It was your first day on the set of Supernatural and you were a little nervous. It's always difficult guest starring on a show that has been going on for as long as this one because everyone is so close. Luckily though, Misha was the first one to meet you and he ended up being very sweet.
"So you ready to meet the guys?" he asked as we walked to the set to film the first scene.
You smiled and nodded, "Yeah I mean, I've heard they are really sweet, just hope they don't prank me"
He laughed and nodded his head in agreement, "Well you never know with those two"
You laughed and thanked him as he opened the door to the stage area where you saw Jensen and Jared talking over there lines. Robert Singer called you over before you could say hi so he could discuss the scene, and Misha went over to the guys.
"Hey man is that the actress playing Hannah?" Jensen asked as he stared at you.
Jared laughed and shoved his arm, "Jensen man, you're gonna drool"
Jensen gave him an annoyed look and scoffed, and Misha just rolled his eyes, "Yeah that's her, she's a real sweet girl, she's a bit nervous though"
The guys nodded in understanding and Jared and Misha went back to reading their lines, however Jensen couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He didn't know you were going to be so beautiful, and when you stared to make your way towards him you smiled and he didn't know his heart could beat that fast.
"Hey I'm Y/N, you must be Jared and Jensen," you said extending your hand to the two actors you of course had heard about.
Jensen's eyes were locked on your face and you nervously bit your lip, Jared glanced at Jensen quickly and then shook your hand, "Uh hi, yeah I'm Jared, it's really great to have you on the show!"
You smiled and shook his hand, "It's great to be here"
Jensen finally snapped out of his trance when Misha elbowed him, he laughed nervously and took your hand, "Yeah um Jensen, hi"
"Well it's nice to meet you guys," you said releasing his hand, "I'm ready whenever you are"
"Cut! That's a wrap for this episode guys!" Rob called after several hours.
You smiled and brushed off your jeans, you were just doing a pretty intense fight seen that landed you on the ground, Jensen reached out and helped you up, "Thanks Jensen"
He smiled at you, and you couldn't deny that he was pretty damn hot, "No problem, you did really good today, I mean great acting and you were awesome during the fight scene" he said as you both walked over to the make up chairs to get your bloody makeup off.
"You weren't too bad yourself," you said lightly laughing. The makeup artist started taking off the fake blood and she even fixed your ratty hair. You felt eyes on you and so you turned your head only to see Jensen look away quickly. You smiled to yourself and thanked the makeup artist and turned to him. "What do I still have blood on my face?"
He glanced over at you again and smiled with a breathy laugh, "What? Uhh no, just um, it's nothing" he said quickly and rubbed his hands on his thighs.
You looked over him once again and just shrugged it off, "Okay, well, guess since we're done, I am going to head home!" you said hopping off the chair.
He hopped off with you, "Yeah, I guess, hey uh usually after we wrap up an episode we all go out and grab a drink, so you want to come?" he asked rubbing his hands together.
"Sure, why not?" you said with a smile.
You, Jared, Jensen, and Misha walked into the bar that was on set, reserved for the crew and actors. You all climbed into the booth and Jensen waved at Craig, the bartender, for the usual beers.
"So Y/N how was your first day on set?" Misha asked clasping his hands in front of him and turning towards her.
You smiled that smile Jensen couldn't get out of his head. He though you were gorgeous, there was no use in denying it. Your Y/C/H hair complimented your skin tone and your Y/C/E eyes were just gleaming. "It was great, I really liked working with you guys" you said genuinely.
Jensen smiled and drank the beer, "It was great working with you too, hopefully the fans like Hannah so she can come back," he said maybe a little too eagerly.
You smirked and shrugged, "Yeah, hopefully. Gotta say, I have not met a cast like you guys before"
You all laughed at that, knowing all too well what you meant. The guys spent hours or so talking about your past films and roles you've played, and asking about your life. Jensen smiled every time you spoke and he thought your laugh was adorable and amusing, and the way you got excited about little things made him smile and stare. Jared must have noticed because he stepped on his foot and gave him a knowing look. He's spent 10 years with that giant so he knew it meant to stop staring.
