Sam Winchester

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"Sammy, where is my daddy?" Sam sighed as he continued to brush his teeth, mouth full of toothpaste. He bent down to spit into the sink, and then he grabbed the towel to wipe the remaining toothpaste from his lips.
"He's with my Dad and Dean." He rolled his eyes as the little girl sat on the edge of his motel bed.
"What are they doing?" she questioned as Sam made his way to the make shift kitchen.
"Y/N, we've been through this, they're...working." He said delicately, trying carefully to choose the right words.
Sam had been locked up in this crappy motel, left to babysit this annoying little girl for three days now. He just recently turned 13, and he knew he was old enough to work a case with his dad and older brother, Dean. Unfortunately, someone needed to stay back and watch the kid.
"M'kay." she simply said. She hopped off the bed and followed Sam into the kitchen.
"Cheerios or Chex?"
"Mmm," she pondered. She weighed her options very carefully before answering, "Chex, please."
Sam smiled at her eagerness, and set to work on preparing Y/N's breakfast. He got the small pink bowl with the built in straw from the drain board. He poured her cereal and the milk, and then placed the bowl in front of her. Her already toothy grin grew even wider as she beamed at her cereal. Next, he poured a glass of orange juice and set that down in front of her. She smiled at him with a silent, "thanks"
Sam moved and began to clean up the motel room. Picking up a shirt here, a Barbie there.
"Sammy, you aren't going to sit with me?"
He straightened up and rolled his eyes again, as a small smile played at his lips. "Of course, Y/N."
He returned to the kitchen and plopped down into the chair opposite Y/N. He watched her as she happily munched on her Chex. He admired how naive she was and she hadn't the slightest clue what was really out there. Not a single idea as to what their dad's really did for "work".
He chuckled as she slurped the milk through the built in straw on the bowl.
Y/N's dad and John had met a couple months back, while they were both working the same case. A vamp biker gang was terrorizing a small town in Iowa. It really wasn't a one man job, so Y/N's dad and John teamed up and easily took care of the rebel vampires. In the end, the fathers discovered they worked really well together. Also, Y/N got along famously with John's boys; especially Sam.
Sam leaned forward in his chair, and grabbed Y/N's untouched orange juice. He took a big gulp, and laughed as Y/N's face immediately screwed up in offense.
"HEY!" she shrieked.
"What? It's not like you were drinking it!" he laughed even harder when she stood on her chair and reached across the table to grab for her half-drunk cup of OJ. Sam pulled back to keep the cup away from her.
"You know, I only drink the juice once all my milk in gone!"
She swat her arm and her hand made contact with the glass, sending it tumbling into his lap. He shot up as he shook the remaining OJ to the floor. He looked up as he heard a small sniffle.
Any frustration and anger just melted away as saw the little girl who was still standing on her chair. She sniffed once more, and blurted out, "I'm so sorry, Sammy! Please don't be mad at me!"
He half smiled, and approached Y/N. He put his arm up and brushed his hand, lovingly, along her arm. "It's okay, Y/N. No biggie."
She relaxed at this, and sat back down in her chair as Sam started to clean up the sticky mess.
Sam spent the rest of the morning, picking up after Y/N while she played with her Barbies. When the room was completely clean; nothing left on the floor, and the beds made, Sam sat the edge of his bed anxiously bouncing his knee. It had been about a day or so since he last heard from his dad and he was eager to hear how the hunt was going.
He sighed as he looked around the room one last time, looking for something to do, to keep his mind occupied. He gave up, resolving to sit in the easy chair in the corner. He grabbed a discarded magazine on the side table and he began idly perusing the pages.
"Sammy? Can you be the boy Barbie?"
"Heck no!" he scoffed raising the magazine over his face.
"Sammy, please. You never play with me!" she whined.
He lowered the magazine and looked into her piercing Y/E/C eyes. And his reservations instantly ebbed as he knew it wasn't going to be a forgotten issue.
He tossed the magazine aside, and crawled to the floor to sit across from Y/N. She offered him the sculpted man Barbie, and he took it. She started chirping happily as she dove into her make believe world. Sam didn't know exactly how to play Barbie, so he just followed Y/N's lead.
He glanced to Y/N's face and took a mental not of how happy she looked. Her short Y/H/C hair waved carelessly as she wildly told a story through her dolls.
Sam relaxed slightly as Y/N's Barbie asked his Barbie a question. He opened his mouth to answer for his Barbie, when the lock on the motel room door began to jiggle. Sam jumped to his feet and put himself between the door and Y/N.
The door flew open to reveal Dean, followed by John and Y/N's dad.
"DADDY!" she screamed as she clumsily scrambled to her feet and bounded to her father. The tall, bulky man bent down to scoop up his little girl.
"Hey, baby. How are you?" She responded by excitedly recounting the last several days with Sam.
"Playing with your dolls again, Sammy?" Dean quipped.
Sam looked to the dolls he was just playing with to his older brother.
"No. Well I was just playing with Y/N."
"Suuuure." He said as a cocky grin splayed across his face. He set his stuff down on Sam's bed, and made his way to the bathroom.
