Cisco drummed his fingers against the table as he waited for something to pop up on the computer. Anything so that Barry could get into his Flash mood. Some action!
He waited but nothing came. At least that meant that Central City was safe for the moment.
"Yeah..." Barry walked into the room as he talked to someone on the phone. "I'll talk to you later then"
Cisco stared at his friend, noticing the big smile on his lips. He wondered who was the reason for that happy grin.
Barry chuckled and his grin grew even wider if that was possible. There was a twinkle of joy in his eyes as well.
"Okay, I promise to bring you some chocolate to make up for that. Bye"
The speedster paced up and down the room, still smiling and too absent in his own thoughts to notice Cisco.
"Do you have a girlfriend you haven't told me about?" The boy made himself visible to Barry, who jumped a little and looked in his direction.
"What?" He replied, taken aback by Cisco's sudden presence. "No, I don't"
"Who were you talking to then?" The boy observed his friend, wishing he could read his mind.
"Oh, I was talking to Y/N" Barry replied cheerfully. "The other day I was late and I promised to give her some chocolate next time we meet as an apology"
"One should never arrive late to a date, Barry. Rule number one, dude!"
"It... it wasn't a date" His friend chuckled nervously.
"Right..." Cisco grinned and crossed his arms over his chest, throwing Barry a meaningful glare. "Because you don't like Y/N that way"
"No, just friends"
Cisco nodded and watched him. His friend's stare made him uncomfortable, so Barry waved his hand at him and left, stumbling over his excuse.
Just then Caitlin arrived, writing something down in a notebook.
"I have to get Barry and Y/N together" Cisco announced, making her stop and look at him.
"They're so obvious" The boy stood up and paced around the room, rubbing his hands together mischievously as a plan was starting to develop in his brain. "But they don't know, so I need to make them see"
"Alright" Caitlin put her notebook away and stared at her friend. "I'm not saying they don't like each other because obviously they do. But what are you going to do?"
"I'll trick Barry" Cisco nodded to himself, liking the idea. "He'll think Y/N is in danger and he'll run to save her. And when he sees she's okay, he'll be so happy and relieved that he'll kiss her"
Cisco clapped his hands together and smirked proudly.
"That's it?" Caitlin asked him, a little disappointed about his brilliant evil plan.
"Simple but effective" Cisco pouted at her little support, plopping down on his chair again and giving her an annoyed look. "It'll work"
"I don't think so" The girl was about to leave, but Cisco cleared his throat.
"Ten bucks it works"
Caitlin thought about it for a while. She wouldn't usually bet on anything, but she was so convinced that the plan was too simple and stupid that she was up for it.
Cisco and her shook hands to seal the bet while he grinned mischievously, anxious to get his plan started.
The next day, Cisco awaited for Y/N to arrive. Barry was already there, obviously excited for her to arrive.
Anyone would notice his eagerness just looking at him, the way he moved and behaved.
Cisco and Caitlin would sometimes exchange glances as their friends were unaware of everything.
"I'm here!" Y/N arrived and awkwardly smiled.
"Hi" Barry took a step forward as he rummaged through his jacket to find something. "This is for you, missy"
Y/N smiled when she noticed Barry was offering her a bar of chocolate.
"Thank you, mister" She took it and giggled as they stared at each other.
Y/N took a step forward to be closer to hin and opened her arms to hug him. Still, it looked like she changed her mind because she awkwardly pulled back.
Barry noticed, though, because he grinned shyly and briefly hugged her. The hug was just as awkward.
Cisco calmly walked to stay next to Caitlin and observed the two as the laughed, again, awkwardly.
"I ship it" He whispered to her. "I totally ship it"
Caitlin grinned in response.
Barry ran, faster than he had ever ran before.
His worst fear was becoming a reality: one of his friends was in danger.
Travelling through Central City as a reddish blur that people knew as The Flash, he desperatedly tried to reach his objective.
"Am I there yet?" He asked Cisco through his transmitter.
"Yes, you'll see her soon by the river" Cisco's voice replied.