You drank down the last gulp of your beer and gave them a sweet smile. "Well I think I'm calling it a night. Filming kind of wore me out...I hope I get to see you all again" you said standing up.
Jared got up and gave you a hug, and Misha followed. "It was great having you," they said. You just smiled and returned the hug.
You then turned to Jensen and noticed his eyes looked almost sad, "Thanks fo everything," you said with a small smile and engulfed him in a hug. He was prepared for it initially, but not for the feeling that came along with it. Hugging you felt oddly natural.
You pulled away too quickly for his liking and he wanted to hold you again but opted for a smile instead, "It really was great to meet you, maybe we could all do this again,"
You bit your lip and shoved your hands in your pocket, "Yeah I think that would be fun, give me a call, okay?" you said, writing your number down on the napkin and leaving it on the table.
Jensen nodded and sucked his lip into his mouth. You gave them all one last wave before heading out the door. Jensen cleared his throat of the sigh he wanted to release and sat down at the booth again. He glanced over at Jared who was giving him that stupid smile of his.
"What?" he said turning fully to him.
Jared laughed a little and slid the napkin with your phone number on it to him, "Don't worry, you can be the one to call her next time"
Jensen furrowed his brows and looked at Misha who was smiling all the same. He knew they knew what he was thinking, there was no use in hiding it anymore, "That obvious huh?" he said, grabbing the napkin and slipping it into his pocket.
Jared smirks and lets out a grunted laugh, "I don't think she noticed your drooling...but Misha and I did," he said nodding over to him.
"Yeah Jensen, what's up with that?" Misha asked leaning back with a smirk of his own
Jensen rolled his eyes and took another swig of the beer, "Look I don't know guys, she's just..."
"Attractive" Jared said after he paused, Jensen shot him a glare and he put his hands up, "Well she is...!"
"Yeah I know that," he said smiling slightly, "I just, got this feeling or something, like it's just natural, and yeah I don't know, she's sweet"
Jared and Misha nodded and sensed he wanted to switch the topic. However, the rest of the night he just thought about you, and stared at the napkin until he fell asleep.
It had been a month or so since you filmed the episode of Supernatural, and it was on tonight so you were pretty excited. You decided to watch the first few episodes of the season so you were completely caught up.
When you were about to start the next episode your phone rang, "Hello this is Y/N" you answered.
"Uh Hey, yeah it's Jensen Ackles," said a gruff voice.
You smiled, "Oh hey Jensen, what's up?"
"Well the new episode is on tonight so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come over to my place and watch it...Jared's coming with his wife so it wouldn't just be the two of us, I mean not that it would be weird but-" he was secretly cursing himself for sounding like an idiot.
You laughed, "No, yeah, that sounds great, just text me your address and I'll be over soon"
"Awesome, yeah great, okay, uh see you soon," Jensen said, through a he grin.
"Yup, bye!" you said hanging up. A few seconds later he texted you the address and you decided you should probably get ready.
After you were dressed in jeans and a comfy sweater, you pulled on your boots and headed to your car. Once you arrived at Jensen's you knocked on the door of his apartment and he opened up.
"Hey Y/N, wow you look great," he said with a big smile, wrapping you into a hug. He had wanted to do that for the past month without you.
"Thanks," you said returning it, and stepping in when he moved aside, you looked around and saw Jared sitting on the couch with who you assumed to be Geneveive, "Hey Jared, Gen"
Jared got up and gave you a hug and formally introducing you to her. She was very sweet, and you two really hit it off. You didn't even realize the show was about to start until Jensen said so. You got up from the seat so Jared could sit by Gen and you went to sit near Jensen. He smiled at you and you smiled back, leaning into the couch and watching as it started. Jensen felt his heart speed up when you leaned slightly closer to him and he wanted so badly to put his arm around you.
