 3 cups of coffee. It's kind of cute.
Being here with the both of them, even Sam, is better than I could have ever imagined. I missed them while I was on the road, but it wasn't until I came back that I realized how much. I'm missing big parts of both of their lives. I'm not there when Mary comes home from school everyday, and I'm barely there for her weekends off. I miss school events and days where she comes home with an A on her tests. I'm not even there for Y/N. She sleeps alone every night, wishing that I was there just like I wish she was with me. I'm not there when she has a bad day at work and she needs comforting. She has to go to parent teacher interviews alone, she's had to raise Mary mostly herself. I don't like knowing that she's cried because of me, I don't like knowing that my daughter knows that her mom has cried because of me. Something has to change.
"Y/N, would it be okay if I took Mary out today?" I asked her as I kissed her cheek.
"Yeah, she'd love to spend some time with you. Just don't give her too much junk food, and she's not getting a tattoo," she warned me, I knew she was joking around about the last part. She was adorable when she tried to be serious about something.
"You know I won't do that," I assured her. "Hey, Mary. Mom said yes to the piercings!" I yelled, earning myself a slap on the arm.
"Mommy said I'm not allowed piercings until you get one," she said, her expression was serious. What the hell did they talk about when I wasn't home?
"We're going to spend the day together, how does that sound?" I smiled as I picked her up.
"Awesome!" she shouted, "are we driving in your car?"
"Of course we are!" I told her.
"Can I pick the music? I want to listen to the tiger song." she giggled.
"Tiger song it is."
Mary sat shotgun in the impala, I was able to get her car seat in no problem. I had "Eye of the Tiger playing loudly as she and I sang to it. It was her favourite song and she demanded I play it every time we go out together. She said it was our song. She told me one day that I reminded her of a tiger, because I was strong like one.
"Where are we going, Daddy?" she asked me.
"Well, I need your help with something. And I need to talk to you about something really important," I told her, she smiled softly.
"Are you leaving again?" she questioned, I could sense the sadness in her voice.
"Not anytime soon," I assured her, "How would you feel if you and mom came with me, and moved in with Uncle Sammy?"
"Is it far away?"
"Yes, it is far away and you'll have to go to a new school," I told her."
"But I would get to see you everyday? And mommy would too?"
"Everyday, except when I have to go out and help someone, but you'll see me a lot more often. I would be able to pick you up from school and tuck you into bed. But this is only if it's okay with you. If you don't want to, and you want to stay here with your friends, that's okay too," I explained to her. I didn't want her to feel pressured into coming to live with me, I hadn't even ran the idea by Y/N yet either. They both had lives here, she had a job here. But I wanted to be with my family, and I wanted to be sure that they were safe.
"I want to!" she yelled in excitement. I smiled widely, hoping that Y/N would feel the same.
I pulled into the mall, parking in the nearest parking spot. Mary was quick in undoing her seat belt and opening her door. She ran to my side, holding my hand as we walked to the entrance.
"Now, Mom told me that you did really well on your report card," I mentioned to her. she nodded her head. "I figured I would buy you something special for doing so good. Is there anything you want?"
"Ice cream!" she smiled widely.
"Sounds awesome, kiddo. But I need you to help me with something before we get ice cream," I started. I picked her up and placed her on my shoulders, she laughed as soon as my hands touched her sides. We made our way down the mall, stopping just before we got to the jewelry store. "You need to promise me that this is our secret okay. You can't tell mom, it's a surprise for her."
"I promise, Daddy."
"We're going to pick out a ring for mommy. I'm going to ask her to marry me on Christmas eve. Is that okay with you?" I asked her, not even considering her opinion on this before coming here.
"You're going to ask Mommy to marry you! You love her that much?" she inquired. I looked at her in confusion for a moment.
"Of course. I love her so much that I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and I should have asked her a long time ago," I grinned.
"Right answer!" she giggled.
Needless to say, Mary and I picked out the perfect ring for her.
———-Reader's POV————–
You spent the day cleaning up around the house. You did both yours and Mary's laundry, along with Sam and Dean's. You vacuumed and dusted around the whole house, you cleaned up Mary's room, organized your room, and made sure Sam had everything he would need for about a week. You had no idea how long they were staying, so you wanted to be sure they had enough. You finished off by making a pie for Dean when he got back.
