The carriage bumped and jolted its way through the forest. Across from you, your sister had closed her eyes and was clenching her skirts tightly. She had gone deathly pale, and you knew that the rough journey was only half of the problem.
"Brianna," you said soothingly, reaching across to take her hands in your own. "There's no need to worry. The prince will love you."
"What if he doesn't?" she replied through gritted teeth. "Y/N, so much depends on this match. If I make just one mistake, it could be catastrophic for our kingdom. I don't even know the man."
You swallowed. Your own nerves were jangling in sympathy with Brianna's, but she couldn't pick now to fall apart. And neither could you. Carefully, you stood up and moved so that you were sat next to her, and put your arm around her shoulders. She leaned into you.
"Listen to me, Bri," you murmured into your hair. "He'll probably be as nervous as you are. Father would never have agreed to an unsuitable match for you. It's going to be fine. Now try not to panic. We're nearly there."
She let out a soft sigh, and moved a little closer to you. "Thank you for accompanying me, Y//N. I don't know what I'd do without you here."
"What are sisters for?" you smiled.
She mumbled a reply that you didn't quite hear. "Pardon, Brianna?"
"I said," she lifted her head up, "I'll miss you."
The words struck close to your heart, and suddenly you were fighting back the tears climbing up your throat. "Oh, Bri. I'll miss you too."
You both stayed curled up together until you began to hear the wheels rattling over cobblestones. Then you straightened up, and Brianna smoothed out her dress frantically.
"I haven't creased it, have I?" she checked frantically.
"No. You're beautiful," you reassured her. "Now remember what I said. Try to breathe."
She nodded, closing her eyes again and folding her hands in her lap. You moved to the window and tried to peer out around the blinds covering them. From outside, you could hear the hustle and bustle of Camelot's citizens- stallholders crying their wares, parents shouting, the rustling of skirts. You could smell it, too. Some kind of meat cooking, leather tanning. You inhaled deeply.
"Do you wish you were out there?" Brianna asked, making you jump. She was looking at you searchingly. As her question registered, you frowned.
"Even if I did, it makes no difference. Father will soon arrange a match for me, too, Brianna." The sound of laughter drifted past your window, and you pursed your lips. "I suppose I'd just like to experience it, even once." Your voice held a note of wistfulness you couldn't quite hide.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," she sighed.
You turned back to her, trying to smile. "Don't be."
In no time, the carriage pulled up into Camelot's courtyard, the crowd's chatter replaced by a solemn hush. Brianna let out a squeak of fear. You grabbed her hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
Then a blare of trumpets broke the silence, and Brianna's name was announced. She took a deep breath, held her head high, and stepped out of the carriage.
As was polite, you waited a few seconds before following her. She reached back to grip your hand tightly, and you dropped into a curtsey as she said, "Your Majesties, allow me to introduce my sister, Princess Y/N."
You brought your head up when a deep voice said, "A pleasure, Your Highness. I trust your stay here will be an enjoyable one." The voice wasn't unkind, but neither was it warm. Simply business-like, you decided, and you hoped it didn't belong to your sister's prince. You nodded in acknowledgement, daring to take your first look at the men standing on the steps.
King Uther was a tall man with thinning grey hair, staring at the two of you as if he was assessing your worth. You shivered beneath his gaze, instead choosing to look at the taller, thinner man behind his right shoulder. Unlike his father, Prince Arthur's gaze was curious and gentle, and his lips were parted slightly as he studied your sister. And a few steps away from him was a smaller man, dark-haired, and dressed in servants' clothes.
"My lady," the prince said, coming forward to take your sister's arm. "Allow me to show you and your sister to your rooms. I am sure you are tired after such a long journey."
"Thank you, Your Highness," she replied meekly.
"Arthur, please. I must insist." The grin on his face became wry as he added, "After all, we are to be married."
"I suppose we are." Your sister gave a light laugh, and her grip on you lessened. The tension in her body was almost tangible as it left her. That was when you knew that she would be fine.
The dark-haired man followed you closely as Arthur led you both away. Arthur must have seen yur curious glances, because abruptly, he came out with, "Oh, ladies, allow me to introduce my manservant, Merlin. Merlin, be polite."
Merlin scowled, but grinned brightly at you. Then, not looking where he was going, he tripped over his own feet.
Arthur merely rolled his eyes, but you giggled.
