Sam Winchester

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It had started off as a regular day. Just another hunt - that was it. In fact, that morning when you complained and grumbled to Sam about the hunt, he had grinned at you and promised that you'd both stay in bed and binge when it was over.

  Needless to say, that time never came.

  At the same time, it was as if the day knew you wouldn't go back home after the hunt. It was way too special that day. Too many good things happened, neither of them preparing Sam for what would happen soon enough.

  He wished he'd seen it coming.

_  _  _  _  _


  "Check." Together, you and Sam were in the garage, checking for all the supplies in the trunk of the impala.

  "Knives? Machetes? Blades?" You asked, reading off the list in front of you. Sam hummed, shuffling through the compartment.

  "Check, check, and check." You looked up from your paper with a grin.

  "How about a kiss?" You watched as he furrowed his eyebrows, bending over to further search for the item.

  "A kiss?" He asked, confused. "I don't -" And then it hit him as he slowly stood straight, a soft smile on his face. Lowly chuckling, he turned you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he tugged your body closer to his.

  Resting your hands against his chest, you strained up, searching for a sweet peck, at the very least. Sam ducked lower, reaching you in the middle as he kissed your lips sweetly. As always, you felt the small spark between you, and you couldn't help but smile wide when he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.


_  _  _  _  _

  "You guys want dinner?" Dean asked, walking backwards towards the convenience store. You laughed, leaning against the impala where Sam was filling it with gas.

  "Considering it's currently three in the morning, and your idea of dinner is a bag of chips and Mountain Dew, no thank you." Dean shrugged.

  "Sam?" The younger Winchester shook his head before Dean jogged off into the convenience store where Cas was already waiting for him. Turning to Sam, you grinned.

  "So, what? Our three year anniversary is today, and you still haven't said anything about it?" He chuckled, shrugging.

  "What do you want me to say?" And now, you laughed, bumping his shoulder.

  "I don't know! Maybe that you have something planned? Or even that you bought a two dollar necklace for me? No surprise this year?" He remained silent, a smile on his face as he stared at the floor. Then, after an eternity, he looked up at you.

  "You want a surprise? So, marry me." The edge of your lips turned upward in a ridiculous grin, and you could hear Dean's shouting as they returned from the store, no doubt calling dibs on the biggest bag of chips.


_  _  _  _  _

  "Dean, are you sure?" You asked, incredulous as you stepped out from the backseat. He smiled at you, an eyebrow cocked.

  "Don't ask me that. I just might change my mind." He replied jokingly. Sliding into the front seat, you let a shuddering breath escape your lips as you ran your hands over the leather of the steering wheel.

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