Sam Winchester and Daughter!reader

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Sam got his cup of coffee ready as you finished your breakfast. He turned around and smiled as he walked over to you, "You ready to spend a whole day with grandpa?" He hesitated before saying, "I still don't know why you call him grandpa..."
"He's old.. Like a grandpa." You giggled and hugged your dad, "But why can't I go with you? I wanna go to work with you, daddy."
Sam rubbed your back and looked towards the door, hoping Dean and Cas would arrive soon so his goodbye could be swift and somewhat painless.
"You can't go, Apple.."
"But why.."
"It's too dangerous."
You moved away and raised an eyebrow, "What do you do?"
"I'm like..." Sam paused again, trying to think of a good fake job, "Like a special agent... I go undercover and get bad guys."
Your eyes lit up and you smile, "So like a superhero?!"
"Exactly, but you can't tell anyone-"
A loud knock cut him off and he slowly set you down and walked over to the door. He pulled it open and Dean invited himself in, "Mornin' Sammy!!"
You run over and attach yourself to Dean's leg, "UNCLE DEAN!"
Dean scooped you up and chuckled, "Hi, Y/n."
You loved your uncle Dean, just as much as you loved your dad, but you didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with him. He didn't live far away, in fact aside from having a nice little house on the other side of town, he sometimes comes and stays with your dad for days at a time.
You looked over his shoulder and spotted Cas who waved at you. You giggled as Dean turned around and handed you off to him. Cas looked down at you and then at Sam, "You two should get going."
Sam grabbed his jacket and stepped around you two, "Right.. Listen, A list of phone number's are on the fridge, just drop a call if you need anything-"
"I think he knows the drill by now, Mr. Mom."
Sam hurried placed a kiss on your head and waved as he walked outside, "Bye, Apple! Love you, don't give Cas too much grief."
"I won't, daddy.. Love you too."
Cas quietly shut the door and placed you on the floor, "So, Y/n, what do you wish to do? Play house? Tea party?"
You jumped up and down, shrieking with excitement, "Oh, we should have a tea party, but.. But outside. Daddy and I like to play out back sometimes!"
You didn't even wait for Cas' response, you darted through the kitchen and out the back door. Cas sighed as he looked around the house.. It was a little untidy. He could pick it up really quick and then join you, after all, you were probably setting up your tea party anyways.
You placed your teddy bear on the patio table when you heard rustling towards the far end of your yard. Your dad always told you to stay away from it because he was afraid you'd get hurt or lost.. But your curiosity won as you made your way towards the line of large trees.
"Hello?" You said as you stepped over the roots, "Someone there..."
The sound was close, but as you got closer, it got quieter, almost as if someone was walking away from you. You kept following it, forgetting about your tea party and your home. You picked up the pace as you now sprinted after whatever was making the noise.
The sound led you to a bush close to a small creek, and you realized how far away from the house you must've been. You stared at the bush, hoping whatever was in it was worth scaring your family. To your surprise, a small bunny scurried out and sniffed in your direction. You cooed as you crouched down and gently began petting it.
It came closer to you and you carefully picked it up and cradled it in your arms. It was very small, but what it lacked in size it made up for in fluffiness. You turned around, promising the small rabbit that you had a nice home for him.. You looked ahead of yourself, and you almost started panicking. Where was home? Did you need to turn left or right? Go straight? What time was it? How long had you been gone? You weren't sure.
"Hello, sweetheart," a deep accented voice said, "Are you lost?"
You hugged your bunny tighter and took a step back, tears threatening to spill out, "I want my daddy... I wanna go home."
"I can help you, darling." The man came into view, and you stared at him, still scared.
He was short and round.. He reminded you of one of Snow White's dwarves.. You wondered if he was as nice as the seven dwarves...
"Cat got your tongue?"
"My daddy said not to talk to strangers..." You mumbled, taking some more steps back.
"Funny story, love, I actually know your dad. He and I work together."
"You do?"
"Yes, I can take you to him."
You weighed your options, before shaking your head, "Sorry, mister... I can't do that... I don't know you."
"I'm Crowley.. Pleased to meet you." He knelt down and held out his hand, trying to appear as friendly as possible.
You caved and slowly walked over to him, shaking his hand, speaking quietly, "I'm Y/N... But my daddy calls me Apple sometimes."
Crowley smiled softly, "I see you have a friend there..."
"Yeah... I found 'im.... I wanna keep 'im.. I think I'll name him Oscar.."
"That's a lovely name.. So, you want to see your dad?"
You nodded, "Can you take me to him.. I don't like it here..."
Crowley smiled and stood up, fixing his jacket, "That can be arranged, darling."
He patted your head and you fell to the ground, out cold. He scooped you and your beloved bun up and in a blink he disappeared.
Cas pushed open the back door as he slid his phone into his pocket, "Just got off the phone with your dad, and guess what, Y/n?"
He squinted as the setting sun made everything brighter. He looked around the yard at least two times in under a minute in a desperate attempt to find you. He whipped out his phone and redialed Sam's number.
Sam stared out his window before looking over at Dean, "Y'know.. Never understood why vamps stay in packs... Seems more productive to spread out..."
"Strength comes in numbers, but so does stupidity." Dean replied, relaxing his grip on the steering wheel.
"I guess." Said Sam. He furrowed his brow, "Whadaya think Cas and Y/n are doing?"
"Beats me.. She's probably running him up a wall..." He chuckled softly before switching the conversational gears, "Why do you call her Apple? I've never understood that."
"It sounds stupid."
"How dumb could it be?"
"I used to say she was the apple of my eye. Okay? Apple just kinda stuck, I guess."
Dean snickered, "That's so adorable.. Not joking. That's really cute.. Ya know, I'm really proud of you."
"For what?"
Dean shrugged, "For being a good dad.. I mean, you could've left her with her mom but you didn't."
"I don't think that was an option." Sam replied weakly, "But there was a time I wanted to give her to someone who could protect her, but I realized only I could do that."
"You did the right thing.. And if you ever need a break, I'm here to help."
"Thanks, Dean. Means a lot."
Sam's phone began buzzing in his pocket and he fumbled awkwardly trying to pull it out. He answered it, "Hello?"
"Whose gone? Cas?"
Dean looked over at Sam before turning back to focus on the road.
"Cas, calm down... What's wrong?"
The air in the car turned cold as Sam listened to Cas.
"Y/n's.... Gone?"
"WHAT." Dean half shouted, eyes widening.
Sam hung up the phone and let it fall to the floor. He felt his throat close and his whole world fell apart.
"Sammy, what's going on?"
"Cas said Y/N was playing outside and she just disappeared... He searched everywhere for her.." Sam rubbed his face, "So this is happening..."
"It's going to be okay, alright? We'll find her.. I'm sure she's fine."
Sam slouched forward as he felt like either vomiting or passing out. Dean tapped his shoulder, "Hey, hey, hey, listen, it's going to be fine. I'm sure she's just playing hide and seek.. She was always good at that."
They reached Sam's house and Sam jumped out before Dean even had a chance to get parked. He bolted into the house and immediately bumped into Cas, "Tell me you found her. Please tell me she's okay."
Cas opened his mouth to respond, but someone behind him stole his line, "She's fine, moose... Stop getting your granny panties in a wad..."
Sam moved around Cas, fear melting into anger, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER? WHERE IS SHE?"
"I said she was fine." Crowley sighed, "Please pay attention, I'm only gonna say this once...."
Dean ran up to Sam with his knife out, jaw clenched.
"Oh goodie, all of the stooges are here."
"Where is my daughter, Crowley."
"In Hell. My mother is watching her, don't worry."

