You smiled serenely as you took your first sip of coffee. The day seemed promising. Your drink was delicious, your alarm hadn't been as annoying as it typically was, and it was a Friday. Yes, today was going to be a good day.
That was, until your Golden Retriever, Bruno, decided to bark up a storm. He barked so loudly that it startled you, causing you to splatter your coffee all over yourself and almost trip on your slippers. You glared at Bruno, but that didn't deter him from continuing his tirade. He scratched at the door and you groaned, walking towards him and opening the sliding frame for him.
He made a dash towards a tree and you squinted your eyes as he began to scratch at the dirt, whining and growling.
"What's going on, Bruno?" you asked him, curiosity peaked.
He whimpered as you approached him and sniffed at a pile of leaves that had accumulated near the tree trunk. You petted his head and knelt beside him, your eyes focusing on a small, black mass that kept making the leaves around it shake.
"Is that—" you gasped. "Bruno, that's a kitten!"
Bruno barked, as if agreeing with you and nudged his nose against your arm, as if urging you to help the small animal. You smiled at him before reaching out for the trembling kitten. It cowered away from you, but you were pretty quick to grab it and pulled it close to your chest, whispering sweet nothings to it as you gently stroked its head.
Bruno jumped in excitement and ran ahead of you, dashing into the house as you stepped inside right after him. You smiled tenderly at him. "You're so good, Bruno."
He wagged his tail and barked before jumping on the couch and making himself comfortable, clearly satisfied with his good deed of the day.
Meanwhile, you decided to quickly assess the kitten's health and looked up online a few pointers of how to take care of it while you waited to make an appointment with Bruno's veterinarian. You also noticed that it had a grey collar around its neck and decided to ask around to see if anyone had recently lost their pet.
The kitten seemed to be in better spirits the more attention you spoiled it with and after feeding it a bit of cat food that you usually kept for the stray cats around your neighborhood, it was running around the house and even trying to jump on Bruno and annoy him while he was taking a nap.
You chuckled and decided to take one of your dog's toys to play with the kitten, laughing as Bruno tried to play as well and ending up crushing you beneath him. After an hour or two, Bruno collapsed on the floor with an equally-exhausted black kitten nuzzled right on his neck. You grinned as they both drifted off and cleaned up the mess you all had made.
"Well, it looks like we have a new addition for the time being," you murmured to yourself.
You took advantage of the quiet time to look up lost pets locally and noticed that no one had put up a lost ad for the kitten yet. Maybe the poor thing had been abandoned? You sighed and shook your head. How could anyone just do that? The kitten was adorable and you would be glad to keep it if it didn't have an owner.
Suddenly, you felt something claw at your leg and laughed as the kitten climbed its way up until it had reached the countertop. You stroked its tiny head, smiling at the purring sounds it made. "If no one takes you back by the end of the week, you're mine," you promised it. It meowed and bit your finger playfully.
Three days passed without any ads being posted. You kept an eye out, but part of you hoped that by the end of the week no one had claimed the cat. You were warming up to it and Bruno had come to love the little fur-ball as well. They both played together and the kitten slept the nights cuddled up to Bruno's neck.
You were beginning to look up names for it when on the fourth day, the doorbell rang. After making sure that the living room look somewhat presentable, you made your way to the front door and opened it, momentarily startled by the tall, dark-haired man who stood behind it.
"H-Hi," he said stiffly, trying to smile. You were slightly amused by this. He looked constipated by the effort he was putting in seeming friendly.
"Hello, what can I do for you?" you asked.
"I-I... Um," he cleared his throat, holding up a paper with a picture of the kitten you had taken in. "I lost my cat five days ago and I've been asking around the whole neighborhood. I just wanted to—"
"It's yours?" you piped up. "Yes! I've seen it!"
"Oh, my God," he sighed, shoulder slumping as he gave you a relieved glance. "Thank you. Please, can you help me get him back."
"Sure, come in!" you smiled. "He's here with me. He's currently napping with my dog, Bruno."
"Oh, okay," he said with wide eyes. "I didn't know that Vader got along with dogs."
"They are like two peas in a pod," you said with a grin. "Oh, my name is Y/N, by the way."
"Kylo," he smiled, eased by your friendliness by now. You took another look at him and realized that he was quite cute, the awkwardness working in his favor.
"Nice to meet you," you said, gesturing towards your living room. "I'm going to go fetch Vader. I'll be right back."
"Thank you," he said once again.
You came back with the kitten in your arms, who leapt for Kylo as soon as it saw him. Kylo's lips broke into an elated, wide smile as he nuzzled his cat, cooing affectionately at it. They seemed to have quite a happy reunion and you grinned as you witnessed it, glad that the kitten you had grown so close to had an owner that loved it as much as you did.
"Thank you," said Kylo as he turned to look at you. "Thank you for taking care of him. It means a lot."
"It was no problem," you said sincerely. "He's the cutest kitten ever, aren't you?" you wrinkled your nose at Vader, petting its small head. The kitten swiped at your hand and both you and Kylo shared a laugh.
Bruno seemed excited to have Kylo around and jumped enthusiastically until the man had petted him for a few seconds. Once he was satisfied with the attention, Bruno promptly took his seat on the couch.
"Thank you, once again," said Kylo sincerely as you walked him towards your front door. "Vader here is really special to me. I thought I had lost him forever."
"You're welcome," you said with a smile.
Kylo was making to walk away when he stopped short, turning around with a red tinge on his cheeks. "Um, one last thing, though."
"Sure, anything."
"Would you... Um... W-Would you like to go out sometime, maybe? Dinner?"
"Yes!" you answered immediately. "Yes, I'd love that!"
"Awesome," he laughed softly, obviously relieved at your answer. "Can I get your number?" he fetched his phone from his pocket and handed it to you.
"Yeah, of course," you nodded, quickly typing down your phone number and saving it under your name.
"Great, I—I'll call you," he promised.
"Can't wait."
Kylo left right after that and you couldn't stop yourself from smiling. Bruno sensed your elatedness and licked your cheek as you took a seat next to him on the couch. You laughed and hugged him close to you.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...