Once the episode ended you decided to look through twitter and see what the fans thought. Jensen noticed your smiling face and leaned closer, "What are they saying?"
You looked up at him and handed him your phone, "They loved Hannah!"
Jensen was absolutely beaming and he looked at you then at Jared, then back to you, "That is so awesome I wonder if-" he was cut off by your phone ringing.
You gave him a small apologetic smile and took the phone back, seeing that it was Robert. "Hello"
You nodded into the phone, "Wow yeah, um absolutely....yes that works...I mean wow really this is great....thank you so much, I'll have my manager call you in the morning....yeah you too, bye!" you hung up the phone and looked back to see Jensen with wide eyes.
"What did he say?" he asked, eyes bright with curiosity.
You bit your lip and then a huge grin spread across your face, "Just that Hannah will definitely be coming back on the show...for a long time"
Jensen got up an hugged you, "Wow, that's amazing! I'm so happy...for you!" he said squeezing you tight.
You hesitated for a moment but wrapped your arms around him then releasing, "Thanks! Wow I can't believe this, I mean, I'm going to be a part of the cast!"
Jared got up and placed a had on your shoulder, "Welcome to the family," he said with a smile.
You spent the rest of the night celebrating, and ended up having to call your drver to bring you home. After hugs goodbye you climbed into the car and waved. When you got to your bed you were out and smiling at this sudden career change.
Jensen got to the set the next week and grabbed my new script. He was ecstatic that you were going to be staying on the show for a while, and he even bought you flowers and placed them in your trailer. He got even more excited when he read what was happening in the next episode. He practically ran to Jared's trailer and barged in, "Jared!"
Jared jolted up from the script he was reading and looked at Jensen questioningly, "Dude calm down, what's up?"
"Did you get to the scene after we kill the demon?"
"Uhh almost, why?"
"Jared just read it"
He laughed a little and went to read it, his eyes went wide and a smile slowly crept over his face, "No way"
Jensen nodded and smiled, "Yeah, this is..."
"Awesome" he finished for him, "I mean, for Dean...Are you ever going to tell her, you know before the scene?"
His smile faltered and he just shrugged, "Um, yeah I probably should"
Jared nodded in understanding and mentioned something about getting food. He followed him but Jensen's mind was still on you, and of course the scene where Dean and Hannah were going to be trapped in the closet together.
'Dean, I know that you have been through a lot and I know that I am probably the last person you want to talk to but-'
'You're right Hannah...I don't want to talk, I'm tired of talking'
'Okay sorry, I was just trying to help' Hannah said as she tried to open the door.
Dean sighed and grabbed Hannah's hand, 'Look, it's just that...I'm not good with the whole talk about your feelings thing, and you just-I care about you alright'
Hannah smiled and grabbed his hand tighter, 'I care about you too Dean'
Dean hesitated and leaned in closer, looking at her lips. Just then Sam opened the doors 'Whew glad I found you'
The crew cleared out and you both stepped out of the closet. Jensen didn't realize he was still holding your hand until you cleared your throat and bit your lip. "Oh uh yeah sorry" he said releasing your hand.
You laughed, "It's okay, it happens," it really doesn't put you saw that he looked a little embarrassed. "Hey um, thanks for the flowers by the way, that was really sweet of you"
He smiled and shoved his hands in his pocket, "Uh yeah I mean no problem"
You looked at him and smiled, "Well I'm going to go grab a coffee with Misha so we can run lines for the next scene, I'll see you later today alright?" you said stepping back.
"Yeah, yeah, see you later," Jensen said as he watched you wave and head out the door. He shook his head and mentally kicked himself for not just telling you he felt the same way Dean did.
You walked into Misha's trailer with the coffee and smiled at him, "Hey Misha, ready to run those lines?" you said as you slid him his cup and sat across from him.
"Yep, let's get started...Oh and I'm going to do my Cas voice so don't be startled," he said with a teasing smile.
