You were helping Clint take inventory of all the supplies you had left in the Med-jacks hut when you heard it. Screaming. It sounded like the new Greenie, Thomas. You rushed out the huts door behind Clint and Jeff to race towards the source of the yelling.
"HELP," Thomas screamed from somewhere in the Deadheads. "SOMEONE HELP ME!"
Suddenly he crashed out of the trees next to the Gardens. You make eye contact with Clint and instantly you're both racing over to see what was going on.
Then you see what Thomas was running from. It was Newt, your boyfriend. You stop mid-run and look closely to see if it's really Newt. It was, and you start sprinting instead.
Thomas tripped and crashed to the ground, only to turn over and try to crawl away. Newt was on top of him in seconds, looking like he was ready to kill him.
"Newt!" you scream. His head twitches to the side a little when he hears your voice, but his gaze remains on Thomas, he was clawing his way up to his throat while muttering something under his breath.
You're the first to reach the both of them and you instantly know something's wrong. Newt was shaking with rage. He never, ever, had been this angry before.
"What's wrong with him?" you ask to yourself as if that would give you an answer somehow.
Someone who had come with a shovel, probably Zart, hit Newt in the head, causing him to fall onto his side with a groan. You're instantly on top of him, pinning his wrists to the ground. You watch his every move. His shifty eyes, trembling body, pale and sweaty face. Something was very, very wrong here.
Alby breaks through the cluttered crowd and looks to the situation. He nods to you. "Lift his shirt,"
Yanking the fabric up while holding both of his wrists in your other hand, you gasp. Dark black, purple veins creep across his stomach where a deep gash had made its home. You clench your teeth and hold back tears.
He'd been stung.
You nod to Clint and Jeff who hurriedly tend to Thomas who was still coughing. Alby sends for a couple of the boys to take Newt to the pit but you refuse to move.
"Alby, he needs medical treatment, not a night in the pit. Let me take him to the med-jacks hut, please," you beg.
"You know there's nothing you can do, Y/N," Alby informs.
"There has to be something," you argue.
Newt thrashes beneath you and you look back to his pained face. You look to Alby with as much emotion as you can put in your eyes.
"Take him to the med-jacks hut," you order while still staring at an uncomfortable Alby. He huffs and walks over to Thomas.
Newt is lifted once you get off of him and the Gladers march him over to the med-jacks hut. You follow on their heels, watching carefully.
You help lay him down on one of the couple beds and your gaze catches his for a split second and you can see him. See the actual, clear minded, level headed, Newt.
"I'm going to help you, Newt," you whisper and lean down to press your lips against his burning forehead. You knew he wouldn't attack you. Even now, stung and all, you knew he wasn't capable of that.
Patching up his head was only the first step. There were so many bruises to tend to and scrapes to bandage....and those were just the minor injuries. No one had ever been cured from being stung. You let out a sigh and hold back more tears. How were you ever going to save him?
Thomas and Teresa burst through the door and they were each holding dark blue vials with the letters W.C.K.D. printed on them. "We think these might help," Teresa says slowly and holds hers out to you.
You take the vial in your hand slowly and turn it over. Newt thrashes against the ropes you'd tied him down with when he senses others in the room. Thomas takes a step back towards the door and looks to you. "Save my friend, please." Then he steps out the door and Teresa nods to you, following close behind him.
You put the vial down and kneel next to Newt who was breathing heavily. You put a hand on his cheek and calm him. "Shh," you murmur. He relaxes at your touch and voice and you breathe out in relief.
Alby enters suddenly and you stand to face him.
He takes one look at Newt and shakes his head with pain evident in his eyes. "If he's not better by tomorrow night..." he trails off and you shake your head.
"No," you growl. "You won't touch him."
"Y/N, think. It has to be done. It's for our safety, as much as we all hate it. I'm sorry."
Without another word, Alby exits the hut and you're tempted to slam your foot down. You turn back and see the vial resting where you'd put it on the table. You pick it up and turn it over again slowly, regretting what you were about to do.
You take a syringe and pull the fluid inside. Without thinking twice about it, you push the needle into Newt's arm and inject the blue liquid. You only prayed that it would help.
That night, Newt was shivering furiously. You knew it wasn't cold and you bit your lip. Had the liquid done more damage than good?
"Newt?" you ask softly and step next to his bed. His eyes open a little and you could see the deep pain within them. He shivered again and you pulled the blanket up to his shoulders.
You were about to turn back when his wrist grabbed yours. You looked down at him curiously until you realized what he was asking.
You had untied the ropes earlier when you knew he wasn't going to attack anyone else, so climbing under the blanket with him was easy. You slid in next to him, your warm legs touching his overheated ones.
Once you were in beside him, you folded the blanket over yourself and rested your head on the same pillow. You pressed your lips to his shoulder and he took a deep breath.
"I'm here, Newt," you soothe him. His shivering slows down a little and you feel his fingers curl around yours.
"Thank you," he sighs. His eyes find yours and you give him a comforting smile.
Surprisingly, he slept through the night, only waking when you removed your hand from his to get a drink of water. Once you replaced it, he fell back asleep within minutes.
In the morning you checked his stomach to see its condition.
"Clint, Jeff!" you yell for them. They heard you from Frypans kitchen and rushed in to see the damage.
Their mouths dropped open, like yours was.
"It's..." you start. "It's nearly healed."
"What did you give him?" Jeff asks.
After explaining everything you'd done, Clint nods. "Keep some of that stuff. I think we're probably going to need it in the future."
You sat with Newt for the rest of the day, talking to him whenever he was awake enough to get words out. You kneel next to his bed and dab a cool rag on his forehead watching his chest rise evenly as he looks at you.
"You know," you chuckle. "You should probably work out more."
Newt's eyebrows furrow. "What?'
"I mean, I totally pinned you yesterday."
He laughs weakly and closes his eyes. "Once I'm better, we'll see who can pin who."
"You're on," you challenge.
It's quiet for a moment and you just smile to yourself as you run the damp cloth down his jaw bone. You'd done it. Newt was getting better and he was going to live. He wouldn't be banished by Alby, thankfully.
You see Newt looking at you again with calm eyes. He fights his eyelids to keep them open.
"Go to sleep, Newt. I'll be here when you wake up."
Newt tires to smile at this but slowly, slowly, sleep steals him from you.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...