"Y/n," a voice said, jarring you out of your sleep. "Y/n!"
"What?" you groaned, rolling over in your bed to look up at the stern face of your mother.
"It's 12 in the afternoon, Y/n," you mother said plainly. "Do you know what that means?"
"That it's time to go back to sleep?" you suggested.
"Nope," she told you. "It's time to get up and shovel the driveway."
"Why did we have to move into a house with a long driveway?" you mumbled, burying your face in your pillow. "Can't it wait a little longer?"
"Y/n, we love this house. And besides, I'm not the one shoveling. Now move it, unless you want to lose your phone," she said promptly. "
Your eyes opened fully for the first time, and you were suddenly wide awake. You picked your head up off the pillow, hastily telling her "I'm up! I'm up!"
You reached up to wipe your sleep-blurred eyes, watching your mother leave. She was muttering something about snow days and what they did for a child's work ethic, but you didn't catch all of it. You sighed and looked over at your clock, seeing that was indeed past noon.
You shoved your covers away from your legs and headed over to your closet, trying to find something warm for the inevitably cold day you were going to have to shovel in. When you finally finished getting ready and made it downstairs, you found that the snow had stopped falling, but there was nearly a foot of it piled up across the driveway.
You sighed, yanking on your boots and peering out the window. You eyed the view outside with contempt, looking at the snow covered house directly across the street. Even the blue jeep in the driveway was covered with a thick layer of ice, and you felt sorry for whoever your new neighbor was.
You stared at the snow covered ground as if you could possibly wish it all away, and that was when you noticed the guy walking down the street. He was tall but kind of lanky, and he had this messy brown hair that was swept up into tufts on his head.
As if he felt you staring at him, his eyes flicked over to the window and met yours. He shot you a lopsided smile, and you felt your breath catch in your throat. Had he known you were staring at him?
He was pretty cute, and you were just noticing that when his eyes suddenly went wide and he fell face first onto the sidewalk in a heap. Your eyes widened, and you quickly jumped up and ran outside, not even caring about putting a coat on. You realized the boy must have slipped on the ice and you instantly rushed over, feeling a little bit guilty that you had distracted him.
"Shit, shit, shit," you muttered as you watched him push himself to his knees. "Oh my god, are you okay?"
You dropped to the snow behind him and nervously watched as he got up. He held a hand to his head, looking over at you and mumbling "God, you're pretty."
"Uh..." was all you managed to get out as you found yourself fiercely blushing.
"Woah, sorry," the guy said as he shook his head. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Guess I hit my head pretty hard."
"You didn't," you told him. "I mean, you didn't make me uncomfortable, but you did hit your head."
"Pff, I can tell," he remarked as he held a hand to his forehead.
"I'm sorry," you said guiltily.
"For what?" he asked. "I've taken hits a lot worse than this, trust me. Besides, it was my fault for staring at you. I just didn't notice how slippery it was."
"Oh," you said nervously. "Well, I'm Y/n."
"I'm Stiles," he said. "Well it was nice to meet you and uh, fall down in front of your house."
You laughed. "You too. Stiles? I've never heard that name before. How'd you get it?"
"It's a nickname," he told you with a shrug. "The real one's too long and hard to pronounce. I'm not even sure I can say it at this point, so my friends just call me Stiles."
"So...we're friends now?" you asked.
"Oh hell yeah, " Stiles told you with a grin. "You just watched me fall on my face. We have to be friends now."
You laughed, and Stiles couldn't help but laugh too. You were really pretty and you seemed easy to talk to, and Stiles had never been so glad he fell down in his life.
"Oh shit," he said suddenly. "You're not even wearing a jacket. You should probably go back inside."
"Oh yeah," you said, looking down at yourself.
You had been so caught up in Stiles that you hadn't even remembered you hadn't grabbed your coat. Still, you were barely even cold.
"I should probably let you go," he said with a shrug.
"Yeah," you said evenly. "Or I could get my coat and just come back out here."
"Wh-really?" he asked, his eyes widening a little.
"Yeah," you told him. "I was coming out here to shovel my driveway anyway. Although it's gonna be boring so you probably don't wanna stick around."
"I don't mind," Stiles told you with a shrug. "Unless you want me to leave."
"Nah," you told him with a grin. "I'll be right back."
You ran in to get your coat and a shovel, and you were half afraid Stiles wouldn't be there when you came back. But yet there he was, and he proceeded to stand next to you and even offer to help. You waved him away, insisting the company was enough and for you it really was. You liked Stiles, and his silly, awkward movements and biting sarcasm. Besides that, he was also incredibly nice and you found that you wouldn't mind getting to know him a little more.
You spent almost an hour with him, and when you had finally finished shoveling you were sad it was over. You set down your shovel, flashing Stiles a tiny smile.
"Well I guess you better get inside," he told you. "But I'll see you around."
"Yeah," you told him. "Do you have a long walk home?"
"Not really," he told you. "I'm actually right there."
He nodded behind him to the house right across the street and you narrowed your eyes. "You live across from me?"
He nodded, laughing a little nervously. "Yeah."
"Wait, then why were you just walking on my side?"
"I, uh, I kinda saw you moving in the other day," he admitted. "And I might have wanted a chance to talk to you."
"You fell on your face just to get a chance to talk to me?" you asked with a laugh.
"Well that part wasn't planned," Stiles told you. "But I think it worked out pretty well.
He looked at you uneasily, as if he was afraid you would be mad, but you simply laughed. You tucked your shovel under your arm and flashed him a bright smile. "I guess I'll see you later, Stiles."
He nodded, and as you turned away, you could just catch him throwing his hands up in celebration. You smiled to yourself as you trudged through your slushy driveway, knowing that you would definitely be seeing him around.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...