SPN cast

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"I'm running to the store!" You asked as you poked your head into the library. "you guys want anything?"
Sam and Dean looked up from their books, switching their gaze to you. "No, we're good," Dean told you, shaking his head.
You shrugged and as you were about to leave the room, a vibration in your pocket startled you, causing you to squeak. "My butt just vibrated," you announced, breaking character as you fished your phone out of your pocket.
Jensen and Jared both looked at you shocked, breaking character as well. "That sounds kinky, Y/N," Jared told you, causing all of you to laugh uncontrollably.
You took a deep breath to calm yourself. "I hate you both." You stood up straight and wiped the tears off your cheeks from laughing so hard.
"Oh come on," Jensen teased as he stood up. "You love us." He hugged you tightly and smiled.
"Yeah, sure," you joked as Jared started hugging you, becoming crushed between the two.
"That's it for today!" one of the stage managers announced, causing small commotion on the set. You all separated and walked to the makeup trailer to get your makeup cleaned off.
"So, what are gonna do for the holidays, Y/N?" Jared asked as you started walking to your trailers.
"I actually have a date," you told them proudly.
"Really?" Jensen asked, astonished. "Our little Y/N is growing up! Who's the special."
"Their name is Netflix, bed, and a shit ton of junk food."
"Oh come on, Y/N," Jared argued, nudging your shoulder. "It's the holidays! Don't you want to be with your family?"
"My family is a bunch of conservative republicans who are voting for Donald Trump and all they talk about is politics or if I will ever will have a boyfriend or children. Not fun. I would much rather watch our television family, or any other fictional family for that matter."
You all neared your trailers and you saw Daneel and Gen standing in the center, all the kids playing with their toys next to them. "Hey there little munchkins!" you announced as you ran over to them and squatted down. They all dropped their toys and tackled you into a giant hug.
"Hi Auntie Y/N!" they all told you and you smiled softly, hugging them tighter.
"Find your friends, Y/N?" Jensen teased.
You nodded and stuck your tongue out at him. You pressed a kiss to all of their foreheads before letting go of the kids so they could see their dads.
"Hey girlie," Daneel and Gen greeted you, hugging you tight when the kids ran to their fathers.
"Hey!" you responded, hugging them tightly. "I missed my girlfriends."
"We did too," Gen told you as you all released each other. "What're you doing for the holidays?"
"Spending time with my boyfriend," you told them nonchalantly, shoving your hands in your pockets.
"Netflix?" Daneel guessed and you nodded. "Oh come on, Y/N/N! You have to celebrate the holidays!"
"It's true Y/N," Gen agreed. "You gotta have some plan for the holidays!"
"God, you guys and your husbands are practically twins."
You laid on your bed, comfortably watching Netflix on your TV as you stuffed junk food into your mouth. It was around noon on Christmas Eve and you can already hear Christmas music and loud parties. Your phone buzzed right when you were fully engrossed in your show. You groaned, obviously annoyed, before picking up your phone and checking who texted you. Jared, of course.
'Would you be able to babysit the kids? Gen and I wanted to go somewhere to eat.'
You smiled and chuckled before texting back a quick 'sure'. you quickly brushed your hair and threw it into a ponytail, slipped on some sweats, a hoodie, converse, and your leather jacket before driving over to their house.
You knocked on the door and it swung open, a smiley Jared in pajamas towering over you before pulling you into a crushing hug. "Jared," you choked out, patting his back awkwardly. "Can't breathe."
He let go of you and rested his hands on your shoulders. "Sorry," he told you before pulling you into the house.
You stood in awe in the middle of the living room, bright Christmas lights surrounding you, along with practically everything else festive you could even imagine. A big Christmas tree stood in a corner surrounded by multiple neatly wrapped presents. "W-What's all this?" you asked, dumbfounded, as you spun slowly, taking in the beautiful sight before you.
"Merry Christmas, Y/N/N," three familiar voices announced and you turned around to see them. Jared, Jensen, and Misha all stood in the by the gigantic tree.
You smiled widely and ran over to them, tackling them all into a hug. "I love you guys so fucking much," you told them, hugging them as tight as possible.
"We love you, too," they told you and returned the hug.
You, Jensen, Jared, Misha, Daneel, Gen, and Vicki all sat on the couches in the living room while the kids sat on the floor playing with toys. "We need to get you a significant other, Y/N," Daneel sighed as she looked over at you watching the kids intently.
"Ugh," you groaned and tapped your fingers on the couch arm. "Why do I have to? I'm completely content with being in love with fictional characters."
