Jensen Ackles Part Two

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You froze. Did you just hear that right? Did you fall asleep, and you're dreaming it? He couldn't have just said that......could he?
You slowly sat up. Your wide eyes looking into his sincere loving ones. From the way he looked, you knew he said it. You felt like you couldn't breath. You couldn't talk. You wanted to, you wanted to say something to him, but no matter how hard you tried, the only thing that you could do was open and close your mouth.
Since you weren't saying anything, of course he was reacting to it. A small smile slowly appeared, but not a good one, it was heartbreaking. He released a light nervous chuckle as he looked down at the couch.
Say something! You kept screaming over and over in your head, but still, nothing. You were seriously getting mad at yourself. You have never been this speechless before.
"It's too soon." he reached up, running a hand over his mouth. "It's too soon." he got up from the couch and looked down at you briefly. "I'm sorry." And just like that he walked away.
Y/N, Move! You swear you felt like your soul was trapped inside your body. You were screaming and flailing like crazy, but your physical body wasn't doing a dam thing.
Jensen slowly made his way to the backyard. He needed some air. His eyes stayed glued to the ground as he made his way out there. He didn't even pay attention to Gen and Jared in the kitchen as he passed through it. But Jared noticed.
"J?" his heart picked up speed, he knew something wasn't right. "J? Hey man, what's wrong?" Jensen just kept walking. "Babe, I'll be right back." he put down the bowl he was drying and followed zombie Jensen out to the back yard.
Jensen leaned on the railing and not too long after, Jared grabbed onto his shoulder, leaning right next to him.
"Jensen? What happened?" At first Jensen couldn't answer, so he just shook his head.
"I told her." Jared had to think for a moment.
"You told her?" he sighed once he figured it out. "You told her you love her?"
"Yeah." He could tell by the way he was acting that it wasn't good, but he wanted to know what happened. Because from where he was standing, you both looked perfect for each other.
"What did she say?" Jensen licked his lips before turning toward him.
"She didn't say anything. She just sat there, Jared." his head kept shaking from side to side, replaying what just happened over and over in his head. "It's too soon. It's way too soon, and now I've scared her!"
Jared was trying to think of what to say himself. He felt responsible for this. He told him to tell you that he loved you. He thought everything would be okay.

