Dean had picked Sam up from his college, much to your disliking. When he left hunting, he left you. Granted, you weren't related to either of them, but you might as well have been. Your mother died in childbirth while your father died hunting.
John, your godfather, raised you since you were a baby. He taught you how to survive in the supernatural world. Sam and Dean were your only friends until one of them decides to leave after insulting your godfather.
"Where are we going now?" Sam asked Dean. John had gone missing which made you uneasy.
"Dad's journal mentioned a place called Beacon Hills in California." You scoffed from the backseat.
He turned to look at you with a worried expression. "Why'd you bring Y/N again? She's not even out of school."
"Neither are you," you mumbled.
Dean sighed, already annoyed, "She's a good hunter and I couldn't just leave her. Besides, the supernatural there are a bit different." Sam looked at him weirdly. "They're in high school."
You perked up at the sound, but Sam objected, "Absolutely not!"
"What? Why not?"
"Sam, as much as you hate it," Dean stopped the two of you from arguing, "Y/N has to go scope it out. I'll make sure she has the proper weapons at the house."
The car ride was agonizingly long, no matter how much you loved the Impala. Once you got there, there was a house that John had written about in his journal. "We might be here a while," Dean explained.
"Not like us or John," you pointed out before unpacking the clothes you have, "No fake I.D.?"
"Not this time, Y/N," he said, "You're Y/N Winchester."
"Is that dangerous?" Sam checked. Both of you shrugged before getting ready for school tomorrow at Beacon Hills High School. What a creative name.
"Sorry, what's your name again?" A lady at administration asked.
You repeated for the fourth time, "Y/N Winchester." The boy behind you groaned since he had to wait as well.
"I'm sorry, but there's no records from previous schools, no official application," the lady stated. The boy's ears perked at this.
A buzz came from your pocket. Sending the lady an apologetic glance, you saw it was from your brothers, apologizing for the late forms. "Why don't you check again?" You suggested.
The lady did as you asked, only to find everything she needed. "Why, they're right here. How did I miss that?" She turned to the eavesdropping boy. "Stiles, I'll just be a minute." With that, she printed out your schedule and you went to your first class, unaware that Stiles had saw the encounter.
"It was weird, Scott," he told his friend at lunch, "One minute, Ms. Drigs is sure that her records weren't there. She got a text on her phone, told her to check again, and then they're there!"
"Sounds like you're overthinking it," Liam added, "Y/N's in some of my classes. She seems okay."
"Yeah, we'd smell something if she was supernatural," Scott stated.
"It's just weird. I have a weird feeling." Lydia rolled her eyes at Stiles and went up to you to invite you to sit with them. "Maybe if she gets mad enough, we can see."
"Hey," she said while coming up to your empty table, "I'm Lydia. We saw you by yourself. Do you want to join us?"
You looked over. Something about the group seemed weird, secretive. They could be the werewolves, but you needed proof. "Sure, I'd love to." Lydia smiled and led you to the table.
Scott seemed to be in a heated conversation with Stiles, but stopped when you came. The rest of the pack introduced themselves. It was very civil until Stiles spilled his lunch on you, trying to make you mad.
The whole table asked if you were okay, but you just gritted your teeth and went to the bathroom to wash off.
By the end of the school day, Scott and Liam made Stiles drive to your house to apologize. Instead of you, an adult man answered the door. "Who are you?"
"Uh, a friend of Y/N's?" He said, half terrified. Dean looked at him for a while before Sam came. "Are you two her dads?"
"No, brothers," Sam corrected, "I'm Sam. This is Dean." They hadn't had time for fake I.D.s or anything like that.
Stiles laughed nervously. "I can see where she gets her intimidation from. I'm Stiles. These are my friends, Scott and Liam. Is Y/N here?"
The two of them looked at each other. You were researching in the library. "Yeah, but she's really swamped in..." Dean trailed off for the right word, "Homework."
"That sounded weird," Stiles mumbled, still not letting his theory go.
Dean was about to snap at the annoying teenager, but Sam just pulled him in, saying, "Well, thanks for stopping by. Y/N'll see you tomorrow." They closed the door.
Stiles walked back with the others. "We ask you to apologize and you told her brothers that they were weird," Scott teased, "Nice."
"They were weird."
Sam and Dean looked out the window. "What do you think?"
"He looks like the kind of person who would get into something he shouldn't have," he replied, "The other boys were quiet. Maybe send Y/N in with some wolfsbane?"
"Then they'll know to target her," Sam dismissed, "How about mistletoe?" That's how the next morning, the little white berries were in your hair. Almost immediately, Scott, Liam, and Malia felt sick.
They went to Deaton to check it out. "Have you been in contact with mistletoe?"
Stiles remembered, "The white things in Y/N's hair!"
"Stiles, it's getting old," Liam rolled his eyes.
"A girl that Stiles is suspicious of," Scott said, "Y/N Winchester. She just moved here with her two brothers."