You thought it was nice of him to take Mary out for the day. She missed her dad a lot while he was away. It was good for her to spend some quality time with him, you just wish she could see him more often. You wished you could see him more often. Every time he came to visit, it made you realize just how much you missed him.
"Hey, Y/N. Need help with anything?" Sam asked as he entered the kitchen.
"No, I'm good. Can I get you anything?" you smiled at him.
"No thanks," he said as he grabbed a glass of water. "How do you do it?"
"Do what?" you furrowed your brows.
"All of this. You cook, clean, you raised a daughter for crying out loud. You work so hard and you never get a break," he sat down in front of you, sighing before taking a sip of his drink.
"Some days are easier than others. I have Dean, who reassures me that I'm doing my best whenever I doubt myself. I have an amazing daughter who will grow up and appreciate everything I did for her. So I don't get to go out as often as I would like, and I can't see the man I love more often. I have a lot to do every day, but I wouldn't change it for anything. I have a family, and that's all I could ever ask for," you told him.
"Have you asked him to stay?"
"No, and I won't," you sighed, looking at the ground momentarily, "Dean's a hunter, he's always been a hunter and I'm not about to ask him to give that up because we both miss him. Yes Mary deserves to have her father there for the most important parts in her life, but we've gotten so used to it just being us with Dean here when he can. I can't be selfish and ask him to stay, no matter how much I want to."
"He would, you know. He'd give it up for the two of you," Sam smiled sadly.
"I know he would. He loves that girl with all his heart, and would literally do anything for her," you smiled at the thought.
"He loves you too, I can see it in the way he looks at you. He's never looked at anyone like he looks at you. He just wishes he could give you more," Sam confessed.
"Mommy! Uncle Sammy! We're home!" Mary's voice interrupted you.
"Don't tell Dean I told you any of that, he'd kill me," Sam winked. You nodded your head.
"In the kitchen sweetie," you shouted. She came running into the kitchen, Dean following closely behind. He walked up to you, snaking his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours, smiling into the kiss. Damn how you wish he could stay. "Did you have ice cream?"
"What makes you think that?" he asked, Mary laughing at her Dad's reaction.
"I can taste vanilla ice cream on your lips. Not to mention your daughter has it all over her face," you pointed it. He glanced down, seeing chocolate all over Mary's face.
"How did that get there?" he said sheepishly, making a funny face at Mary.
"Are you going to ask her now, Daddy?" she whispered. He nodded his head.
"Mary, let's go get you cleaned up. Mommy and Daddy need to talk," Sam said, picking her up and carrying her out of the room.
"Ask me what, Dean?" you inquired. He smiled nervously, his hand rubbed the back of his neck.
"You know how much I love you and Mary right?" he started.
"Yeah of course, Dean," you assured him, you rested your hand on his back.
"It kills me to be away from the both of you, especially for such long periods of time, and I feel like I'm being selfish in asking this of the both of you. Sam and I recently found a place to live, somewhere that he and I can call home and it's said to be the safest place in the world, and I thought that maybe you and Mary would like to come and live there with us," he revealed. "I know it's asking a lot from you, since you have a life here, and a job, and your parents a literally down the street. But this way I'll know you're safe, and I'll get to see you both a lot more often. I understand if you don't though. It's just a thought."
You wiped away a stray tear quickly before kissing him hard, cupping his face in your hands. "I would love to, but I have to talk to Mary first," you whispered.
"I asked her today when we were out. I had high hopes that you'd say yes. I had to make sure she'd be okay with switching schools," he told you.
"Then it looks like we're going with you," you chuckled.
"Thank god," he smiled before he lifted you up and pressed his lips to yours. You kissed him back instantly, your lips moving in sync with one anothers. Relief washed through your body, you wouldn't have to wonder when you would see him next, or if he would make it to one of Mary's talent shows.
"Awwwww!" two voices broke you and Dean apart. Mary was in Sam's arms, all cleaned up.
"Mommy, why are you crying?" her tiny voice asked you.
"I'm just really happy," you told her, "We're going to move in with Daddy."
"Yay!" both Mary and Sam shout in excitement. You and Dean burst out in laughter.
"Uncle Sammy, come help me pack!" she said before running off to her room.
