"Are you guys all set, is there anything else I can get you?" You walked into your living room where all your friends were gathered.
"No, we're all set, thank you," Zoe smiled.
"Ya let's let the maid take a break," Dan teased at your habit of catering to your guests every need.
You sat down next to him and rolled your eyes, drink in hand.
"So, y/n, how did you and Dan meet?" Louis asked, generating small talk.
You had been friends for a long time now, but no one knew how you two came to be.
"Come on, tell us!" Phil whined. And you also refused to share your odd adventure with anyone else.
"You wouldn't believe it," you laughed.
"It's basically the plot to a Disney cartoon," Dan snorted.
You're dog, Luna jumped up, splashing your drink everywhere.
"Well, actually, it's all thanks to this rambunctious thing," Dan scooped her up as you cleaned and began to explain....
(Still the "you" point of view)
You sighed as you strolled through the park, the breeze lifting you hair off your tear stained face. You couldn't help but beat yourself up over it as you made your way down the path.
How could I have let this happen? You thought.
"Excuse me, miss!" A man called out, startling you, "could I possible borrow your cellphone?"
"Um, sure," you sniffled fumbling for it, "w-what's the problem?" You handed it over.
"It's a long story. Are you ok?" he quickly dialed.
"Well, I have time," you shrugged and he smiled in return, "and ya I'm fine."
"Um, hey, I'm kinda in a bind right now, I might be a little late. Yep, I know. I've got to go, of course, yes, oh my god shut up. Alright, bye!" He sing songed and hung up.
"Sorry, I had to call a friend, anyway. Do you know where the nearest animal hospital is?"
"Um, what's wrong?"
"Oh, well," he moved over revealing a battered puppy behind you, "I was walking and I heard this weird whining sound, right? And I found this poor girl just ambling about. I think she's got s broken paw. Someone obviously didn't appreciate her much, or she might just be a stray," he quickly explained.
"Oh well there's one on bakers ave, it's not too far. here I'll go with you," you started off.
"Oh, you don't have to, you're probably busy," he fumbled for the injured dog.
"No, just the opposite quite frankly. Here, wrap her in this," you handed over your jacket and he scooped her up in it.
"Thank you," he smiled gratefully, "I'm Dan by the way."
"So, it's a good thing you got her in now, she's pretty sick," the vet walked back in. "We're going to have to keep her overnight. Her leg is worse than we thought, to be honest, we might have to amputate it due to infection. Also we have to administer the proper shots. But don't even worry, she's in good hands. We just need a signature," he handed over a clipboard and a pen.
"Oh, um," you both went to sign.
"I'll take responsibility," Dan took the pen.
"And I will too," you accepted the pen when he was done, "I'd feel awful just walking away from her. She deserves a happy ending."
"Want to grab a bite to eat?"
"I'd love to," you got up and ran to the cafe across the street.
"So why were you crying?" He asked as he munched on a bread stick.
"It's a long story..."
"Well, I have time," he smirked.
"I found out boyfriend, well ex boyfriend now, was cheating on me with my best friend..."
"Oh....I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault, but thank you."
"He's a dick, you could do better," he smiled, "you deserve better."
"I keep feeling like I could have prevented it some how, I don't know..."
"Are you kidding me?! It doesn't matter regardless. Anyone who goes galavanting off with your friend isn't worth spending time and effort on. And a true friend wouldn't even think of doing something like that! Don't beat yourself up, they're assholes."
You remained quiet. "It'll get better," he said quietly, "you've got Pepper now."
"Who's Pepper?" you laughed.
"The dog. I named her Pepper, it suits her doesn't it?"
"Oh my God, that's original!" You teased. (Sorry to anyone who's dogs name is Pepper 😂 I couldn't think)
"Well, what do you have in mind then?" He rolled his eyes.
After a walking around and talking as if you've known each other your whole loves, you exchanged numbers and planned to meet up the next day to pick up the dog (you still couldn't agree on a name) and decide what you were going to do with her.
"I got it," he walked up to you and held out his hands in a dramatic pause, "Diggy Azalea!"
"Oh God no, I'm not putting that curse on her," you walked in.
"True, true. J K Growling?"
"Ummm, Luna? I don't know, just playing off the Harry Potter thing," You handed the payment to the receptionist and your ID.
"Luna? I actually like that."
The vet brought her out, her leg wrapped in a cast and a cone adorned around her neck and she immediately limped as quickly as she could to you and Dan.
"A www, hello baby!" She licked your face. The vet gave Dan all the instructions on her medication and sent you on your way.
"So, um I hate to just say it but, who's keeping her?" He scratched his head.
"Well, I can tell you really love her, and you found her, so it's only right for y-"
"Ya but did you see the way she ran to you, and she adores you!" He pointed to the little pup trying to attack you. You looked at your watch, it was getting late.
"Well, let's make a deal. I'll keep her and you come and visit her whenever you want?"
"Sounds good to me."
"Why don't you come over and have dinner with us?" You motioned for him to follow, scooping up Luna.
"Alright thanks for a sad and simple version of 101 Dalmatians!" Phil refused to accept the tale.
"Don't believe it but that's what happened!" Dan threw up his hands. "You wanted to know!"

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...