You knew better than to be out at night. Neverland was more dangerous at night. You knew that, but you heard something. Getting out of your private tree house, you walked softly across the camp.
At least you had separate sleeping arrangements. The boys would make you stay. In the dark jungle, you couldn't see very well, but you heard someone. A really familiar voice called, "Y/N."
Maybe it was a bad idea. Oh well, too late.
The voice led you deep into the forest. There, a fire was lit. Shadows danced on the trees. Before you could react, one that looked like a shadow that belonged to a boy your age lunged at you.
Shadows shouldn't be able to carry you. It should have been impossible that you were flying away from Neverland with a shadow. Not wanting to leave, you tried to break free, but the invisible grip from its smoky hands tightened. The same voice from before came from the shadow with white lights for eyes. "Girls aren't allowed. You're making Pan weak."
Peter Pan had saved you from your nightmare of a home. When you were a baby, your parents had offended a witch. She apparently turned and requested you.
Your parents had no choice, so you were taken and raised by a witch. You couldn't remember what you had done, but the angry witch cursed you to never have a home and be lonely for your whole life.
You outlived everyone. You never aged, but you never told anyone since Neverland prevented aging anyway.
Pan never knew. He found you by yourself and didn't ask. The only thing he asked was if you were lost.
Wind rushed through your hair. You struggled more, but it was pointless. "He can't love," the Shadow growled, "Love is weak." You froze at the mention of love. Pan rarely implied that he liked you as a person. Now, the Shadow that was taking you from your home was talking about love?
Neverland became a speck. Night turned to day and bright lights blinded you. "Where are you taking me?" You demanded.
"Where you'll be powerless." All of the sudden, the Shadow dropped you in the middle of a forest. Branches cut into your arms, drawing blood. You landed on your back in a bank of snow.
Weather on Neverland never changed. There were few storms and no snow. You gathered the white snow in your hands. It sparkled in the daylight. "Hello?" A male called.
You turned suddenly. "Hello?" You called back.
A man with brown hair and blue eyes came out the woods. He wore strange clothes. "Are you okay, Miss?" He asked. When you didn't respond, the man reassured, "Don't worry, I'm the Sheriff of Storybrooke."
The words meant nothing to you. "Uh, is that where I am?"
"Yeah," the man informed, "I heard your little tumble. Come on. Let's get those bandaged up." The man introduced himself as Sheriff Graham. Once the sticky things were over your wounds, he took you to the Mayor of Storybrooke.
She looked actually confused. "Who is she? I've never seen her."
"This is Y/N," Graham introduced, "Y/N, this is Regina Mills. I found her in the woods after falling down."
"Really?" Regina seemed actually confused, "Well, she'd be more than welcome to stay here until her parents claim her."
You knew that your parents were dead and no one was coming, but the offer was too good. You were still scared after leaving Neverland. Wishing you were there, you noticed Regina dismissing Graham and calling her son, Henry, in. "Henry, this is Y/N," she told the younger boy, "She'll be living with us for a while."
Henry smiled at you and showed you his book in his room. You told him your story, which he believed instantly.
You met Mr. Gold, who was actually Rumpelstiltskin. He was in Neverland to take Baelfire with him. You remembered being scared for your friend, but he grew up. Mr. Gold definitely recognized you, although he didn't say anything.
Things got really interesting, about three years later, when his mom, the Savior, came. Emma Swan broke the curse that made the citizens of Storybrooke forget their fairy tale counterpart.
Pan hadn't tried to find you in all that time. You almost forgot about Neverland until Henry was taken there. You were certain that Pan just wanted him as a Lost Boy. Once his family came, he would give him back.
You jumped at the chance to go to Neverland. The way you were smiling made Emma suspicious, but Hook just looked at you with pity. He knew that the Neverland they were going to wasn't the one that you knew.
After the little encounter with mermaids, you were puzzled. They never usually hurt anyone on purpose. When the island came in sight, you looked at it with confusion. Sure, it was night, but why did the island look so terrifying?
Little boys would visit there in their dreams. The island had turned into a place of nightmares. When you went to bed, all you could hear was the sound of children crying. It was awful.
Deciding to make the same mistake twice, you wandered off into the dark jungle. That time, you had brought a small dagger that Emma gave you.