You laughed and nodded. You ran your lines through twice and decided to take break, "Um hey Misha can I ask you something? It's about Jensen" you said awkwardly fiddling with the corners of your script.
His eyes widened and he leaned forward, "Yeah, yeah go ahead"
You smiled a little, "Okay so, is he always this nervous around new cast members? Because I don't know, I'm confused. I mean, he gave me flowers and then he can barely talk to me without stuttering or doing something with his hands. Plus we have that love scene coming up so I don't want it to be more awkward"
"Um, Y/N I mean, it's pretty obvious isn't it," he said with a small smile.
You furrowed your brows, "What's obvious? I mean it's not like he likes me or anyth- Oh god" you said when you say Misha's eyes flicker. "He, he likes me?"
Misha's smile got wider and he tapped his fingers on the table, "Oh it's more than a like, he's always staring at you and talking about you and whenever you guys talk he has to tell us about it. He's like a teenager it's pretty fu-" He immediately shut his mouth when he saw how red your face was, "Oh shit, I really shouldn't have said that"
You were shocked. "He- you think he..." you said quietly, getting up from the table, "I uh gotta go talk to him" Misha stood up to stop you but you were already out the door making your way to Jensen's trailer.
You knocked a few times before he got to the door and opened it, "Hey Y/N" he said with a sweet smile that made your heart melt.
"Hi Jensen, do you think we could talk?" you said motioning to come inside.
Jensen's heart rate picked up and his hands got clammy, that was never a good sign, "Uh yeah, of course, come in"
You smiled slightly and stepped in, and then turned to meet his eyes, "Um so, we have to do that scene soon, you know where Dean and Hannah, you know..." you said swallowing thickly.
Jensen's eyes went wide. Of course he knew, it was exciting him as well as making him nervous as hell, "Uh yeah um, are you still okay with that?"
You nodded, "Yeah no, of course, I just wanted to know if you wanted to talk about anything before we did it, I mean if you wanted to tell me anything?' you said nervously.
Jensen bit his lip, "Uh nope, not that I can think of," other than the fact that I think I'm in love with you and I don't want to ruin this because all I've been wanting to do is kiss you, he thought to himself, not willing to say it yet.
"Okay, well I guess I'll see you on set," you said looking into his eyes searching for something to tell you that what Misha said was true. He wouldn't meet your gaze so you just smiled and walked to the door.
"Yeah see you there," he said as you walked out. His heart was pounding and he took a deep breath, and got dressed into his Dean outfit.
Dean walked into Hannah's room and she smiled at him, 'Hey Hannah'
'Dean,' she said as she stepped closer to him, 'Come here to finish what you started?'
Dean laughed and brought his hand to her face, 'You know it sweetheart'. Jensen's heart was racing as he looked at your lips.
'Then what are you waiting for?' Hannah said and wrapped her hands around his neck as Dean leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. It was sweet at first until she deepened it, tilting her head and sliding his jacket off. Your head was spinning as Jensen's lips moved with yours, but you had to focus on playing to the camera.
Deans hands roamed under Hannah's shirt as he pulled it over her head and his eyes roamed her body, 'Your beautiful'. Your heart almost stopped because that was not in the script. Jensen realized his slip up but he didn't care because you were beautiful in ever way.
Dean looked back at Hannah and pulled off his shirt, Hannah groaned as her hand trailed down his stomach, feeling his muscles. Jensen's face reddened because Hannah was definitely not supposed to make that noise. Your eyes widened when you realized your slip up but continued feeling his abs. Hannah pulled Dean back into a deep kiss. Jensen was getting so into the kiss that he bit your lower lip, causing you to gasp and he slipped his tongue in. There was a rule among actors to not use tongue when kissing, but you didn't even care because it was amazing.