You began to stir, your body aching as you moved to turn over onto your back. You had spent the last week prepping to move you and your daughter out of your house. The past few days have consisted of putting things in boxes, throwing out stuff you didn't need. You were only packing the essentials and you were leaving all of your furniture behind, your parents wanting to take it from you for their house, and to help out your sister. You finished packing up last night, Mary still had a couple of things. Today was the day you were moving.
You finally opened your eyes to see the most beautiful man you have ever laid eyes on. He was still asleep. His face relaxed, all the years of hunting and all the weight on his shoulders weren't there, like they didn't even exist when he was asleep, that is, apart from the nightmares you were sure haunted him when he drifted off. You glanced over the freckles peppering his nose, the same ones spread the same over Mary's. He was perfect in more ways than one. You smiled softly before placing a light kiss to his lips.
"Good morning, beautiful," he said, his voice etched with sleep. His eyes hadn't even opened yet.
"Morning. How long have you been awake?" you asked him as you curled into his side.
"About as long as you. I felt you turn," he smiled as he opened his eyes to look at you. "God I can't wait to wake up to you every morning, Y/N"
He pressed his lips to yours, his hand coming up to brush the hair away from your face. He rolled his body onto yours, memories from last night's events came rushing back. It felt like it had been forever since he touched you like that. No one inch of your skin going untouched by his hands and his mouth. They way your bodies moved together as one, the fire in your stomach, the amazing release he gave you, not to mention the soft moans that escaped passed his lips and the way he buried his face in the crook of your neck, groaning out your name as he finished. No wonder you were so sore today.
"Last night was amazing, Dean," you whispered as he kissed along your neck.
"Damn right it was. It's taking all my strength not to do it all over again right this second," he growled, his hands traced their way down to your exposed breast.
"What's stopping you?" you teased, "Dean."
"Mommy! Daddy! It's moving day!" Mary's voice filled the room. "I'm going to go find Uncle Sammy!"
"That's what is stopping me," he sighed as he rolled off of you. You pulled up the sheet to cover your exposed body. He climbed out of bed, you watched as his muscles flexed with every movement. He threw on a pair of black boxer briefs before grabbing his plaid pajama pants from the floor. "Tonight, when we get you all moved in, I'm going to take you to my room and I'm going to continue what we started here. Don't you worry, babe."
"Keep talking like that and I don't think I'll be able to wait until tonight," you smirked. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips before handing you one of his shirts.
"I'm counting on that," he grinned. You threw the shirt on before climbing out of bed. You threw on some panties and your pajama pants before heading out of the room.
"Um, Dean," you stopped, grabbing his hand to stop him too.
"What's up, Y/N?" he questioned.
"You might want to put a shirt on," you told him, your cheeks turning slightly pink.
"Why? Oh, right!" he smiled widely. "The things you do to me woman."
Mary was sitting at the kitchen counter next to Sam. They both had a bowl of cereal in front of them. You couldn't help but smile at the interaction between the two of them. You knew Sam loved her the second he laid eyes on her, Dean told you that it would happen. Mary didn't trust people easily, something she got from both you and Dean. She trusted Sam almost instantly. She loved him just like she loved Dean. She had been spending more time with him recently, asking him to help her pack up her room, and asking him to play tea party with her.
"Mommy, Uncle Sammy told me that when we get to our new house, that I can have a room next to his. Is that okay?" she asked, her signature puppy dog eyes made an appearance. You glanced over to Sam to see him doing the same thing.
"Yes, you definitely can," you smiled. Dean walked in, his brows furrowed as he looked at his brother and his daughter sitting at the counter.
"What did I miss?" he asked as he placed a kiss to your cheek.
"Just your daughter and your brothers puppy dog eyes. I now know where she gets that from," you chuckled.
"Now you know what I had to deal with growing up. He got the last of the lucky charms because of those eyes," Dean glared at Sam.
"Speaking of which, we finished off the box," Sam added.
The rest of the morning was spent packing up the rest of Mary's stuff and putting them in Dean's baby and the back of your truck. Your parents came over to say goodbye to you and their granddaughter. When you told them that you were moving halfway across the country, they were extremely mad, at least at first. They took a few days to cool down. Your mom called you during the week to tell you that she had thought a lot about it and completely understood why you were going. She knew that you loved Dean with all your heart, and she knew that Mary needed her father more than anything, even if it meant that she wouldn't get to see her granddaughter as often. You assured her that you would call and email her weekly and that she could facetime with Mary whenever she wanted. You promised you'd come and visit at least twice a year. She was smiling with tears in her eyes when she said goodbye, your dad hugged you and Mary tightly before shaking both Sam and Dean's hands.