The branches rustling made you uneasy and jumpy. Suddenly, a familiar pair of green eyes met yours with uncertainty. The boy flew away a few feet, giving you a chance to see him. "Y/N?"
You saw Pan look nervous for some reason, but he lightened up. "Y/N!" Pan hugged you tightly, making you freeze slightly. You hugged back. "How did you get back?"
"A family brought me," you explained, "One of their boys was taken here. They just want him back. That's fine, right?"
He looked around anxiously. "Y/N, do you remember how to get back to camp from here?" You nodded. You knew this island like the back of your hand, no matter how different it felt. "Go there and wait for me. I'll be right there."
You left him in the jungle. Most people don't, but you trusted Pan. Not enough to let him know of your curse.
The camp was chaotic. After the Lost Boys that you knew crowded around you, the new ones introduced themselves. Felix, looking as scary as always, looked at the scene with amusement. You just came out of the jungle, looking like you hadn't aged, and the boys accepted it.
Henry came out to see what the boys were up to. His smile widened when he saw you. "Y/N!" The Lost Boys looked at him with confusion.
Slightly rose an eyebrow. "How do you know Y/N?"
"Boys, I met him when I was away," you explained, "He's one of my closest friends." Felix simply remembered that. Pan wouldn't be too pleased.
You went up to Henry and ruffled his hair like you always did. He glared playfully at you. "Neverland isn't like you described it," Henry pointed out.
"It changed," you agreed, "Nights were always creepy here, but never too bad."
Pan walked back to camp. He saw you ruffling Henry's hair and discussing how Neverland changed. Wanting to talk to you, Pan simply put a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, we should talk." You nodded and followed him to the tent.
"I can find Henry's family pretty easily and then we can give him back," you suggested, thinking that that was what he wanted to talk about. "They'll probably take some convincing to let me stay. Some of them think that you're evil for taking Henry, but it was just an accident. Once you tell them, I should be able to stay."
"Right," he lied, not wanting to tell you how much Neverland had changed, "Y/N, I was wondering something. Surely a lot of time passed in the normal world. Why do you look the same?"
"I have no idea?" You lied as well, "Only three years passed for me. That's not too long."
Pan looked closely. "Yes, but you look exactly the same. Almost like you never left Neverland."
"Well, the place I went to had a nasty curse," you hastily replied, "Time almost stopped there. I'm not sure if that would have anything to do with aging."
"I don't think it would." Before he could say anything else, the sounds of things falling over made Pan sigh in annoyance. He left with you trailing him. "What do you think that you're doing?" He demanded the Lost Boy responsible for all of their weapons on the ground. Some were broken. "This is the fourth time."
Something about Pan's tone changed. It was more menacing. You lightly grabbed his arm to pull him back. The Lost Boys looked at you like you were crazy. "Pan, it doesn't matter. I'll help him pick them up."
His eyes widened. He almost forgot. You began picking the things up with the grateful Lost Boy. "There, all done," you decided.
The Lost Boys left, not wanting to get in the middle of whatever was going to happen. The Lost Boy that dropped the weapons thanked you before leaving quickly. "That was weird," you remarked, "He looked really afraid."
"He's new," Pan said. You nodded.
Meanwhile, back at Henry's family's campsite, everyone was up. You still hadn't come back. "Do you think Pan has her?" Mary Margaret worried.
"He wouldn't hurt her," Hook dismissed.
Emma asked, "How do you know?"
"When she left Neverland, it was a good place," he explained, "Children having fun and all that. When Y/N left, Pan became darker and turned the island into his little kingdom. I'll bet anything that he's making sure that Y/N doesn't know how much he and the island changed."
David noted, "Does he have feelings for her?"
"That's why the Shadow took her away. She was distracting him."
"Well, there you go," Regina planned, "Y/N can distract Pan while we get Henry."
"It won't be that easy," Emma argued, "What if he doesn't like her anymore? I mean, Pan changed."
"If Pan didn't like her anymore, she'd be here right now," Hook stated. "So I'll go find Henry's family," you started, "Then lead them here." Your excitement had not faded yet and it almost made Peter smile.
He sighed, "Y/N, we should go on a walk. We need to talk." Confusion flashed in your eyes and you followed him. "Neverland has changed since you left," Peter said carefully once they were in the forest.