"What?!" Sam shrieked

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"What?!" Sam shrieked.
"You'll get her back if you do something for me." Crowley made himself comfortable, leaning against the kitchen island.
"What do we have to do?" Cas asked, politely wedging himself between the brothers.
"Well, I have a bit of a problem with some rogue demons... I have a growing list.. If you could assist me, I'll see to it that your precious little Apple doesn't get hurt. Deal?"
Sam straightened his back, "What if I decline?"
"I guess I get to keep the little mucus blob then...."
"Can I talk to her first? Or.. See her?"
Crowley handed him a list, "I think you should focus on the task at hand... Also, if you mess up, well... You won't like it."
Before Dean could pounce on him, Crowley vanished. Sam looked at the folded paper in his hands before he slowly walked to the living room and sunk down onto the couch, "This is my fault."
Cas came over, playing with the cuffs on his coat, "I should've watched her more closely.. I'm sorry, Sam..."
Sam shook his head, "It's fine, Cas.. I.. We should get started on this list."
"You can't be serious." Dean snapped, "I say be get our butts down there and kick his ass, Sam."
Sam sighed heavily as he thought of you. God knows what could be happening. Were you okay? Did Crowley put you in some horrid cage.... ?
Rowena looked up at Crowley, "Oh, Fergus, look at how precious she is... You're sure she's a Winchester?"
"I'm sure... She belongs to the tall one."
You looked away from your bunny and took in the scenery, or lack of. It was so dark and dusty.. The only lights were torches randomly placed on the walls.. It was so quiet and whenever there was a sound, it echoed through the walkways, making it sound like it came right from Silent Hill.
"Mr. Crowley.. Where's my daddy? You said you were gonna take me to him..."
"He's on his way. He's just doing a few errands for me."
Rowena patted your head before standing up, "Should I check on them?"
"I'll do it later.. You just keep an eye on her."
You picked up your bunny and stared off to the side. There was a door that was opened just enough for you to slip through... You has to go unnoticed, though.
"Can I look around?"
"No." Said Crowley, "I'm not stupid."
You sniveled a little, holding your bunny closer. You really hated it here. You just wanted to go home.. You blinked a few times, hoping they wouldn't see the stray tear rolling down your cheek.
"Oh, darlin'," Rowena cooed, moving closer to you.
"NO!" You yelled as you turned and ran as fast as you could.
You heard Crowley yelling for his servants and your eyes searched for a place to hide. There was nothing but prison cell after prison cell. You clung to your fuzzy companion as you turned down another hall.
You slowed to a stop as the hall split left and right again. You were to panic to think, and too out of breath to keep moving. You allowed yourself to start crying.
Sets of footsteps echoed down the halls, and you spun around, seeing that you were cornered from every direction. You cried louder as one of the demonic servants, a woman, came closer to you.
You pressed yourself up against the wall, shouting, "I want my daddy! Leave me alone!"
Paying no mind, the woman picked you up and held you tightly as she carried you back towards Crowley. You kicked and screamed, doing your best to wiggle free. Your cries for help blended in with the rest and you cried even more as you realized she was much tougher than you.
The demon walked into the throne room and slammed you down onto the throne, "There."
Crowley stormed over, "What's the matter with you?"
You shrunk down in the throne and buried your face into your rabbit, "I wanna go home, Mr. Crowley. I hate it here."
"That's too bad." He said. "You're stuck here until your dad finishes his job or you die. One of the two, I don't really care for the first option...."
You lifted your face and gently stroked your pet, "It's gonna be okay, Oscar. I promise."
Crowley cleared his throat, "Don't make promises you can't keep."

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