"Take care of my daughter, and my granddaughter," your dad said before taking off with your mother down the road.
"Mommy, can I ride with Daddy?" she asked you. You smiled at her and nodded your head. You climbed in the passenger's seat of your truck, letting Sam drive.
————Dean's POV————-
Mary sat in the front seat with me. I could tell she was really excited to see her new home, not to mention be able to see me and Sam more often. We played "Eye of the Tiger" about twenty times before she got tired of it. She had fallen asleep for an hour, her head resting on the middle seat. I made sure to be extra careful when driving, only going a little over the speed limit.
I don't think I had ever been happier than I was in this moment. My best friend, my brother and my daughter were all on our way to our home, the home that we're going to be able to share and make so many memories in. Now I'm going to be able to watch Mary grow up, I'm going to be there for the moments when she needs me, when they both need me. I knew Y/N was excited to move in with me, even if she didn't really show it. I think it's because she's afraid that something is going to go wrong, she's always been afraid of something like that. She's grown up that way, everything good that has happened to her has always had some sort of bad side. Take me for example, I eventually had to go back into the family business and leave her and Mary behind to worry about me. Her job paid well but she hated it most days. I'm hoping that moving in with me will crush that outlook on life and give her a new perspective; give her something better.
"Daddy?" Mary's voice broke me from my thoughts.
"What's up, sweetie?" I asked her.
"How did you meet Mommy?" she questioned me.
"Well, I was about twenty two. Uncle Sammy had just left to go to school, and he wasn't intending on coming back any time soon. I told my dad that I need some time, that I was going to take a road trip. So I climbed in this car, and drove. I didn't know where I was going, I just followed the road. It was three days later that I stopped. I was starving so I stopped at the first diner I saw. Your mommy was my waitress at the time. She brought me my food and she gave me a free drink," I started.
"Did you think she was pretty?" she smiled.
"I thought she was beautiful, even with her hair a mess and ketchup on her shirt. She was very kind, just like she is now. When she brought me my food, she asked me if I was okay. Of course I was super tired and I looked it too, and I told her that," I paused.
"Hey, not to pry or anything, but are you okay? You look exhausted," she said to me, a concerned look spread across her face.
"Yeah, I'm just really tired, been on the road a few days." I told her.
"Road Trip by yourself?" she raised her eyebrow.
"Something like that," I said as I took a swing of my beer.
"Do you have a place to stay tonight? You look like you haven't had a good night's sleep in a few days."
"No, I'll probably find the nearest motel, if not I'll sleep in my car," I chuckled.
"I get off work in ten, you can crash at my place, it's not far from here," she smiled softly. Her smile was beautiful, god knows how great her laugh is.
"Are you sure? You don't even know me," I questioned her.
"Yeah I know, but by the looks of you, you need someone to talk to, someone who will listen, and some sleep. I can offer you all three," she said before walking away. Needless to say, I waited for her to finish work.
"Did you talk to her?" Mary asked.
"Yeah, I talked to her for what seemed like hours. She sat on the couch next to me and listened to me, better yet, she understood me, no one had ever got me the way she did. She made everything seem okay, even when it wasn't. You know when you get something wrong in your homework or on a test and Mommy makes you feel better about it?"
"Yeah, she tells me that it's okay to make mistakes. She said it's how I get to grow to be big and strong like you, Daddy," Mary giggled. I paused for a moment, taking in what she said.
"Dean, you know it's not your fault your brother ran away right? He needed out of the life, which sounds horrible by the way. He didn't want away from you, maybe your dad, but definitely not you," she said as she took my hand and squeezed it.
"I just feel like I screwed up. My dad is pissed at me for letting him go, not to mention for running away from the job. He would kill me if he knew I was here," I sighed.
"You're here, and you're safe. That's better than in some alleyway, dead. You're going to be okay, Dean. I can promise you that. You're strong, I can see that, and you've seen more crap that the average person. Maybe you should try to get out too?" she voiced. I thought about her words, hoping that someday I would actually believe them.
"Thanks Y/N. But I don't think I'll be able to get out," I smiled softly.
