Dean Wincester

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You see the pain etched on his face. You glance over to Sam who's tied to the opposite pillar you are, your eyes fall back to Dean. He pulls against his restraints, as the demon taught him.
"Come, come Mr Winchester. I haven't got all day. Choose" he points the gun in the direction of you and Sam
"Choose who dies, Y/n or Sam. Y/n? The only woman you claimed to have ever truly loved. Or Sam? Your brother, the man you've died and risked your life for over and over again" he spins on his heel practically dancing with glee.
"Because make no mistake, at least one of them is going to die tonight. If you refuse to pick one, I'll kill them both" you feel a tear fall from your eye. You knew one day it would come to this.
"Dean, pick me! It'll be fine, just pick me!" Sam shouts across the room. Dean ignores him and stares at you.
You see the tears fall from his eyes, you knew he wasn't going to let Sam die. You let out a silent sob, closing your eyes lightly, more tears streaming down your cheeks. You open them again, nodding at the love of your life, letting him know it was ok.
You both ignored Sam's plea's, Dean drops his head letting his own tears fall.
"I'm sorry..." he sobs, bloodshot eyes meeting yours again. The demon walks towards you, stopping when he reaches your side, raising his gun to your head. "Forgive me..." he whimpers turning his head away.
"I love you" you whisper closing your eyes, weeping.
You never even heard the gun shot.
Dean had insisted on burying you instead of burning. He said he couldn't bear to watch you burn, despite Sam's objections.
You don't know how long you were in hell for, the days merged into one. Fire, pain, that's the only things you knew. You'd scream until your voice gave out and then you'd do it all over again. You'd lost hope, faith everything that made you, well you. You'd become a shell. So when Crowley, the King of Hell himself came to you with an alternative, you took it.
You glace up at the mirror in front of you, and see your face staring back. You don't know how Crowley had done it, you were shot in the damn head yet here you were. Well almost you. You blinked and see your eyes flash black in the reflective surface.
This was your deal, you had your body, your memories, everything. But you were a demon, that was it. You expected for him to demand you go to the Winchester's to spy on them but he didn't. He knew you'd go to them eventually, one way or another.
Things were hard at first. You had become the thing you once hunted. But being a demon had its upside. You had some telekinetic ability which was always fun. You felt yourself caring less about the big bad's of the world.
You kept track of Sam and Dean, watching them from afar. But you left them alone, until the night you saw him with some blonde at a bar. You could feel yourself giving into your darker side.
He was there flirting, He claimed you were the love of his life, he chose to let you die and here he was trying to get into some bimbos pants. You narrow your eyes, smirking to yourself as you come up with a plan.
You grab your black leather jacket, pulling it on and lifting the collar. You strut passed Dean, whistling a tune you always did. You see his head snap towards you in your peripheral vision, you don't even pause, you simply pick up speed and head out of the door.
You hear footsteps follow you; you lightly jog towards a crowd of people. You slip into a side ally unseen by the eldest Winchester. He looks around the busy street, you see Sam join him
"It was her Sammy, it was Y/n" Dean pants in distress
"I know! But it was her; I'd know her anywhere Sam! And she was whistling her song." He runs his hand down his face.
"Dean, you're overthinking things, just go back in and finish your drink. She wouldn't want you to be unhappy man" you glare at the statement
"Oh silly Sammy, you have no idea what I want..." you mutter, watching them retreat back to the bar.
You spot baby sitting on the street, you smile evilly. You wouldn't damage the car no, you were a demon but you weren't that evil. But that didn't mean you couldn't leave something on her...something that he'd know was from you.
You pass a flower stand and nab yourself a single white lily, you always loved the flower and Dean knew it. You walk back to the car, lifting the windscreen wiper and drop the flower beneath it.
"Rest well my love" you cackle as you walk down the street.
You followed them for weeks, leaving Dean the odd gift here and there. Driving the poor man to the point of insanity. Sam was determined it was the work of some demon they'd either pissed off and that mostly likely worked for Crowley.
Well he was right and the demon part and that you were indeed pissed off. You guess two out of three wasn't too bad
You sit in the bar not far from the bunker where Dean would visit frequently; you were in the corner hidden from view with your feet propped up on the table. You had decided that tonight was the night you'd show yourself. You were picking at your nails with your pocket knife when you saw them walk in.
Sam scanned the room as if he was looking for someone, you sink lower in your chair not wanting to be seen just yet. Your fun for the evening was only just beginning. Dean followed his brother to the bar quietly; you guess your latest gift of a necklace he'd given you had left him a little spooked.
You could see it in his face, Dean Winchester was a broken man!
You smirk to yourself watching them order drinks, while you debated your next move. You push you knife into your pocket and pull on your short black leather jacket; pulling up its hood to hide your features. You stand brushing lint off your black jeans; your stiletto boots clicking on the wooden floor as you made your way over to the jukebox right next to the door.
You flick through the songs, your blood red nails drumming on the glass idly. You start to grow impatient when you finally see it, yours and Dean's song. The song he'd hum to you as you fell asleep, the song you first danced to and the song that would now be his new torture.