Hannah and Dean landed on the bed an Dean kissed down her neck, down her stomach and to her jeans, looking up at her while he slid them off. Hannah bit her lip as Dean made his way back up her body, leaving open mouth kisses. When Dean reached her mouth and kissed her, she rolled him over so she was on top, and kissed down his body, taking off his jeans. Jensen was thinking of literally anything to keep his hopefully not obvious hard on down. Your heart was racing as you felt his warm body, and you held back a whimper as you climbed back over him and felt his erection.
Hannah kissed Dean again as their bodies pressed together and Dean unclasped her bra, letting it drop to the floor. Jensen knew he was hard, there was no way he could keep it down as he stared at your breasts. You knew the cameras were to your back and that the crew was behind you, but your heart raced as you saw Jensen staring in admiration, then back to your face.
'So beautiful,' Dean murmured as his hands roamed up Hannah's body and kissed her again, flipping her over and hovering her, keeping the kiss. The camera zoomed back into their lips and then back out to show Dean rolling his hips. You moaned at the friction and Jensen groaned. You looked at each other, wondering what the other was thinking.
Dean kissed Hannah again and the shot faded out.
"CUT!" Jensen stopped kissing you and pulled up to stare into your eyes, but he didn't move, "Alright we are going to head out so you two can get dressed! That's a wrap for today!" the crew said leaving quickly.
You and Jensen were alone now, and his eyes still hadn't left yours. You were breathing in his breath and you didn't want to move. "Y/N," Jensen whispered as his eyes fluttered back to your lips.
"Mmhm," you hummed, unable to find words.
He stared into your eyes again. His heart was beating so loud he was sure you could hear it, "I have to tell you something"
"Okay" you breathed out.
Jensen took a deep breath, "I think I'm in love with you"
You blinked quickly and watched his eyes flicker with sincerity and adoration, you brought his lips to yours and kissed him with emotions you couldn't express with words. Jensen couldn't help but smile when he felt you smile into the kiss. You rolled your hips and he moaned, "Jensen.." you mumbled against his lips.
"Y/N are you sure?" he asked pulling away to look at your face.
You smiled and nodded, rolling him over and pulling his boxers down feeling his hard cock, "More than sure" you moaned as you grabbed him and gave him a stroke.
"Y/N," he moaned and rolled into your fist, "Damn, that's ahh"
You leaned back down and captured his plump lips in a passionate kiss, slipping your tongue in. He smiled into the kiss and brought your hand up from his cock and flippe your over, grinding down. "Ahh, Jensen please" you moaned as he kissed down your neck.
He pulled your panties off quickly and lined himself up, "Shit do you have a condom?" he said breathing a little harder.
You shook your head, "Pill"
He nodded and kissed you again, sliding in slowly, allowing you to adjust. You gasped and moaned as he set a slow pace, keeping your lips occupied. "Ahh Y/N god, you're beautiful" he moaned into your mouth.
You smiled into the kiss and raised your hips so he hit your sweet spot, "Oh god, J-Jensen, faster please"
"Shh baby, I got you," he said as he kissed you again and quickened his pace. He broke the kiss and dropped his head to your neck, "Fuck, ahh" he panted into your skin.
His hot breath against your skin only brought you to your peak faster. You gripped his shoulders and your breath hitched as your body shook. He wasn't far behind as he thrust one more time and came with a moan of your name. Jensen rolled off after you caught your breath.
"Wow" he said quietly, pulling you into his side.
You smiled and pulled the covers over the both of you, "Yeah, wow"
"Hey Y/N" Jensen said, breaking the silence. You hummed in reply and lifted your self up to look at him, "I really wish I told you how I felt the moment I knew"
You smiled and kissed him sweetly, "I wish I wasn't so blind that I didn't see it until Misha told me"
"Misha told you?" he said with wide eyes, "I'm gonna kill that little Russian bastard" he muttered and closed his eyes.
You laughed and kissed him again, "I think we should thank him," you mumbled against his lips. He smiled and kissed you again.
"I love you Y/N," he said as you pulled away to look at him.
"I love you too Jensen"

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...