Thomas Brodie-Sangster

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You give a big sigh. "Thomas do we have to go?"
"Yes, we do." He raises an eyebrow at you and you nod in defeat.
"Fine, but I am driving."
Once announced, both you and Thomas walk onto the stage together. You smile big and the crowd cheers for with you or Thomas, or maybe even both. You take one of the two seats that were available on the stage and Thomas sits close to you in the other.
The interviewer, a woman who had obvious fake hair extensions and who used way too much teeth whitener, sat across from you both and shook both your hands.
"So, Y/N and Thomas Brodie-Sangster. You both worked on a movie together, right?"
You nod. "Yes, we did. The Scorch Trials. It was how we met actually."
"Really? Were you surprised to have someone else on set with such a different accent?" The woman crossed her legs, nearly flashing you and Thomas in the process.
"Not really, I was informed beforehand that there were very diverse characters on the set." You force a smile. Why did everything have to be about your accent?
"What about you, Thomas? Did you like having others with different accents or were you a little jealous from having the spotlight stolen?" She shows her teeth, almost as if she's baring them at you like a wolf would do. Who was this woman?
"I was actually very happy to have someone else on the set like me. It really shows how in difficult situations people of all kinds and backgrounds can come together, even if it was just a fictional story," Thomas says. He seemed much calmer than you did at the moment. You just wanted to leave, honestly.
"Is it usually hard for people to understand you, Y/N?" The woman laughs and some of the crowd does too. Why? Nothing was even remotely funny about that.
"Yes, I suppose at some times it is. But I thought we came here on an interview about the movie, not me," you chuckle but give the reporter a serious look. You were so annoyed by now. This was not the first interview that teased you about your Spanish accent. Could people not just move on?
After the interview, Thomas takes your hand and leads you outside, only to be surrounded by screaming fans. They all held out papers and pens for you to sign something. You signed a few but you were in a hurry.
A reporter stopped you and Thomas just before you could make it out. You internally groan but smile and go through a couple questions with them anyways. You swore if one of them was about your accent again-
"So your fans want to know, can you pull off an American accent?" He was asking both Thomas and you and you resist rolling your eyes.
"No, my accent is too thick," you reply simply.
Thomas however, tried it. He cleared his throat and instead of an American accent, it came out as more of Australian. You laugh and Thomas shrugs. "Guess not," he laughs.
Finally, you make it back to your house and are able to let your hair down. Literally. You change out of the uncomfortable dress and change into some sweatpants.
"Are you alright, love?" Thomas asks. You walk over to him where he was sitting on the couch and curl up next to him.
"No," you mumble into his shirt.
"I figured. Is it because everyone's asking about your accent?"
You nod and press your face further into his shoulder. "How do you stand it?" Your voice is muffled but you're sure he heard it.
"I was annoyed at first too, but I figured that if you just answer their questions, they have to run out at some time don't they?" He looks down to you and you pull away from burying your face in his shirt.
"I'm not sure anymore! They've been teasing us for months. I do not like it, Thomas." You push out your bottom lip and he presses his lips together.
He puts a finger under your chin and tilts it up to look at him. "It'll pass, you'll see. Just remember that your accent is very cool to them, memorizing. They don't usually get to see someone that beautiful with a voice to match."
You smile a little and rest on Thomas again, but he puts his arm around you this time. You were so thankful to him. Taking the role in the movie was one of the best things you'd decided to do, even if it caused you to be a little annoyed that all people recognized was your accent. You were still glad you'd done it.

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