Newt TMR series

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"Okay, fine, who's next?"
Minho grins stupidly from his place, searching his next target among the Gladers sitting in a circle around the plastic bottle on the ground. They are all at least tipsy, so it's no wonder when Thomas smiles like a loon and nudges Y/N, who returns the act with a light giggle.
"Shank, you gotta bloody hurry, we don't have the whole night", Newt rolls his eyes to enphatize his words, and Y/N giggles again from her place, making everybody smile (even that sour soul of Gally).
"You scared, bruv?" she asks, licking her lips. "Worried Minho got somefing in 'is brain tonight and 's gonna make yers a shucking hell?"
Newt scoffs. "'F course not, love. Just bored here, that shuckface is bloody slow."
It's Minho's turn to react, and an offended expression covers his grin. "I'm not slow. I'm just choosing wisely."
"You'll never be wise enough, deal with it" Thomas punches his shoulder. "Just say it!"
"Fine! You're an ugly shank, you are." Minho points the plastic bottle to Alby. "I choose you. Truth or Dare?"
Alby, completely unimpressed, shrugs and says, "Truth."
"Did you ever think to get laid with some of us here?"
Gally groans, and Chuck seems confused. "What does 'get laid' means?"
Y/N covers his little ears immediately. "Nofing, Chuckie, forget it", and then she manages to kick Minho's right knee from the opposite side of the circle, making him yelp in pain.
"What? It's fair, shut up."
Alby just blinks. "I did. But none of you is enough attractive, you shucking slinthead. Thought you could compare at least with Y/N, but nope, the only one worth it is taken", Alby pretends to sigh in resignation, but he gained the attention of the rest of the Gladers with that answer.
Frypan and Jeff exchange a glance, then the latter speaks first. "Taken? By who?"
Y/N frowns. "'m not taken, you shank. Slim it."
"No, but seriously, by who?" Thomas leans forward as he's about to listen to a secret, but Alby keeps his mouth shut until Minho throws him his shoes. The others immediately start speaking over each other to clear this new detail.
"Oi, stop it!" Y/N yells, trying to calm them down. "I'm not taken, it's me choice whenever I am, and I'm not."
Newt speaks for the first time after Alby's words. "Then what did this bloody shank here mean?"
"Newt! Not ya too!"
Alby smirks a chesire-cat grin. "Let's find out immediately." He takes the plastic bottle from Minho's hands and points it at Newt. "Truth or Dare?"
Newt tenses under his gaze, and slowly every glader in the circle turns to eye him suspiciously. He blushes, but keeps silent. Even Y/N doesn't have words for that.
After what seems like ages, he finally speaks outloud. "Dare."
"Tell Y/N what are your feeling for her."
The dare is a ice cold shower thrown on everybody present there. Newt is completely frozen, and Y/N slowly turns to look at him with her Y/E/C wide. Okay, fine, maybe Newt has a little crush on her. Maybe every time he has lunch with Alby he can't stop talking about her, but it's just fair. Y/N is a great worker; she doesn't stop until she's satisfied, and she's got every glader at her feet for how strong and charming she is. Y/N and Newt has spent a lot of free days together, playing, maybe flirting, or just sorting out with Alby some of the problems of the Glade. She's also caring and kind, and that's really helpful with the newbies.
So, maybe Newt's head over heels in love with her.
Someone punches his shoulder and snaps him out of his thoughts, and the second in command finds the situation basically worst than before. Everyone is looking at him, especially Y/N. She looks like Newt could jump on someone and act like a Griever at every moment. She's basically terrified, then. But that's something else, something never seen in her eyes that makes Newt wonder what does she think about everything happening there.
Is she disappointed? Is she... reluctant?
Newt swallows and looks down, but Alby calls his attention back. "So? Are you going to or should I prepare another dare for ya, shuck face?"
None of the Gladers around them can understand the real meaning under that threat, but Newt knows better than that. He can feel the menace of those words, can feel the challenge and he knows Alby did it because he doesn't usually back down from them.