"Why not? If your brother can, what is stopping you? I don't see your dad anywhere. All I see is you and me sitting here, no demons, no vengeful spirits, nothing but you and me. That doesn't seem so bad, does it?"
"No, it doesn't."
"Your mom helped me when I needed someone the most. She was the one there when I woke up from a horrible nightmare, she was the one whose hugs made me feel better that day, and even better, she let me stay with her. Then I fell in love with her," I told her. Mary had a bright smile across her lips.
"I liked that story," she said.
"Me too."
"When you marry Mommy, can I be the flower girl?" she inquired.
"Absolutely, sweetie. We couldn't have anyone better. But remember, this is only if Mom says yes," I reminded her, she just smiled at me.
"Mommy will say yes!" he confirmed.
———Reader's POV———-
After a long day in the car we had finally arrived to the bunker. From outside, it looked like an old abandon building that had been forgotten about, but Sam assured you that it was awesome inside.
Dean made his way over to you, pulling you in for a tight hug, "Welcome home, baby."
You, Sam and Mary had made your way inside while Dean pulled your truck and the impala into the garage. Sam put a couple of frozen pizzas in the oven for dinner. You were too tired to even think about moving your stuff in yet, surely it could wait until tomorrow.
You all sat down and ate dinner together, Mary could barely keep her eyes open. It was a long day, and you're sure that Dean kept her awake in the car. She probably asked him a million questions and he probably rambled on for hours about it.
"I'll take her to her room," Sam offered. "You guys go get settled. We'll see you in the morning." Dean got up and walked over to his daughter and placed a kiss to her forehead before Sam took off with her asleep in his arms.
"What do you say we head to bed?" he asked, he held his hand out for you to hold. You nodded your head. He lead you through the bunker, knowing that if he didn't, you would be lost. This place was huge, it was like you were a mouse going through a maze. He stopped at a door, eleven posted on the front of it. He opened the door and motioned for you to go in before him. You walked in to see his room was empty looking, like he hadn't bothered to move in just yet. You were definitely going to change that.
You pulled him in and closed the door behind him. You pressed him to the door, your lips on his immediately. His hands instantly held your hips, bringing you closer to him. He hummed in approval and you couldn't help but smile into the kiss.
"Damn, Y/N. What was that for?" he smiled as he brought his fingers up to his lips.
"I've been thinking about you all day, about how we left things this morning," you told him, your voice was low.
"Oh really?" he paused, "You mean how my lips kissed along your neck, and how my hand massaged your breast, kind of like this?" His lips were on your neck, his stubble tickling you as he sucked away at your sensitive skin. His hand made its way beneath your shirt, cupping your bra-clad breast.
"Exactly like that. Finish what you started Winchester," you demanded.
Within minutes, he had torn off your clothes, throwing them across the room before his hand trailed over your skin, seeing all of the hickies he had left over your body from the night before. You could see that he thought you were beautiful by the way he was looking at you, he had so much adoration in his eyes, it was hard not to see it.
You sat up and reached for his boxers, your fingers curling in the waistband before you stripped them off of his body, his erection sprang free. He smiled at you before he climbed above you.
"Dean," you whispered.
He lined himself up with your entrance, his eyes meeting yours for permission to go further. Your lips met his as he pushed into you, filling you up completely as he bottomed out. He gave you a moment to adjust before he set his pace, pumping in and out of you as his hands roamed over your body. You loved the feeling of having him inside you, feeling every inch of him brush against against you. His thrusts were deep, you could feel them pulsate through your entire body. He looked at you with such love as he moved slowly, wanting to make this last. He kissed you passionately, his tongue dancing with yours as you traced your hands down his body down to his ass.
"Dean, baby I'm close," you moaned.
He picked up the pace, his slow consistent thrusts became faster, your sweaty bodies meeting with every thrust. You wrapped your legs around him, allowing him to thrust deeper inside of you. You knew then he wasn't far behind you. His breathing was erratic, soft moans escaping past his lips. His grip on you tightened, his fingers digging into your skin. His cock hit your sweet spot over and over sending you over the edge. You fingers dug into his back once more, leaving more marks that he would have to hide in the morning. You moaned out his name and you threw your head back into the pillow. His lips were on your neck as he helped you ride out your orgasm, pushing him into his own. His body collapsed on top of you as he came, spilling himself inside of you.
