Cinderella AU
The first thing you had noticed was an absence on your hand. The heaviness that it had earlier was now gone, with it all previous feelings of safety and warmth.
You sat up, pushing the blankets to the floor as you did so. To your horror you didn't recognize anything around you. Your breathing got heavier as you struggled to contain the panic coursing through your body.
You swung your legs over the bed, setting them on the cold ground. You pushed up so that your weight was resting on them. A sharp pain shot through your legs as you bit your lip harshly, drawing blood as you did so, stopping yourself from crying out.
Once you finally felt steady you brought one foot forward, the second you transferred your weight you collapsed to the ground. A mix of pain and surprise creating a high pitched wail that escaped past your lips as you crashed to the ground.
In seconds the door was open, loud footsteps rapidly approached you only causing you to panic further. You tried to crawl away, ignoring the screaming in your ribs, arms, and legs. You hit the wall and followed it back into a corner, bringing your legs up to your chest despite their protest.
The footsteps got slower yet kept approaching you causing you to hug your knees tighter. A large soft hand lightly touched your knee causing you to flinch away violently as you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for another blow.
"Hey open your eyes" A deep voice spoke slowly and softly.
You shook your head, burring your face into your knees.
You heard a deep breath being taken and two strong arms wrapped around you. You immediately lashed out, fighting against the arms as they tightened around you.
"You're ok, you're safe"
The whispered words cut into you like a knife. Going through every wall you had built up and striking at your core as you realized, this person was not a threat. Your arms slumped and you stopped fighting immediately.
"I've got you, you're safe"
Safe. It was a word that hadn't applied to your life in as long as you could remember. You slowly raised your arms, wrapping them around the person holding you.
He repeated the word over and over again, your walls crumbling down one by one until you were completely vulnerable. A single sob escaped from your mouth causing your arms to cling around the man tighter. Another sob soon followed until you couldn't stop them, sob after sob spilled out of your mouth, raking your body, and dampening the person's shoulder.
You had finally stopped crying, ran out of tears to spill, but you still had yet to let go. You sat in the corner, breathing in the person's scent deeply.
The person slowly let go of you as you reluctantly did the same. As you pulled back to face the person bright green eyes met your own, should you have expected anyone else?
"Are you ok?" He asked, his voice filed with concern.
You nodded meekly, leaning back into the corner.
"You know it's ok if you're not?"
You nodded again.
"Do you want me to leave?"
You thought for a moment before shaking your head. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards as he sat next to you. Without a moment of hesitation you sat up and leaned your head on his shoulder. He placed a gentle kiss to the top of your head and took your hand in his, lazily rubbing circles into it with his thumb.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He whispered, being as careful as possible in order to not set you off.
"No" You whispered, your voice barely coming out at all.
He didn't say anything else, just sat his thumb still moving in circles.
"Are you hungry?" He asked again.
You swallowed and nodded your head. He smiled and slowly stood up walking to the door. He spoke softly to someone in the hall before stepping back into the room, a bowl of soup in his hands.
You smiled to him holding your hands out to accept the soup. He smiled and shook his head, sitting down across from you.
"Dean I can feed myself" You said, your voice raspy and weak.
He chuckled as he spooned out some broth, holding it towards you, though you kept your mouth shut. "Come on, do you want me to make airplane noises?"
You laughed, the action hurting your throat but you didn't let it show. To humor him you opened your mouth as he carefully slipped the spoon inside. The hot liquid slipped down your throat, soothing the ache immediately making you want more.
"Can I feed myself now?"
Dean chuckled but nevertheless held the bowl out to you "Are you always this controlling?"
"When it comes to feeding myself, yes" You smirked as you put another spoonful into our mouth, a small amount trickling down your chin.
Dean laughed reaching a hand up to wipe it away with his thumb "You may want to rethink that philosophy since you seem unable to get all of the food in your mouth."
"That was my snack for later" You chuckled, ignoring the pain in your chest as you did so. Dean grinned, and the two of you sat, Dean continually sharing stories with you until you erupted into giggles, the events of the previous night completely forgotten for the moment.
The next few days were spent in the same fashion: entirely in Dean's presence. He had refused to leave your side ever since you had woken up the first day, not that you were complaining. The conversation was comfortable and constant, Dean doing everything he could to keep your mind off of what had happened.
You had taken several walks around the castle, him showing you all of his favorite parts though your favorite had to be the garden.
