Minho TMR series

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"(Y/N)? (Y/N) why do I feel like you're not even listening to me." Chuck says as he lightly nudges your shoulder, shaking you out of your trance like state. You remembered that you were supposed to be working right now. Not day dreaming.
"Sorry uh...what were you saying." You chuckled awkwardly to your younger coworker. Truth was you hadn't been listening to Chuck at all. You had been too preoccupied with watching the keeper of the runners return from the Maze. There Minho was, in all his glory. The guy you had been head over heels in love with ever since you showed up at the glade five months ago. As you watched Minho jog over to the map room, you couldn't help but notice the sheen of sweat glistening on his body, causing his shirt to cling tighter to his perfect muscles that rippled with every step he took and then you kept noticing how-
"You're thinking about him again aren't you?" Chuck grinned. You simply looked down and nodded, going back to working on the laundry. Don't ask why you had told Chuck about your (not so) secret crush on Minho, it was a long story, but you trusted him more than anyone else at the Glade.
"Shut up Chuck. Get back to work." You gave him a weak smile.
You tried to go back to work in silence, but Chuck didn't relent with his questions.
"Why do you even like Minho? There's like fifty other guys here."
"Shuck, I don't know. He's just different from the others." You mumbled, hoping that Chuck wouldn't see you blush.
"How is he different?"
You sighed for about the hundreth time that day. Chuck really wasn't gonna give it a rest today. "Well he's funny, and confident, and sarcastic, and cocky. But at the same time he's brave, and endearing, and sweet, and you can just tell he really cares about the Glade and not to mention he's really handsome..." You tell Chuck.
Chuck put the last of the clothes in the basket and turned to face you. "(Y/N) why don't you just tell Minho how you feel?" He shrugged. You sighed and shook your head. You loved Chuck like a little brother, but sometimes he could just be so Naive.
"Are you insane. He doesn't even know I exist."
Chuck looked at you like you were crazy. "Umm (Y/N) you're literally the only girl here. Everyone knows you exist. And also you literally had a conversation with Minho yesterday."
"Yeah but he only asked me what was for dinner. It wasn't the elaborate confession of love I was hoping for. He definitely doesn't like me like that." You grumbled.
"Maybe you should make an effort to talk to him more. Or you should just go ask him out. I don't know I'm only twelve for shucks sake." Chuck said.
"What did I say about swearing." You said shooting Chuck a stern look.
You smiled at him softly before turning back to the topic at hand. "And it's not that simple Chucky. I can't just-It's not like-." You sighed trying to find the right words. "I mean how would I even go about telling him. Would I just be like 'Hey Minho I know you've only said two words to me, but I've had a massive crush on you for five months and I'm basically in Love with you! Wanna go out?"
"Sure." A familiar tone behind you rang out. You immediately whipped your head around to find the source of the voice. Leaning against a tree, his arms crossed and with a coy smirk on his face stood Minho, a light chuckle escaping his lips.
"Oh shuck..." Chuck gasped, only this time you didn't have the composure to scold him.
"Minho?!" You sputtered out. The usual butterflies appeared in your stomach, as per usual whenever you talked to Minho, only this time the feeling of butterflies was accompanied by absolute mortification. "How long have you been there?" You asked, praying that he hadn't heard the whole conversation.
"Long enough to hear you call me funny, sweet, and handsome, etcetera. Also long enough to hear you technically ask me out." He said with a knowing smirk and a laugh.
Shuck. It was like one of your worst nightmares had come true. He had learned about how you felt about him, and he was...laughing. Oh shuck this was the worst day of your life. Including the days you couldn't even remember.
You quickly ran away from Minho and Chuck, tears pooling in your eyes and falling down your seemingly permanent red cheeks. He had laughed at you, at the feelings you had for him. You hadn't even wanted him to find out you liked him, but now that he knew, you were able to learn how Minho felt about you. Minho didn't like you at all.
You ducked behind a tree in the deadheads, collapsing at the base of it and letting the tears flow freely. You were audibly sobbing now, you chest heaving up and down. You tried to bury your head in your knees in an attempt to stifle your cries.
"(Y/N)!(Y/N)!" Minho's voice echoed throughout the deadheads. How had he caught up to you so fast? You wondered. Duh, keeper of the Runners. It was his job to be fast.
"Can you just go away. You weren't supposed to hear that." You said through a sob, simultaneously giving away your hiding spot to Minho. You weren't able to recall a time your voice had sounded so small.
"Listen Minho I like you. I like you a lot. But I know you don't like me so can we just pretend this never happened." You pleaded, furiously wiping away tears from your eyes.
"But (Y/N)...I actually do like you." Minho said in a tone of voice you had never heard from him before. He spoke with a waiver in his voice that revealed a vulnerability never before seen from of the cockiest shanks in the Glade.
"Wh...What." You choked out, "But why were you laughing at me?" You whimpered. Before today if you had ever heard Minho says those words you would have jumped for joy, but this was a different circumstance. The reasonable part of your brain told you that he was still trying to make fun of you.
"I was laughing cause I thought it was funny that I found out you liked me this way. (Y/N) I've liked you since the moment you showed up in this sucking place. I liked you so much I was too nervous to talk to you. I know you find that hard to believe; me being shy, but it's true. I actually thought you hated me because you never talked to me." Minho said, running a hand through his hair.
He crouched down so he was eye level with you so you were able to see the truth of his words in his eyes. Despite the tears that were still uncontrollably flowing from down your cheeks you broke out in the widest smile.
Sniffing and wiping a couple more tears from your eyes you had a thought. "So that means that when I asked if you would go out with me...and you said yes..."
"I wasn't kidding." Minho grinned. He reached forward and gingerly rolled his thumb over your cheek, smudging away a tear.
You were so happy in that moment that you did something that was totally unlike you. You lunged forward and engulfed Minho in the biggest hug, slinging your arms around his neck and pulling him in close to you. You never acted with such spontaneity. Usually you were cautious and timid in your actions, but shuck it, you thought. Minho had just agreed to be your boyfriend, could you blame a girl for being a little brazen.
Minho wrapped his arms around you in return, holding you protectively against him.
Minho broke the hug, but still kept his hands around your waist. Your face was inches away from his. Without missing a beat Minho closed the distance between the two of you. Placing a gentle kiss on your lip which you instantly returned.
Today had started out so terrible, but in an amazing turn of events, it had became the best day of your life. And with your hand laced in Minho's, you couldn't have been more happy with the way things had turned out.

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