You pulled a coin from your back pocket and slipped it into the machine. You pushed the right button, and smiled as the opening cords filled the room. You could almost hear Dean gasp from where he sat across the room.
You shove your hands in your pockets and moved for the door, walking swiftly through it onto the street. The door hadn't even shut when you heard two stools drag along the floor and heavy boots running behind you.
"Hey! Stop right there!" Sam shouts behind you, you do so but make no move to turn around. The street light next to you would probably shadow your face but why make it easy on them.
You hearing picks up the small click of their guns when they pulled them out.
"Turn around, slowly!" The youngest Winchester bark, you do as he demands.
Your assumption was right; the light that was now behind your head, along with your hood shadows your face perfectly. The only thing they could see was a female silhouette.
"Hands out of your pockets" you hold up your hands in mock surrender, wiggling your finger showing you had no weapon. You all stood motionless for a few moments while you waited for their next move.
"Move under the light" Dean finally speaks, you watch him carefully. Silently asking him if he was sure that's what he wanted.
"Do it" he mumbles with his gun trained on your chest.
You smirk wickedly even though they can't see your face and slowly step backwards. The light beams down onto you, your features stay mostly hidden by your hood. Dean knows it's you instantly but still asks you to remove your hood.
"Why bother baby?" You chuckle lightly, your voice dark and dangerous
"Do it" Sam added almost quietly. You push the fabric from your head, revealing yourself fully for the first time.
"Hello boys, did you miss me?" you wink, laughing wildly as they lower their weapons in shock; they're worst nightmares coming true.
"I knew we should have burnt the body!" Sam snaps to himself, clearly thinking you were now someone vessel.
"Oh no Sammy, you have it all wrong. No one is wearing me to the prom...." you watch his face go blank, void of any reaction. Sam always had a good poker face.
"I'm me...just a little darker" you chuckle watching Dean flinch as you blink and let your eyes turn black.
"How is that even possible?" You shrug slightly at Dean's question as in all honesty you still weren't sure
"That's a question you'd have to ask the King of Hell sweetheart, he's the one who gave me the deal."
"You made a deal with Crowley" Sam asked disgusted, you snap your head towards him
"Do not use that tone with me Winchester" you flick your wrist, sending his gun flying from his hand into yours, you hit the release and the clip drops to the floor and you toss the gun behind you.
"You're not the one in control here" you add dangerously, you little display letting the brothers know you were here because you wished it.
"Let us help you Y/n" you cock an eyebrow at your former lover as he spoke
"Help me?" You question with a light smile on your lips.
"We can save you...." you laugh cutting him off, you step forward so he can see your face clearer as you mock him
"Oh sweet naive Dean, I don't need saving!"
Dean looks at his brother and as if giving a silent signal, Sam lunges for you. You roll your eyes and raise your hand, sending the younger brother flying backwards into the wall of the bar. He lands with a heavy grunt, but is still conscious.
You focus your attention back on Dean, your eyes meeting his apple green orbs.
"I'll see you around baby" you whisper winking.
You start to walk backwards away from Dean, with him making no move to follow. Sam stands, leaning heavily against the wall.
"Dean stop her!" He calls to his brother, waking him from his trance.
Dean raises his gun to you again. You walk back towards him, you let your eyes fall wide and sad; playing with his emotions
"You gonna shoot me baby?" You ask, stepping forward so Dean's gun touches your chest. You can see the conflict in his eyes. "Or are you gonna let someone else do it again?"
Dean drops his gun immediately, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Y/n I'm so sorry, please forgive me" he begs
"Oh baby...." you step towards him, cupping his cheek with you right hand. You press your lips lightly to his, whilst taking his gun from him with your left hand unnoticed; before wrapping your arms around his neck.
You pull back before he can deepen the kiss; he opens his eyes looking at you sadly.
"...not in a million years" you answer, hitting him in the back of the head with his own gun leaving him dazed, he drops to his knees before you. You disarm the gun before dropping it to the floor at your feet.
"I'll be seeing you soon my love" you say running your fingers through his hair. You wave wickedly at Sam who was still hunched against the wall, before spinning on your heel and disappearing into the darkness.
When you're gone from sight, Sam rushes to his brother; wincing at the pain in his ribs and shoulder.
"She's still in there Sammy, she could have killed us but she didn't." Dean almost pleads with his brother to agree
"She's a demon Dean..."
"She's still there, my Y/n! What other explication is there for her not killing us on the spot?" Dean argues as his brother pulls him to his feet.
"Let me think, kitty has new claws and wants to play with her pray before she pounces?" Sam swiftly answers
"We have to help her, please Sammy. It's my fault she's like this, please...I can't..."
Sam's heart breaks for his brother and for himself. Yes you were Dean's love, but he loved you like a sister. If it was Dean in your place Sam knows he'd move heaven and hell to get him back. Sighing heavily Sam nods, residing to the fact he knew they had to try.
"Ok. Ok we'll figure something out. I promise Dean, we'll find a way to help her" *even if I have to kill her myself* Sam adds silently in his head. Dean pulls his brother into a tight embrace before helping him to the impala.
They needed to get back to the bunker. They had research to do

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