Deaton paled a bit. "Y/N, Sam, and Dean Winchester?"
"Yeah," he wondered, "How did you know?"
"If they're here, I suggest leaving," the man advised, "And quickly."
"What? Why?" Malia asked.
"They're hunters," Deaton revealed, "Their father taught them how to hunt. Now, they've taken up the family business."
"Y/N, though? She's pretty young."
"She started training when she was pretty young," he corrected, "Now, Y/N Winchester has been known to show little mercy towards werewolves." He was met with blank stares. "Werewolves are what killed her birth father. She's convinced that all are evil and bloodthirsty."
Instead of leaving quickly, like Deaton suggested, Scott told everyone to meet them at his house. Once he told them about you, Stiles immediately exclaimed, "I told all of you that she was weird! What do you do? Invite her to lunch so she'll get a hint or something."
Lydia shook her head. "I don't believe it," she stated, "Y/N is just a girl. She's is Liam's classes!"
"Yeah, I might want to change that," Liam mumbled.
"Oh, now you're taking me seriously?" Stiles muttered before lighting up. "Liam, do not change your classes." The pack looked at him with confusion. "We need to have someone by her to convince her that there are no werewolves here. Starting tomorrow, you're Y/N's new best friend, Liam." The young beta looked quite nervous.
The next day, you and Dean both woke up groggily to Sam, being the morning person he is. "Okay, so you got the mistletoe?" He checked before grabbing the keys for the Impala.
You nodded. "Can I drive?"
Sam and Dean let out a dry laugh. "Not until you're older than us."
"But that's impo-"
Dean cut you off, "House rules, Y/N." You just shook your head at them and smiled.
Liam and Stiles were waiting for a while when a black Impala drove up. Some of the students were staring at it. "Who has one of those cars?" He asked, "It's so cool." When you got out, Stiles muttered, "Of course. Start listening."
Tuning in his ears, Liam focused on you and your brothers. "Next time I choose the music," you teased.
"Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts her cake hole." Liam chuckled at that and Dean looked at him suspiciously, so he just coughed at fumbled with his books. "Be safe, okay?"
"Always am," you smiled. Once the Impala left, Stiles pushed Liam to you. He lost his balance, almost knocking you down. Liam smiled nervously, apologizing, but you just glared at him and walked away. "So much for that plan," he muttered.
Stiles dragged him away. "Minor setback," he assured.
In between classes, Lydia, Kira, and Malia tried talking to you. Only Malia seemed a little affected by the mistletoe, but that didn't mean that Lydia and Kira were completely innocent.
Malia almost glared at you, but you matched her stare. Lydia and Kira apologized for her and dragged her away. Malia huffed, "I don't see why we don't just take care of her. She's human."
"Yeah, well," Stiles said, coming up to them, "According to Deaton, they're even more dangerous than the Argents."
"I can't believe you're making Liam get close to her," Kira said.
Liam tried to talk to you somehow, but the gestures would be returned with a cold glance or nothing at all. Walking out of a classroom, he caught up with you. "Hey, we got off to a bad start," Liam tried once again, "I'm Liam."
Although you wanted to tell him to go away, you knew he was part of the werewolf thing at Beacon Hills and there was a full moon that night. So you smiled and replied, "I'm sorry. I just had a really bad morning. I probably just took it out on you."
Liam returned the smile. "Happens to the best of us." Changing topics, he asked casually, "So, why'd you move here?"
"I don't know, but I think it had to do with my brother's job or something?" You eyed him. "You met my brothers, right?"
"Yeah, and I saw them driving you in. Sweet car, by the way."
"You should tell that to my brother." Your eyes lit up. "You know that project the teacher just assigned us? Well, you're the only person I know, so you want to be partners?"
Liam nodded. "Sure! Uh, you want to come to my house tomorrow night?"
"Actually, I can't do it tomorrow," you lied smoothly, "I only have tonight. Plus, my brothers are kind of overprotective, so why don't you come over and do it at my house?"
"And what did you say?" Scott asked, as Liam told the pack about you.
He looked at the ground. "Yes."
"Liam! It's a full moon. I don't care about some hunter, but this is dangerous."
"Scott, he can't back out now," Stiles pointed out, "She obviously knows that it's full moon. That's why Y/N can't meet tomorrow. She's trying to catch him and kill him."
"She seems nice," Liam mumbled. He talked to you for the rest of the day.
"Yeah, it's an act." Malia added, "She looked like she wanted to kill me."
Kira pointed out, "You were glaring."
"So, what?" Dean demanded, "We're inviting the werewolf in our house during a full moon? No way!"
You rolled your eyes. "He's only a Beta. Scott's the Alpha, I think."
"That's not helping!"
"Okay, okay," Sam got in between you two, "Let's just make some dinner for Liam." You snorted, since you were the only real chef in the family. "Okay, let's stand by while Y/N makes dinner."