Once he was close enough to the river, Barry stopped and heaved a restless sigh.
He looked around worriedly, searching for Y/N with his heart pounding on his chest. It felt as if his heart could reach the speed Barry himself reached.
"Y/N?" Barry yelled, the anguish notable in his voice.
"Ba-" Her voice sounded near him, but she stopped herself before she could discover her friend's identity. "Flash?"
The people around them stared, wondering what the Flash was doing there.
Barry got ahold of her and suddenly they were alone in a place far away.
And before she could react, Barry had engulfed her in a tight hug that nearly cut off her air.
"Are you hurt? What happened?" The boy was urging her with questions, but she had yet to recover from the disorienting instant travel.
"What? Of course I'm not hurt!" Y/N held to Barry's shoulders for stability as she tried to make sense out of everything.
Startled, he broke the embrace and took his mask off to reveal his face.
"I thought you were in danger" Still, he didn't let go of her in an attempt to remind his racing heart and his weary mind that she was okay, that she was right there with him.
"Why would you think that? I was calmly hanging out next to the river, it's a great view" Y/N replied simply, still not understanding the whole deal.
"But Cisco told me..."
"It was a mistake" The girl smiled at him and hugged him to make him feel better.
Barry relaxed a tad as he held her in his arms too.
But just then, he realized Cisco was talking through the transmitter. Even though it felt like he wasn't actually talking to Barry.
"Here, have your stupid money" Their friend's voice mumbled grumpily.
"I told you it wouldn't work" That was Caitlin's voice.
Clutching the gizmo to his ear, Barry frowned as he intently listened to their conversation.
"You have to be always right, huh?"
"Guys, what's going on?" Barry finally intervened.
Y/N stared at him curiously, wondering what they were saying since she couldn't hear.
"Were you listening, Barry?"
"Yes. Will you tell me what are you talking about?"
"Cisco made up a plan to get you to kiss Y/N" Caitlin explained briefly, earning many complaints from Cisco himself.
"He thought that if you believed her to be in danger when you'd find out she wasn't you'd be so happy and relieved that you'd kiss her"
"Yeah, go ahead and tell him my whole master plan..."
"Why would you think that?" Barry played dumb, but it was probably too late to pretend he didn't like Y/N anymore.
At least she wasn't listening.
In fact, she pulled at his arm whilst she insisted him to tell her what they were saying. But he gestured for her to wait.
"Okay, plan B" Cisco mumbled with determination. "Barry, everyone knows you love Y/N. So just kiss her!"
"I can't... I can't do that..." The boy replied inhibited, looking at her fondly as he admired how great she was and how much he loved her.
"Barry, for once I agree with Cisco. She likes you back, so just kiss her"
He stared at her, struggling with himself to make a decision. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her, hug her again and never let go.
But what if it ruined everything?
"What's wrong, Bar?" Y/N stared at him sweetly yet concernedly.
The boy smiled with the nickname, and he made up his mind at that very moment. He'd take the risk.
Barry tried to be subtle not to let her know how nervous he felt. How his legs felt weak, how his stomach felt queasy, how there were butterflies on it.
He just placed a hand on the little of her back and softly pushed her into him as he pressed his lips against hers.
Surprised, Y/N squealed in his mouth but soon got over it. She relaxed and let herself melt into the kiss as her hands flew to his hair.
"Is that a kiss? I hear a kiss" Cisco mumbled.
"Barry's heart rate increased" Caitlin observed.
"That's definitely a kiss"
When Barry and Y/N's kiss finished, they smiled at each other while they blushed.
"It worked! You owe me some money, girl!" Cisco kept talking on the other side of the transmitter.
"What? It didn't work! That was not your plan!" Caitlin kept arguing with him too.
"It was my plan B, and they kissed. So it worked"
Amused by their behavior, Barry chuckled and shook his head.
"What are you laughing at?" She asked him as Barry put his transmitter away not to hear them anymore.
"I'll tell you later" He just replied, placing an arm over her shoulders as they walked away.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...