That evening, you leaned on the balcony of your bedroom, staring out at the stars over the city. Up here, it was isolated, and so peaceful. A marked difference to the suffocating banquet hall downstairs. You'd escaped up here for a few moments' reprieve from the loud laughter and drunken old men, all of whom had been most interested to learn that you were not engaged.
There was a soft knock on the door, and you turned, rolling your eyes. That was your break over, then.
"Come in," you called.
Merlin slipped round the door, his eyes sympathetic. You pursed your lips. "Have you come to take me back?"
He came to lean against the wall. You flinched away from the unexpected casualness.
"Your sister was worried about you. She sent me to check on you."
You smiled wryly. "That sounds like Brianna. She and Arthur seem to be getting along well."
The last time you'd seen her, she was pink-cheeked and caught in a fit of giggles at something he'd said. Merlin smiled.
"Yes, they do. I've never seen Arthur this relaxed."
"Good. That's good." Distractedly, you returned to staring out of the window.
"Will you be going back to the banquet, my lady?"
You didn't look at him, not trusting yourself to be able to hide the longing on your face. "Yes. Just...just a few more minutes."
Instead of retiring outside of the room as you'd expected, Merlin came to stand next to you. You were taken aback, and he caught the flash of surprise on your face. He backed away, stammering.
"Oh, I...I'm sorry. Do I offend you?"
"No!" you said hurriedly. "No, please join me. I could use some company."
Hesitantly, he returned to his original position. You looked back out at the stars.
"What's this like for you?" he asked after a few minutes.
For the second time, he caught you off guard. You had to spend a good few minutes considering your response.
"Not many people ask me that," you said finally. He didn't reply, just kept looking at you steadily. You bit your lip. "I suppose...I'm happy for her, that this match turned out well. I just wish..."
"That you had a bit more freedom over your life?" At your startled expression, he grinned bashfully. "Arthur feels the same way."
"Well. Exactly." You paused, then grinned at him. "Thanks for listening to me. Most people just assume I'm nothing but another royal."
"Even princesses deserve someone to listen to." He waited a second longer, then stepped away from the window. "So are you ready to return?"
You considered the question, and were surprised to realise that some of the weight pressing down on you had lifted. "Yes. Yes, I am. Thank you, Merlin."
The next weeks were a blur. Before you were even really aware of it, your sister's wedding night had arrived, and you were standing outside the palace and relishing the fresh air.
Merlin found you there, as he had found you in all the quiet spots you'd sought out over the time you'd spent in Camelot. You had come to rely on his witty comments about everyone at court to cope with all the politics surrounding you, and he'd soothed every one of your breakdowns over the wedding. Merlin was clumsy, socially inept, and a brilliant friend.
Now you were overcome with melancholy to realise that this might be the last night you ever saw him. And if the heaviness in his eyes was anything to go by, he felt the same.
Wordlessly, he reached over and took your hand. You immediately glanced around for any company, but Merlin calmed you.
"No one's out here. They're all enjoying the ball."
"Sorry," you sighed. "I don't wish to hurt you, but"-
"I understand." His voice was a little choked as he interrupted you. "Brianna looked beautiful today."
"She did," you agreed.
There was a weight in the air between you, stopping you from thinking of anything to say. You glanced at Merlin, only to find that he was already looking back at you steadily.
"When will you return?" he asked quietly.
"My carriage leaves tomorrow."
"No. I mean, when will you return here? This is your sister's home now, after all."
"Oh," you said quietly. "I'm sorry, Merlin. I don't know."
He nodded slowly. "Then I should do this whilst I still can."
You looked back at him sharply, only to find his lips already an inch from yours. You closed your eyes and accepted the kiss, leaning into him.
What were you doing? You were a princess. He was a servant. You were leaving tomorrow.
Yet, as his hands moved to your back, you found that that was the last thing you wanted.
As his hands moved higher, there was a tug in the strings at your back. "Oh!" you gasped, pulling away and pressing your hand to the back of the dress to keep it in place.
Merlin went scarlet. "Oh- I didn't"-
You raised a finger, focused on getting the strings back into place. Once they were secure, you sighed. "There. Sorted." The dress was looser than it had been, but that was more of a relief than anything.
"Sorry," he said guiltily. You gave him a small smile.
"Don't be. For anything."
His widened eyes told you that he understood everything you meant by that. Cautiously, he put his arm around your shoulders, and you leaned into him.
As the celebrations wore on behind you, you simply enjoyed being next to Merlin. If this was the only night you would get with him, as you thought it would be, you were going to make it last as long as you could.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...