As he led you this time he talked of his own mother, his tone light and happy as he told you everything he could remember about her, her beauty, her generosity, her love of-well-everything.
He led you around the corner, however, where there should have been a wall was instead an empty space that opened up into a courtyard. Flowers of all colors lined the single path that led through the small garden. A single small tree sat in the middle, the surrounding grass neatly trimmed.
You felt your mouth drop open slightly as you saw it, Dean chuckling slightly "Yeah it was her favorite"
You smiled softly looking up at him, squeezing his arm gently "I can see why"
He smiled back down at you before extending his arm and leading you down the path. "When she was sick she was down here all the time," He chuckled "She practically threatened father to carry down here"
You smiled up at him, enjoying the lightness of his voice and the sparkle in his eyes as he talked about his family "She used to read to Sammy and I under that tree" He pointed to the one in the center, "She always said that it was where she felt most at peace, said that it somehow eased the pain"
You could see the hint of tears in his eyes as you pulled him closer to you, squeezing his arm again "I just miss her sometimes," He whispered, blinking rapidly before adding "as I'm sure you do with your father"
You nodded, both of you staring at the tree in silence before Dean cleared his throat. "So anyway that's me, what about you?"
You chuckled dryly "What about me? You already know my deepest, darkest secret; there's not much else to know"
He shook his head "I don't believe that. That's something that happened to you, it does not define who you are"
The corners of your mouth lifted slightly as you looked back to the tree, Dean deciding that this meant he was to speak up again "Why don't we start with your name?"
You chuckled and bit your lip, as if to debate it before answering softly "Y/N"
His smile got bigger as he repeated your name, as if to test the words on his lips. He took your hand in his and lifted it to his lips, pressing them softly to your knuckles causing you to blush. "It's fitting" He winked "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl"
Dinner was spent in your room, the first moments of silence that day coming then. Dean was the perfect gentleman, picking up all of your dishes when you were done and setting them down on the dresser. It was eerily silent, as if he were preparing you for something.
You watched as he set the plates down on the dresser, coming back slowly sitting across from you clearing his throat awkwardly.
"So I didn't want to bring this up" He began slowly "but your mother's trial is tomorrow"
You clenched your jaw, sighing as you slumped your shoulders.
"You don't have to go if you don't want to" He assured you immediately "The king just wants to know if you will be there"
You looked down at your fingers, pulling on them slightly as you thought before slowly shaking your head "No, I-I-I don't think I-" You began, the lump in your throat getting bigger with each word.
Dean immediately switched places, sitting down next to you and putting his arm over your shoulders "It's ok, you don't have to"
You swallowed and nodded fast, blinking away the tears "I know" You took a deep breath, burying your head into the crook of his neck as he rubbed his arm up and down your arm. You chuckled slightly "Just make sure they don't hang her" You said chuckling slightly, trying to lighten the mood a little bit.
Dean's hand stopped moving. It was silent for a moment before Dean spoke "Well why not?"
You furrowed your eyebrows, taking your head off of his shoulder. "Dean, she's my mother"
"Yes and look what she did" He said, his voice strained as he tried to hold in his anger.
"It's not like she meant to!" You said through a clenched jaw "She got mad, it happened, I'm fine"
"Yes and you wouldn't be if I hadn't shown up" His voice started to rise in a fit of anger as he turned away from you. You, on the other hand, immediately backed up, your eyes widening and your breathing quickened, never having good experience with anger. Dean had, however, never caught your fear as he continued to rant "SHE NEARLY KILLED YOU!" He yelled turning back around. They yelling alone nearly sent you into a panic attack as you balled your fists and kept your eyes glued to him.
The moment his eyes made contact with your terrified ones his face dropped. "Oh my god" He breathed out as you hugged your knees tighter, flinching at his every move "I'm-I'm so sorry" He apologized as you made no move. "You have to know that I would never hurt you" He said quickly as he moved towards you, trying to comfort you. "I would never-" He began though stopped as he saw you flinch out of instinct.
You began to shake slightly. You knew that Dean would never hurt you. You knew this. But on some level your body just reacted, you couldn't stop it.
He backed up slowly "I'm so sorry" He repeated as you stayed frozen in place. He shook his head and opened the door, He looked at you with apologetic eyes. "I'm so sorry" And with that he walked through the door, leaving you alone for the first time that day.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanficHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...