Jim Moriarty

641 11 2

"Mummy?" your son, Dean, called as he ran like a mad man towards you and your husband, Jim.

"Yes, darling?"

His small hands grasped onto your arms as he yanked himself to sit comfortably on your lap. "I've been doing some thinking..."

"Dangerous pastime," Jim interjected before you swatted at his chest.

"... How did you and Daddy meet anyway?"

You and Jim both exchanged glances before he turned to Dean. "Well sweetie that's an awfully long story..."

"I promise I'll sit through the whole thing like a good little boy!" he swore.

"Alright fine," Jim caved. "Should you begin?"

Girl, I'm glad you called, first heard you talk

It took me a second cause I couldn't hear your drawl

And that don't sound like you

No, that don't sound like you

The school bus drove away into the distance as you begin your trek back home one regular afternoon. You looked towards your house in the distance before sighing, realizing your small 8-year-old legs could only carry you so quickly. Today, being a Monday, meant that dance class would be today and you were thrilled to dawn the ballet slippers you had recently gotten for your birthday.

"Excuse me miss, but do you know your way to Glenn's Quarry?" a small Irish boy asked you.

"It's this-a-way," you declared. "That's my neighborhood and I haven't seen you around before..."

"I-uh- just moved in... Parents are splitting up and can't be around each other anymore. I saw you on the playground today and then on the school bus... I'm Jim, by the way."

"And I don't talk to strangers."

"I'm not a stranger, I'm Jim."

You rolled your eyes at the new-kid-in-town and began your trek home with Jim trailing on beside you.

I know it's been a while, I don't mean to pry

But when I asked you if you're happy I didn't hear a smile

And that don't sound like you

Nah, that ain't the girl I knew you always sounded like

"Good morning Y/N," Jim greeted as he left his house and joined you on the path to the school bus. "I see your parents didn't get you that car like you wanted."

"You don't know that."

"Of course I do. Not only are you walking to the bus, but you're not giving me a ride."

You scoffed at his implication. "Now what makes you think I would ever give you a ride to school? You got gas money?"

"I'm your best friend, I don't apply to the concept of 'gas money'," Jim pointed out. "After all, we've been friends for almost eight years now. I know all your secrets, you know all of mine. The least you could do is take me to school in your hypothetical car."

Truck tires on a gravel road

Laughing at the world, blasting my radio

Cannon ball splashing in the water

Doing whatever whenever you wanted

What did he do?

'Cause you don't sound like you anymore

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