A light layer of sweat covered both of your bodies as you lay together. His lips lazily working with yours. He brushed the hair away from your face, the soft touch of his fingertips gently grazing your face. You could feel him going soft inside of you before he pulled out and rolled off of you.
"That was amazing," he breathed out.
"Always is," you smiled.
"You got that right. Well thats my bedroom christened, we've got about a billion more surfaced to do it," he joked.
"I love you, Dean," you said as you curled into his chest.
"I love you too, sweetheart," he grinned before placing a kiss to your forehead. "I can't wait to wake up to you in the morning."
"Me too," you whispered. "I fancy waffles tomorrow."
Dean let out a chuckle before pulling you tightly to him, sleep consuming you both before another word could be spoken.
"Daddy, do you think Mommy is going to say yes when you ask her to marry you tonight?" Mary asked as she ran over to me with a bag of bows.
"I don't know sweetie, I hope she does. I love Mommy very very much, and I know she loves me, and even if she says no. I know she will still be with me," I told her, she smiled widely.
"I think she will say yes because she loves you soooooooooooooooo much, Daddy!" she exaggerated.
"Oh, is that so. Well I guess we'll have to see tonight, won't we?" I chuckled.
Today was Christmas Eve, the day I planned on asking Y/N to marry me. I had been planning this for months now, but never was I as nervous as I was at this moment. I honestly had no idea how she would feel about this. It was something she and I never talked about. With us, it was always what we were going to have for dinner, or where our next date would be, and the occasional talk about her pregnancy when she was pregnant with Mary. Marriage had never once come up. I'm not even sure this is something she wants.
Mary and I were wrapping gifts for Sam and Y/N, something she suggested we do together. I would wrap the presents and she would write the tags and put the bows on them. She would occasionally ask me a question about my Christmas as a kid but I never gave her much to go on. I just said that Uncle Sammy and I used to watch a football game, and eat lots of junk food, leaving out the fact that my father was never there. She had many years before she would know any of that.
"Daddy, can I stay up late tonight and wait for Santa to come?" she asked me, giving me those puppy dog eyes.
"I'm sorry sweetie, but Santa only comes when you're asleep. Plus, you want to be awake tomorrow to open your presents don't you?" I told her, hoping she would quickly drop it.
"Oh right. I forgot. We're leaving cookies and milk out right? And a carrot for Rudolph?" she giggled as she thought about it more. "How does Santa not get sick from all the cookies. I eat three and I want to barf."
"Honestly, I have no idea. If I ever meet him, I'll be sure to ask for you," I said to her.
——————Reader's Pov——————-
You woke up this morning the same as you did every morning for the past two weeks. You were in the bathroom, the contents of last night's dinner making it's famous reappearance. You're not sure how Dean hasn't noticed how sick you've been, he's been getting up earlier and earlier every day. You could feel him kiss you good morning before he climbed out of bed, and you didn't see him until you rose from the bathroom an hour later.
You flushed the contents down the toilet and closed the lid, taking a seat on it. You knew what was going on, it was obvious. You were late, you had morning sickness, your moods were all over the place; it was the exact same the first time around. You had gone out yesterday to buy a pregnancy test, if you were and you were pretty sure of the answer, you needed to tell Dean right away.
You took the test, waiting for the results. You and Dean hadn't talked about having any more kids, you didn't even know if he wanted another one. He just asked you to move in with him, he just became a bigger part of yours and Mary's lives than he already was. How could this have even happened? You were on birth control.
You flipped the test over to see the little pink positive sign. You weren't going to lie, you were kind of excited to have another kid. Mary would love a little brother or sister. You remembered asking your parents for Christmas one year if you could have a little brother or sister, needless to say you got one, nine months later but it was better late than never. Even if Dean didn't want another one, which you doubted, Mary would be through the roof.
You stolled back to your room and pulled out your gifts for Sam, Dean and Mary and began to wrap them. Most of hers were from Santa, and a couple from you and Dean. You couldn't wait to see her face when she opened them. If it was anything like it was when you decorated the bunker, you knew she would be happy.
"Mommy, can I put the star on top of the tree?" she asked you.