Jordan was taking a quick break from hide and seek. The kids decided to play with their Christmas toys together in the boys' room. As he came down the stairs, he was waiting to see you and Jensen all over each other, but he was shocked to see you, alone, staring off toward the Christmas tree.
Once he hit the bottom of the stairs, he took a quick look around the room, trying to find someone else. When he didn't see anyone, he looked back at you. You looked like a wax sculpture.
"Y/N?" he shook your shoulder lightly and you flinched, looking up at him. Your eyes were still wide, and he sort of panicked a little. "Y/N? What happened? Are you okay?"
"He......he....." He sat down where Jensen was previously and he grabbed your hands.
"What? What did he do?" he squeezed your hands, trying to keep you alert. "Y/N?"
"Jordan. He told me.......he loves me." It took him a second to register it, but once he did, he sighed and relaxed a little.
"Oh my God. Y/N, you had me thinking something horrible happened." he looked around the room again. "Where is he?"
"I....I don't know. He got up and.....I don't know."
"What do you mean he got up? What did you say to him?"
"Nothing. Jordan, I couldn't say anything. I froze."
"Oh my God, Y/N." he dropped his head into his hands briefly before looking back at you. "You need to find him. He couldn't have gone far. You need to fix this. I know you love him, and you need to tell him."
"No! No but's. Y/N, ask yourself right now, do you love him?"
"I.....I...." you kept shaking your head, feeling overwhelmed.
"You're thinking way too hard about this. Y/N, look at me. Do you like seeing him? Do you like being with him? The other night, how did you feel in his arms?" he could see you thinking about all of it. "Now, do. you. love. him?" Seconds later, your eyes snapped up to his.
"Then go tell him." You have never seen Jordan so serious in your life. You nodded and got off the couch, heading toward the kitchen. You saw Gen at the sink, but Jared was nowhere.
"Gen? Where's Jensen?" She turned and pointed to the backyard.
"Him and Jared went out there a couple minutes ago." You nodded and swiftly went for the door. Jared looked over as soon as he heard the door open. You gave him a tight smile and he looked back at Jensen.
"I'll uh.....give you two a minute." Jensen quickly glanced over, seeing you and then turning back to the yard. He wasn't ready to hear the rejection speech.
Jared gently squeezed your shoulder on the way back inside, then you slowly made your way closer to Jensen. Your heart was beating a million miles a second and the butterflies in your stomach were making you nauseous.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't." he put his hand up, but he still wasn't facing you, which hurt even more. "Just......don't, Y/N. You don't have to explain, okay."
"No, but I do. Jensen, I messed up." your voice was breaking and you were trying so hard to keep the tears at bay.
"No, I did. I'm the one who messed up." he slowly turned, facing you. "I mean, we've only been on one date, and I come out and tell you that I love you? I messed up." You shook your head, about to tell him he didn't, but he kept talking.
"Now I have to live with the fact, that I've messed this up. I have to live with the fact, that I've lost another woman that I've........" he choke on his own words, and he couldn't even look at you. You couldn't stop the tear that escaped your eye.
You were so thankful that you weren't frozen in place now. You walked up to him, grabbing onto his arms, squeezing them lightly, trying to get him to look at you.
"No. Jensen, you didn't mess anything up." he scoffed, and it broke your heart to hear him sniffle. "You didn't. Because I love you too."
"Y/N, you don't have to do that." he looked up, tears in his eyes and you swore you died right there. "Don't say it just because...."
"I'm not! I'm not. Jensen, I love you. I told me, and I froze. I couldn't move. I never thought that you would say that and I......I just didn't know what to do. But I do. I love you. I love you so much." you were trying to catch your breath from rushing that out, and the pain from looking at him.
"And it's killing me, that I hurt you because of my stupid body, and it fucked everything up, and I'm sorry, I really am. If I could take it back, I would because...." With no time to react, he gripped onto your arms and pulled you into him, crashing his lips against yours.
"I knew she loved him." Jared and Jordan stood in the kitchen, looking out the window, watching the two of you.
"Yeah. She just freaked out."
"God, what would they do without us?"
"I have no idea man. I really don't." They both chuckled and Jared lightly smacked him on the shoulder.
"Hey, you want a beer?"
"Yes, please."

"Here you go." you reached up, taking the styrofoam cup from Jensen. He smiled as he sat down next to you.
"Why am I having like major deja vu right now?"
"Well, we did do this once. A year ago." An instant smile grew across your face.
"That's right. Our first date."
"Yep." he took a sip of his hot chocolate, looking out over the small town.
"Is that why you wanted to come up here today?" Not taking your eyes off him, you blushed. Thankfully it was cold enough outside, you didn't feel like you needed to hide it.
"Maybe." you chuckled and looked down at the cup in your hands.
"Can't believe it's already been a year."
"I know. Me either. And I remember we sat in this very spot, and I was feeling just as nervous as I am now."
"Why were you nervous?" you laughed out.
"Because that was also our first kiss. I was terrified that you were going to push me away." You laughed even more, looking down at the snow at your feet.
"So wait." you looked back over, him meeting your eyes the second you looked up. "Why are you nervous now?" He kept your eyes, a small smile on his lips.
"I'm terrified of you saying no." Your brow furrowed.
"Say no to what?" His smile grew as he set his cup down, and then he reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a small black velvet box. Your jaw dropped and your eyes snapped back to his.
"To being my wife." You were breathless, but your smile grew so big along with his, your cheeks hurt instantly. You reached over, grabbing onto his wrists since he was holding the little box.
"Now why would I say no to that?" He shrugged.
"Maybe I scared you off." You belted into laughter, but then leaned forward, kissing him with so much love as if you were afraid to lose him.
"You have done a lot things to me Jensen, but scaring me off has not been one of them." Your smiles never faltering, he replied.
"That's good."
So JJ's wish didn't technically come true until a year later. But the second you walked through those school doors, and put everything you had into becoming her friend, her confidant. The person she could come to if she couldn't go to Jensen. You became her mom.

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