John too put his bags down and began to unpack his weapons. Y/N continued to chat with her father happily by the door. He didn't even have a chance to put his stuff down, or even shut the door.
Between stories, Y/N's dad interrupted her as he got up from his crouched position.
"Well John, I think I'm going to get Y/N and I a room. I need sleep, and-" he looked down at his blood soaked shirt "a shower."
He made his way over to John, and he extend his hand. John smiled and gladly accepted Y/N's dad's handshake. The two macho man shook hands, as John silently nodded to Y/N's father.
"Okay, pumpkin, get your stuff together."
Y/N immediately went to work gathering her things and packing them into her Care Bear back pack.
Once all of her things were stowed away, Y/N's father waved good bye to the Winchester's and left the room, he stopped in the doorway and turned to wait for Y/N.
With her backpack on her back, she said good bye to each Winchester one at a time.
She approached John first. "Goodbye, John. Thank you for the cereal." He smirked and he patted her on the back. "You're welcome, Y/N."
Next, it was Dean's turn. "Bye, D."He responded with a chuckle as he ruffled her hair. "See ya, squirt."
Next she went to Sam. "Bye Sammy. Thank you or taking care of me, and for playing Barbies." Sam's face glowed a bright red, as Dean started to laugh behind him. "You're welcome." He muttered through gritted teeth. He was taken by surprise when little arms wrapped tight around his torso. He instantly relaxed and put his hand on her back. As she pulled away, he smiled down at her, as she beamed up at him.
Later that night Sam was fast asleep in the bed he had to share with his brother. He rolled over, and away from his brother, as he lazily opened his eyes. As soon as he was coherent, he knew something wasn't right. He sat up and looked to the bed next to his. John was in his bad, fast asleep. And Dean was next to him, snoring slightly.
Sam rubbed his eyes, and took a deep breath, breathing in through his nose. That's when he smelt it: Sulphur. He turned to Dean and began to shake him awake.
"Dean! Wake up!"
Dean groaned groggily, and sat up to prop himself up on his elbow. "What the hell, Sam? You didn't just work for 2 days straight to kill a bunch of jerk vamps. Let me sleep!"
He turned back over and pulled the covers over his head.
"No, Dean, wake up. Do you smell that?" he said as he shook Dean once more.
"Gross dude."
"Dean." Sam warned.
After a beat of silence, Dean quickly got to his feet and grabbed his gun from the bedside table. John was stirring beside them and he too was getting to his feet, a gun in his hands.
When they were all to their feet they heard a loud explosion, which shook the walls of the rinky motel room. John was the first to the door, unlocking it and cautiously stepping into the cold night air. The source of the explosion was instantly evident. A couple rooms down, flames erupted from the door and windows. The only person in sight was the motel owner. John and the boys ran to the owner, who stood about 20 feet from the flames.
Sam and Dean shielded their eyes from the heat of the inferno. John looked to the owner, who was eerily silent as he stared at the fire before him.
"You know," the short man started. He turned to John, eyes glazed over and onyx completely overtook them.
"You hunters are a real pain in my ass." A blade dropped from his sleeve and he deftly swiped at John's throat. Dean lunged to the demon as John dodged the knife. Dean effectively took the demon to the ground and before they could douse it with Holy Water, black smoke erupted from the small man's mouth and coiled up into the night.
"What the hell? What's happening!?" the owner shouted as he came to, to Dean on top of him.
Just then, his head snapped to the fire currently destroying his motel. He shakily got to his feet as he ran off to his office to call 911.
Just then a shrill scream came from within the fire. A little girl's scream. Sam's eyes widened in absolute fear.
"Y/N" he breathed. He started to run to their room where the fire emanated, but a strong arm stopped him. John was already running to the fire to save his friend and his daughter.
"Sammy," Dean deep voice brought Sam back to Earth. "Listen, stay here."
"But Dean-"
"Stay, Sammy!"
With that, Dean was off to follow his father into the fire. Sam watched in horror as no one emerged from the blaze. After what felt like eternity, Dean emerged with a little girl wrapped in his arms. He sprinted over to Sam and set Y/N down.
She was crying hysterically as she clung to Dean.
"Squirt, stay here with Sammy. Can you do that for me?"
She barely nodded as she turned to Sam, to then cling to him. After silently surveying Y/N to see if she was okay, he held on tightly to her. He shifted his focus back to the blaze, as John and Dean came from the fire. Dean had his arm around his dad, and was supporting his weight.
They came to rest in front of Sam and Y/N. The both collapsed coughing furiously.
Y/N unburied her head from Sam, and turned her tear stricken eyes to John.
"Where's my daddy, John?"
After a coughing fit, he looked to her shiny eyes and shook his head, sadly. She didn't know what that meant, so she asked again.
"John, is my daddy okay?"
"Sweetheart," he started. His voice was raspy but laced with complete sadness.
She started at him with wide eyes, and her mouth agape. She knew by John's demeanor, where her dad was.
She began to wail, and fell once again into Sam's arms.

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