"Yes you can, sweetie. Ask Daddy to lift you up, or even Uncle Sammy, he's taller," you smiled at her. The four of you had spent the afternoon decorating the bunker for Christmas. Mary was extremely excited. She had been counting down the days until Christmas since November. She said it was her favourite holiday because she got to see both of us, and she was even more excited to spend it with Uncle Sam.
"Daddy, Uncle Sammy, can you lift me up?" she asked both of them. Before she could even process, they both lifted her up, causing her to burst out in laughter. You handed her the star to put on top of the tree. She reached up and placed it on top, the light shining hit it perfectly, making it look lit up when it wasn't.
"It looks beautiful," you said.
"Just like you," Dean smiled as he handed Mary to Sam. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you softly.
"You're too sweet to me," you chuckled.
"Only trying to repay you for everything you've done for me, sweetheart," he smirked.
You finished up wrapping and hid the presents from Santa in your closet. You threw on one of Dean's flannels before carrying the gifts down to the viewing room where the Christmas tree was. Your eyes caught two figures by the tree, a tall handsome man, and beautiful little girl. They were putting presents under the tree when you walked in, not noticing you in the room. You quietly put your gifts on the couch before tiptoeing your way over to Dean, jumping on his back. He let out a girlish shriek as Mary burst out in laughter.
"Baby, you scared the crap out of me," he breathed out.
"Sorry, babe. I couldn't resist," you smiled.
"Mommy, are you feeling better?" Mary questioned, for a moment, you didn't know what she was talking about.
"Yeah, sweetie. I'm feeling much better. Why don't you go join Uncle Sammy in the kitchen for some breakfast," you suggested, you could feel Dean's eyes on you as you spoke to her. She nodded her head and ran down the hall to the kitchen.
"What was she talking about, Y/N?" he inquired. "Are you sick?"
"I just wasn't feeling so well. Something didn't agree with me, that's all," you lied as you pressed your lips to his stubbly cheek.
"Okay. If something was wrong, you would tell me though, right?" his voice still laced with concern.
"I promise," you smiled. In all honesty, you were about to slip the news to him right then and there, but you wanted to wait until tonight. You had to wait until tonight.
————————-Dean's Pov—————-
Y/N was hiding something, I knew she was from the moment she said she was fine. I hadn't noticed anything different about her, but then again, I was getting up earlier and earlier every day. I trusted Y/N, I trusted her more than I trusted anyone and I know she would tell me if something was wrong with her, maybe not right away, but I knew she would.
I walked in the kitchen to see Mary and Sam at the table. Sam was reading her a book while they ate their breakfast cereal together, that was their morning routine these days and I knew that Sam really enjoyed it.
"Mary, what was going on with Mommy this morning?" I asked her as I took a seat next to her.
"Mommy was sick in the bathroom again," she said before taking a mouthful of her fruitloops.
"Mommy was sick yesterday too. I think it was because of stress," she told me. "That's what she told me."
"What's going on with Y/N?" Sam inquired, furrowing his brows.
"She was sick this morning, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," I told him, trying more to convince myself than him.
"Daddy, let's go outside and build a snowman, or a snow fort!" Mary yelled in excitement.
"Okay, go get your snowsuit on and wait by the door," I smiled.
Mary ran out of the kitchen and to her room to go change while I made my way to Y/N. She was in our bedroom changing into her Christmas sweater when I walked in. She smiled when she saw me before making her way over to kiss me. Words can't describe how amazing her lips feel on mine. They're always so soft, so gentle, even when she was trying to be a little rough. She was pure perfection in my eyes and I couldn't believe how lucky I was that I got to wake up next to her everyday.
"You sure you're okay, babe?" I asked her.
"Yeah, I promise you everything is okay. Don't even worry, okay baby?" she smiled at me as she wrapped her arms around my waist.
"I'll always worry about you," I grinned at her before pressing my lips to her forehead. "I'm going outside to make a snowman or snow fort with Mary."
"Sounds like fun. Have fun baby. I love you," she smiled widely, her smile was infectious.
"I love you too, babe, so damn much." I muttered before crashing my lips to hers.
I quickly put on my winter jacket and a pair of old jeans that I could wear to play in the snow. Y/N set out my gloves and a hat before taking off down the hall to help Sam with wrapping.
Mary waited for me at the door before pushing it open and running into the fresh snow. It looked like it had snowed all night. By the time I got outside, she was already rolling a ball of snow for her snowman, a smile plastered on her face.
