Thomas TMR series

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When you arrived, only two boys stared down at you in the metal box. They whispered to each other softly enough that you weren't able to hear, but after a minute, they helped you out and showed you around your new home. The Glade. The boys names were Alby and Gally.They were the first and second of what they called themselves as 'the Gladers' and then you were the third. But that was three years ago. Now there were sixty or more of you.
You remembered the first couple hard days, wanting to escape and run away from this horrible prison, but there was no way out, except death by Griever which didn't sound too appealing to you. So you stayed and after a year or so, you accepted that you might never get out, no matter how long you stayed here. But that was until Thomas came. He was different. Curious and anxious. He might just save you all.
Gally helped the new Greenie out of the box and looked to you and back. You nodded to Gally, affirming that you would give him the tour and answer his questions. You'd done it so many times by now that you had to be some kind of expert.
"Where are we? Why can't I remember anything? Am I going to die in here? What's outside of those walls?" Thomas looked around with a panicked gaze and he tried to focus on your face to distract himself.
Your eyes went wide and you chuckled. "One question at a time, alright Greenie?"
He nodded and swallowed hard. You felt a little bad, knowing what he was going through. He threw anxious glances at the Maze walls and you frowned. Every time someone came up, that was the first thing that caught their attention, not everything that you'd built. But could you blame them?
"First, we call this place the Glade, alright?" You look to him to make sure he was paying attention. He was. "You respect this place, and you'll do just fine here. And don't worry about not remembering anything. It's completely normal."
He shook his head. "How do we get out of here?"
You pause and look to the ground. "We don't. At least, we're not sure how to, but that might change soon. We never know."
Thomas nodded and glanced out to the Maze walls for the hundredth time. "What are those walls there for?"
"Protection, mostly. There are things out there, Thomas, that you never want to meet face to face. That's why we can't let you just run out there and risk your life, got it?"
He didn't nod or say anything, just looked to the Maze walls with a sense of horror. You tugged him along, going to show him the Gardens and Deadheads. You waved hello to Newt and Zart who wiped sweat from their foreheads. Thomas followed you obediently and you smiled comfortingly to him.
"You never told me what's really behind the walls," he pointed out. You bite your lip and Thomas recognizes your hesitation. "What?"
"Usually we try to give it a day or two for everything else to sink in." You kept walking and Chuck waved to you, forgetting that he was carrying a new hammock for Thomas, making him drop it. He muttered something and bent down to pick it up.
"What is it? I can handle it. Just tell me, please," Thomas pleaded.
"Okay," you say calmly and turn to look at his eyes. "It's a Maze."
You could see the information hit Thomas in the face. "What?" he croaked.
You nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. Even with all his questions, there was something about him you just couldn't help but like. You knew you were going to be good friends with him, you were a lot alike.
"What, so were like lab rats?" Thomas asks. You shrug.
"I guess you could put it that way. Look," you said and stop in front of the Homestead. "You're safe here. As long as you don't go out there. You think you can do that?"
Thomas doesn't say anything again and just looks at you. You give a half smile and motion to the Homestead. "Chuck is going to help set up your hammock," you state and look to the boy who waved sheepishly at Thomas. "Don't worry," you joke. "He might talk a lot but he's sweet. I have to get back to work but if you need anything, just ask me."
You smile at Thomas again and start to turn around when he stops you. "Wait," he asks and puts a hand on your arm. You stop at the contact. "What's your name?"
"Y/N," you reply.
"Thank you, Y/N," Thomas says genuinely.
You stare into his terrified eyes for a second before stepping forward. You pull him into a hug and whisper into his ear. "Breathe, Thomas. Everything's going to be okay. I'm here to help you."
He takes a deep breath and you smile at his willingness to obey you, even if he refused to acknowledge Gallys commands. You pull away and you give him a look that asks if he's going to be alright. He receives the look and nods. Chuck calls his attention away and you take a deep breath yourself.
Thomas was going to change everything, and you knew it. You just hoped you were prepared.

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