You grappled with an abysmal darkness that threatened to swallow you whole. Your fingers slipped through goo, your lips parting to scream, but it was useless. You were stuck in a void. Your eyes darted everywhere, trying to find a way out, trying to see a light amidst the perpetual black. It all seemed infinite and you felt your sanity begin to tear at the seams. Then your world began to grow grey and light began to pour in...
You gasped, inhaling deeply and startling the three other people in the room. Your fingers tore at your neck, nails scratching against your skin as you began to remember how to breathe, how to regain control of your body once again.
"Whoa, whoa, it's okay, sweetheart," a deep voice to your right grabbed the hand clawing at your chest and held it tightly away from you. "It's alright, you're fine."
You groaned, hanging your head until your chin was touching your sternum. You shut your eyes close tightly, trying to figure out what had happened, why you were being surrounded by familiar faces that sounded and looked so real.
You wailed in pain as the memories came flooding in. You remembered being promised your old body back in exchange for information about the Winchesters, being twisted and beaten raw until there was no trace of humanity left in you, you agreeing to betray the only humans you could have trusted with your life when you were alive.
Your head snapped up and you opened your eyes to look around the room you were in. Three men stood surrounding the bed you had been tucked into. They were all looking at you eagerly and you recognized two of them.
"D-Dean? Sam?" you gaped.
"Hey, Y/N," Sam smiled softly at you, leaning over to pat your leg softly. "How are you feeling?"
"Well, apart from the raging headache threatening to drive me to insanity, I'm doing alright," you cringed, prompting a few chuckles from the men.
"Hey, sweetheart," Dean's deep voice caused you to look to your right and you laid eyes on the man you had loved so long ago. "Nice to have you back."
"Dean," your hand rose automatically and came to rest on his cheek. "Hey."
Someone cleared their throat to your left and you looked at a young teenager awkwardly looking at you. He gave you a tiny, shy smile and a wave. "Hi, mom."
You inhaled sharply. Of course this was him. He was a carbon copy of Dean. "J-Jacob?"
"Mom," he got on his feet to lean down and embrace you tightly. You earnestly returned the hug and squeezed him tightly to you, feeling tears well up in your eyes. You laughed breathlessly, not quite believing that you had made it out of this unscathed. It all seemed too good to be true, but you resolved to not focus on that dark thought and held your son.
"Oh, my God, you're so handsome," you scoffed in disbelief, cupping his jaw and kissing his nose softly. "And so tall. Are you as tall as Sam?"
"Y-Yeah," Jake laughed while trying to hold back his tears. "I'm taller than dad. Uncle Sam and I make fun of him all the time."
Dean rolled his eyes and snorted, provoking you to burst out laughing. The three men subsequently join your peals and soon, you were all wiping tears away from your eyes. Everyone eventually quieted down and flashbacks of the harsh words you had said came running back to you. You winced and shook your head.
"What's wrong?" Dean asked softly, placing a warm hand on yours.
"I-I'm sorry," you glanced up at him before your eyes turned to Sam and then to Jacob's. "I'm so sorry for everything I said. I'm—"
"Hey, we know that wasn't your fault," Sam took a seat on your bed and rubbed a hand on your knee. "We've been dealing with demons basically our whole lives, Y/N. We're fine."
"Yeah, Y/N," Dean smiled comfortingly. "We all know it wasn't really you doing the talking."
"I still wish I could take it all back," tears began to form in your eyes and you glanced up at the ceiling to try to prevent them from brimming over.
"Hey, we're all going to forget about what happened yesterday," Sam tapped your knee. "It's fine."
You bit down on your lower lip, deciding not to argue against their vehement pleas for you to forget about what you had said to them while being a demon and decided to focus on Jake instead. You turned to him and smiled softly.
"I'm sorry, Jake," you murmured. "I'm sorry that I left and I'm sorry I wasn't there to watch you grow into such a handsome, young man."
"That's okay, mom," Jake took your hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly.
Dena got on his feet, announcing that he'd be in charge of making dinner while Jake stepped out of the room saying he needed to take a shower. Sam smiled as the two of you were left alone and leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead.
"I'm glad to have you back, Y/N," he said.
"Thank you, for everything you have done, Sam," you squeezed his forearm.
"It's no problem, you know that Dean and I will always be here for you," he stroked your hair from your face. "Want to go to the living room and watch some T.V.?"
"Sounds great," you agreed, letting him help you up on your feet and lead the way.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...