"Daddy, come help me!" she yelled.
I spend the afternoon helping her build the perfect snowman. Mary watched me as I craved out arms into the snowman with my hands. She grabbed buttons and a carrot from the house and I lifted her so she could reach to place them into the snowman.
"Daddy, did you and Uncle Sammy ever do stuff like this when you were kids?" she asked as she placed buttons on the snowman's stomach.
"No. There was never snow wherever we were so we couldn't make snowmen or snow angels. But we can do that now," I explained to her.
"I'm going to go ask Uncle Sammy to come out and play!" she said as she ran towards the bunker. Not five minutes later, Sam was in his winter gear with Mary's hand in his. I watched as she ran towards me, Sam running after her. "Uncle Sammy, look what Daddy and I made!"
"It's awesome, kiddo," he told her. "You know what else is fun?"
"What?" she asked him as she walked over to him.
"Throwing snowballs at Daddy," he suggested. Why didn't I see that one coming. She smiled widely as she saw Sam gathering up a pile of snow, balling it up. I knew it was probably in my best interests if I ran. Sam was quick, the next thing I knew, I was hit in the back with a snowball.
"You're going to pay for that one, Sammy," I said while pointing at him. "Mary, don't forget to throw them at Uncle Sammy, protect Daddy!"
"No!" she yelled as she ran towards Sam. Great!
Both of them gathered snowballs, preparing to throw them at me when Y/N came out, dressed for the cold. I was hiding behind a pile of snow when she joined me. She furrowed her brows when she saw me.
"What's going on babe?" she urged.
"Oh nothing, just our daughter turning against me," I revealed.
"Already?" she giggled. "Come on, Dean. Let's get her, and do not under any circumstances fall for her puppy dog eyes."
She and I walked out, hand in hand, towards the enemy team. Mary froze when she saw her mom was on my side.
"Get them, Mary!" Sam shouted as they began to throw snow at Y/N and I. I tried to take most of the hits for her before crouching down to retaliate, Y/N doing the same. We threw lightly at Mary, but there was no damn way I was holding back when I aimed at Sam.
When all was said and done, I was exhausted, but it was a good day, especially spending it with everyone that I loved, and knowing that Y/N and I won that.
—————-Reader's Pov————–
You and Dean were cuddling on the couch together after a fun day outside with Sam and Mary. It felt great to let loose with all of them, especially with everything that they had been through, it was great to have fun for once. Sam just brought Mary in from her bath and sat with her by the Christmas tree. Now was the time to tell them.
"Dean, I have something to tell you," you started. He turned his gaze to you, meeting your eyes.
"I do too, you can go first, baby," he smiled softly as he places a kiss to your forehead.
"Okay," you paused. "I know you've been worried about me, with me sick for the past few days, well two weeks actually."
"Y/N, please tell me you're not dying," he begged, you could see the concern in his eyes.
"I'm not dying, baby. I'm pregnant, Dean. I took a test this morning," you revealed to him. Sam looking at you both with a wide grin.
"Y-you're pregnant?" he smiled. "We're pregnant?"
"Yeah. I know we never talked about having anymore ki-" his lips cut you off. You could feel him smile against yours.
"Congratulations you guys!" Sam let out a laugh.
"What did you have to tell me, Dean?" He moved from beside you and shuffled around in his pocket. You watched each one of his movements, your heart skipped a beat when he kneeled down on one knee, pulling out a small velvet box.
"Y/N, baby, I love you so so much, and I have pretty much since I laid eyes on you eight years ago in that crappy diner. You are my better half, you're the person I try to impress everyday, you're the first thought that comes to mind and the last thought before I go to sleep. My heart still races when you walk in the room, and your kisses still give me butterflies. You know I'm not very good with these types of things, and I'm trying not to show how nervous I am at this very second. Y/N, you're the love of my life, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" he rambled out, tears collided down your cheeks. You couldn't form words. You nodded your head and whispered out a yes.
"Yay!" Sam and Mary cheered as Dean slipped the beautiful ring over your finger.
Dean kissed you hard as you wrapped your arms tightly around him. You quietly told him you loved him between kisses before he settled himself next to you on the couch.
"Daddy, I told you she would say yes," Mary said as she ran over to you and Dean, sitting on both of your laps.
"You knew?" you smiled at her.
"She helped me pick out the ring."

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...