"Don't you feel a little left out? All of your friends are married and you're-"
"In a perfect relationship with Netflix, food, fictional characters, and sleeping? I think that's better than marriage."
"You and your stubbornness, Y/L/N," Jensen stated, shaking his head.
"That's why you love me."
"Okay munchkins, time for bed," Gen announced and all the kids groaned.
"But we need to catch Santa!" West argued, his eyelids drooping by the second.
"Well, you need to be asleep for Santa to come," you explained squatting down next to them and smiling brightly.
They huffed but nodded. "Can Auntie Y/N put us to bed?" JJ asked, looking up at Daneel hopefully.
"Are you okay with that, Y/N?" Daneel asked you.
"Of course," you told her before standing up and taking them all to the room they were sharing.
"Goodnight, munchkins," you whispered, clicking on the nightlight before tucking them all in.
"Auntie Y/N?" Thomas asked as you were about to leave the room.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Can you tell us a story?"
You smiled widely and leaned against the door frame, quickly thinking of a story. "Okay, once upon a time there were three brave men. Their names were Jared, Jensen, and Misha." They all chuckled softly. "They were the strongest and bravest men anyone could ever meet. A normal day for them would be filled with adventure. They would fight monsters, save people, and make the world a better place. Everyone adored them and they adored everyone."
"One day," you continued, "they met a curious girl named Y/N. She loved them so much and they were her role models. She looked up to them and she still does. They took her under their wing and she came with them on adventures. She was like a sister to them ,and they were like her brothers. She met the loves of their lives and their adorable children, causing her to feel even closer to them. They all bonded and they're still friends to this day, inseparable til the end."
They were already fast asleep and you smiled softly, gently closing the door and walking into your room. You flopped down on the bed and fell asleep immediately.
"Auntie Y/N!" JJ announced as she ran into your room. "Wake up Auntie Y/N! Santa came! Santa Came!" She hopped up on your bed and shook your shoulders, slowly waking you up. You opened your eyes a crack and smiled tiredly. "Come see! Santa Came!"
"He did?" you asked as you rubbed your eyes, your voice rough from sleep.
"Yes! Come on sleepy! Come see them!"
You pulled yourself to your feet and sluggishly followed her down the stairs. Neatly wrapped presents separated into 6 different piles, one smaller than the others, sat under the tree and everyone was already downstairs, watching the kids rip open their presents. You were confused as you walked over to the guys and recounted the stacks of presents. Why are there 6 stacks? There's only five kids, right? you thought to yourself as you sat down next to everyone.
"Auntie Y/N!" Maison announced once she saw you. "Come open your presents!"
You eyebrows knit together confusedly. "Oh honey, I don't have any presents," you told her, confusion adding a slight lilt to your voice.
"Yeah you do!" Shep told you as he set down the extra stack of presents on your lap.
You smiled softly and pecked his forehead before thanking him. He walked back over to his new presents as you hesitantly pulled the shiny gold ribbon off one of the presents. "Who are these from?" you asked as you looked over at all the adults.
They all shrugged and smiled before urging you to open the presents. you shook your head and chuckled before completely taking off the ribbon from the first present. You tore open the wrapping and inside was a blue and white locket on a gold chain. You opened the locket and it split into three sections. In the far left was a picture of you with all the adults, all of you smiling widely as you clung to each other. The picture on the far right was a picture of all the kids, all of them smiling brightly, looking just like their parents. The center was a piece of navy blue construction paper, the words 'Family doesn't end in blood' written in bold white script.
You gasped as tears welled in your eyes, smiling so wide that your face could split in two. "Don't cry yet, Y/N/N," Jared told you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and squeezing you tightly. "You still have a few more presents to get through.
You chuckled and unwrapped the next two gifts, which were the two pictures in the locket enlarged and put in frames. You smiled even wider, if that was even possible, and held back tears of joy as you began opening the last gift.
You finished tearing off the last piece of wrapping paper, everyone now watching you intently. Your hand immediately flew to your mouth as you saw what the present was, tears beginning to slide down your cheeks. It was a picture of you with all of the kids surrounding you. The adults all stood around them, making you be in the center of the picture. It was framed in a marble frame stained the color of your Y/E/C eyes. Bold writing was etched on the top and once you read it, you broke down into a puddle of happy tears as you set the presents down on the coffee table and attacked them all into the most heartfelt hug, love radiating off of all of you as you thought of what the etching said. 'to our role model, Y/N.'
This was definitely the best Christmas you could ever think of, and you were so thankful for the family that loved you unconditionally, even if you weren't blood related.

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