"Yeah, I noticed that," you recalled, "It's a bit creepier."
"Can you please understand why I have to-" he cut himself off, "Why Henry must be-" No matter how he said it, Peter could see your disappointed face. The part of him that he thought he forgot about was coming through.
You looked at him with disbelief. "Peter, you're not saying what I think you're saying. You must be joking."
"Y/N, I can explain."
You lit up a bit, hoping that it wasn't as bad as you thought. "Explain then." With a heavy heart, Peter told you what had been happening on Neverland and why he needed Henry, knowing that every word was slowing breaking you.
p> "So you've actually changed?" You stated, tears sprouting in your eyes, "You're actually... evil ." You hated to cry, but this was the boy you looked up to. All the facts pointed to him being evil and you defended him.
Peter remained silent. "I leave and you turn this beautiful island into what?" You continued, "Your little kingdom? It was right! You're not capable of love!" That last part leaked out, making you close your mouth quickly with wide eyes.
Expecting your scolding, he rose an eyebrow at the love part. "What?" He asked as his cheeks warmed, "What was that about love?"
You looked at him tiredly. He changed your home while you were gone. If what Hook was saying was true, Peter was truly evil. You didn't want to, but you couldn't trust him. The second his green eyes rose to meet yours, you found yourself saying, "When the Shadow took me off the island, it told me that I was distracting you. That you weren't capable of love."
The silence between you two was unbearable. "Y/N, if you don't believe anything else I say, believe this. The Shadow wasn't lying. I thought I wasn't capable of love," he admitted, "But then you came to the island."
"You can't just say that and expect everything to be okay!" You wanted to leave, get away from Peter, so you turned to leave, but he grabbed your arm.
Peter said, "I love everything about you. Your hair, your eyes, your sense of adventure. You haven't changed since I saw you." Confusion appeared on his face. "You didn't explain how you look so similar. You were in Storybrooke, right?"
Your heart fluttered at the first part, but you were reminded of your curse. "Peter-" You were cut off when he placed his hands on your head. Knowing what he was doing, you sighed. Peter knew about your curse. His eyebrows crinkled with anger.
"Get away from her," Emma warned, coming out of the jungle with the rest of the people. "Y/N, come with us." You looked at Peter with sad eyes and walked over to Mary Margaret who comforted you. "Pan, where is Henry?"
Not even paying attention, Peter looked at you like a lost puppy. "Y/N-"
"Stay away from her!" Regina stated. He looked at her with more confusion. He almost forgot that he took their son for his heart. The other side of him was confused as to why they were yelling at him. Finally, he just disappeared.
The others reassured you, telling you that he was evil and has Henry. You just nodded sadly. You had been in Neverland for so long and you loved it, but everything changed.
You could have led them to the camp, but that would have been suicidal. Emptiness resided where your excitement was and the group could tell. Regina and Emma didn't want you to go on a walk, but you convinced them to let you.
At least, the fountain hadn't changed. Even during the day, Neverland seemed darker. There were eery presences all around.
An especially evil presence was behind you. You turned around to see a dark outline of a boy again. Its sly voice echoed, "Pan's feelings has returned." Fear ran through your veins.
It grabbed your arm and lifted you higher in the air. You tried to struggle, but at that point, if it dropped you, you were dead. "I should have done this originally."
Peter was in one of the tallest trees. He knew where you were and he wanted to talk to you by the fountain, but he had no idea what he would say. Suddenly, your location changed. His eyes widened when he saw a squirming you in the hands of the Shadow.
When it released its grip, a scream escaped from your lips as you began to fall to the jungle floor. You shut your eyes quickly. All of the sudden, a pair of strong arms caught you from falling. You opened your eyes to see the magnificent green ones. "Peter!" You cheered, before remembering that you were mad at him. In a much colder tone, you asked, "Why would you do that?"
Peter didn't answer. He simply kissed you as he flew to the ground. Your feet returned to the ground softly, but you were only focused on Peter's soft lips on yours.
"I know that a lot has changed," Peter admitted after the kiss, "But I'm willing to change it back if it'll make you happy. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." You smiled and kissed him again.
"First thing," you reminded, "You have to give Henry back."
"Deal," he agreed before kissing your cheek lovingly.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...