"Why would ya? It's not like I've something worth to hide, or confess." Newt snorts, sarcasm dripping from his voice. He's about to lighten up the mood with some witty comeback, when he eyes Y/N's eyes darkening in disappointment. So, she was expecting something. She was... She was hopeful for something. Newt recovers immediately from it.
"It's not that I bloody like her", he goes on. Y/N looks away. She's just about to stand and... "I just love her. 's not big deal."
Y/N's face snaps up and her eyes lock with his. "What?", she gasps. Her breath itches in her throat, and that's probably the best sound Newt's ever heard. "Ya what?"
Newt shrugs, then shows a sheepish smile. Nobody else dares to talk, but their expression do that for them: they are almost all shocked, everyone except Alby, who knew exactly what Newt was going to do. Finally, is the last thought he concedes before standing up.
"That's it, the night is over!" he exclaims. "I believe everyone here has something to do now. For example, sleep", he looks over Newt and Y/N, "or talk."
The Gladers groan in sync. "What? But... But-" Thomas tries to say something, but Minho interrupts him. "Are we going to leave them here without doing anything? Fucking shuck, Newt just confessed his shucking feeling! I want to see what she's–"
Alby grabs Minho's shirt and puts him up, cutting off his voice to call Gally and force him to move Thomas. Chuck goes away on his own, and after a few minutes Y/N and Newt are alone. Completely alone.
Y/N is silent, and Newt is bloody embarassed. Why did she not say anything yet? Oh, god, has he misunderstood her look? But then, when her voice calls him after he looked down, he can feel his bloody heartbeat race in his chest.
"Did ya mean it?" Y/N seems... cautious. Like she doesn't believe Newt; not completely, at least.
Newt narrows his eyes. "I do."
Y/N lets a shuddering breath, but her expression changes. Newt knows it was the right thing to say then, because the wonderful smile that splits her lips is worth it. Oh, if it's worth it. She comes closer to sit in front of him, so close he can feel her breath on his lips, and she's still smiling after a few minutes of silence.
"I think I love you too", the words make his heart race after losing a beat, as if he's trying to make up for that. Her eyes are shining like starts in the dark night, lightened just by the soft light of the bonfire far away from them.
Newt wants to cry, and yell, and laughs, and kiss her, but he just snorts amused, pressing their forehead together. "You just think? That's bloody rude, love."
"No, it's not."
"It is. I told ya I'm sure."
Y/N isn't even looking in his eyes anymore, she's looking at his lips as their noses brushes together, their faces coming closer. "Then why didn't you tell me anything?"
"Thought you didn't want me back. I mean, you wouldn't surprise me if you said no to every kind of relationship just because we're in an awful situation and we coud die in every moment." Newt sighs, his breath warming up her lips.
Y/N hums quietly and thinks about his words, but she laughs after that, finding the excuse almost funny. "I can't say no to you, Newt. You know that."
"Well, I know now."
She laughs again, lips closed in an amused smirk. "So?"
Newt blinks, almost drawing back to look better at her. "So what?"
"Are we gonna stay here all night, or are we gonna kiss?" A blush creeps up in Newt's face, but he fights it down, playing it cool with a smirk.
"And here I thought you were not sure whether or not you loved me."
"Maybe I need a kiss to find out", she shrugs with a playful expression, and Newt lets her win, brushing his lips against her in a chaste kiss. Y/N sighs again, but it's with relief. Newt doesn't have time to ask her what she's thinking that she's kissing him thoroughly, biting his bottom lip to make him gasp and gain access to the inside of his mouth. And then, here she is, exploring it with her tongue, making the glader flush down to his neck, and they're about to deepen the kiss even more, if it wasn't for the screams coming from the homestead. Both of them startle, and they see as Minho, Thomas, Jeff and Frypan are celebrating their union dancing in front of the door. Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Me room or yours?" she asks, her eyes blinking innocently.
Newt doesn't have to hear that twice. "Yours."
Maybe Alby wasn't such a slinthead with that dare.

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