Nick Robinson

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"Hey what's wrong? Dave rushed in saying you wanted me?"
You frown as you watch Nick walk back and forth his lip in between his teeth.
"I-I don't know if I can do it Y/N" Nick said finally sitting on the bed, it was his wedding day and in less than 15 minutes he had to be standing in front of the altar.
"What do you mean?" You ask, your mouth had dropped.
To be honest you didn't want Nick to marry this girl, you wanted to be with Nick more than anything in the world, but it still shocked you that he said this.
"I can't marry her, Y/N" Nick says looking up, his face flustered, his eyes began to well up with tears as you walk over to him, crouching so you were at eye level with your best friend, a tear streamed down his face as you yourself started to tear up, you hated seeing Nick cry.
You lift your thumb to his cheek wiping away the tear as he looks to you, "Are you sure, Nick? You've been with her for so long and you said you were happy.."
He shakes his head gulping as he puts both his hands over yours which rested on his knee. "I am sure, nothing was the same between us because I figured out that I loved another girl, and I was so stupidly blind to not even see it, but now it's too late to tell her, I don't think she would feel the same about me anyways. "
"Who uh- is it?" You whisper.
Nick stands up pulling you with him, both your faces inches apart as he breathes heavily, his hands sliding slowly down to your waist.
"You" he barely whispers before leaning in slowly, his soft lips grazing yours.
You can't help but let a tear fall as he presses his lips to yours, them moulding together like two puzzle pieces that were meant to go together, nothing felt more right than this. It was slow, passionate and perfect, just how a kiss should be.
Nick pulls away slowly, his hand running through his brown hair, before licking his lips again.
"I loved that, and you.." You smile softly. Nick grins, kissing you again.
"I'll be back" he says. You frown grabbing his hand before he walks out the door.
"Where are you going?" You ask.
"To call off the wedding, so I can be with you." He says, you smile as he walks out the door, knowing that maybe you would get your happily ever after with Nick once and for all.

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