Liam knocked on your front door, shuffling his feet a little. He was told to have dinner, act sick, and get out of there. "It's open!" You called. Cautiously, Liam walked through the door to find you in the kitchen, chopping up vegetables. He eyed the knife in your hand and forced himself to smile.
"Hello, Liam." You smiled pleasantly.
"Hey," he replied, "Where's your brothers?"
"Out to get bread," you whispered, "They were getting in my way." Liam laughed at that. "You okay? You seem a bit on edge." Your eyes flitted up.
"I'm not feeling too well." What he didn't know was that his eyes were constantly shifting throughout the whole thing, but you obviously saw it. You sighed at that.
"Liam, how did it happen?"
He gulped. "How did what happen?"
"You know what I'm talking about." Your chopping got more vigorous.
"Uh, can you maybe put the knife down?"
Your anger got the best of you and you slammed the knife into the cutting board. "I'm only asking one more time. How did it happen?"
Liam looked at you for a while before saying, "Scott saved my life." You dryly laughed. "Look, we don't hurt anyone-"
"Not yet."
"No, we're not going to ever," Liam promised, "I'm sorry some werewolves killed your dad-"
"Who told you that?" You demanded, stepping closer to him. "Who?"
"It doesn't matter, but you don't have to hunt us." You stayed silent. "Y/N, we don't hurt people. We try to stop the supernatural trying to hurt us and other people." Silence. "Please, Y/N." He struggled with the upcoming full moon.
You muttered, "Leave." Liam looked at you in shock. "What are you doing? Leave!" With that, he scrambled away to the pack before the wolf got the better of him.
When Sam and Dean got home, they found you loading the Impala. "Y/N, what are you doing?" Sam asked.
"Yeah," you feigned worry, "We might want to leave town."
"Why?" Dean wondered, "What happened to Liam?"
"They're not werewolves and I might have just pulled a knife out on him," you lied.
He muttered, "Shit, Y/N. You packed everything? Didn't leave anything that could lead to us."
"I'm sure of it," you stated firmly.
"Y/N, you should have waited for us," Sam said in the Impala, "At least, we're not going to have to come back to Beacon Hills." You nodded, feeling that that was a lie.
When Liam staggered back to the McCalls house, the pack was sure that the hunters were going to show up. They were even more shocked when they didn't.
Your house was deserted, almost like no one lived there, but the pack knew that you left. Scott looked at Liam, who seemingly controlled the wolf pretty well around you.
And that was that. A year passed and you still weren't heard of. Sometimes, there'll be reports of mysterious deaths that end soon after. Liam often wondered if that was you and your brothers, but that was the only time you really came into his head anymore.
Scott was dropping something off for his mom at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital when a weird scent caught his attention. Something not human was there. Trying to not attract the attention of the staff, Scott followed the scent.
It led him to an area of the hospital for serious, long term hospitalization, like full body casts, amputations, or even comas. A man looked into the window of a door sadly. He had dark hair and a trench coat.
There was something odd about the man and his scent was different than anything Scott had smelled. He was about to approach him, but a staff member knocked into him. When Scott turned back to the strange man, he was gone. Almost like he was never there.
Curiously, Scott went to where the man was standing to look into the window. At first, it seemed like a unconscious girl who looked like something beat the living hell out of her. Scott looked closely, only to jump away when he realized who it was. Y/N Winchester.
Melissa, who was checking up on the patients, frowned when she saw her son looking at one of the patients through a window. "Yes, she got quite the beating, but gawking at her won't wake her up," she reprimanded.
"Wake her up?" Scott echoed.
"Whatever happened to her, it cut off her airway for a few minutes," Melissa stated sadly, "Lost a lot of blood as well. It's a miracle that she's still alive. She went into a coma and there's no telling when she'll wake up."
Scott was confused. "Are her brothers here?"
"Scott, two officers found her on the side of a road," she said, "She's Jane Doe for now, but so far, we don't know if she has any family."
Scott texted the pack to meet him at his house for an important pack meeting. Liam tapped impatiently. Hayden was waiting for him. "Is this really important?" He asked.
"I just saw Y/N," Scott started, but Stiles interrupted him, "Where? Is she back with her hunter brothers? I think we can take them."
"She's in the hospital, Stiles," he said tiredly. Stiles shut up, after immediately regretting what he said.
"I really don't like bringing her here," Dean worried, outside of your room, "She's known here."
"We couldn't bring her anywhere else," Sam mumbled. You were trying to distract the ravenous beast from the unaware human when it began attacking you. Finally, it brought its strong hand to your neck. You had fell unconscious after a minute.
Dean and Sam called the police and followed them to the hospital. They flashed their fake FBI passes to the secretary, but were unable to actually go in. Cas would go in to check on her health, but he could do nothing.
Worried for your wellbeing, Dean continuously looked through the window. It was no shock that you had a problem sleeping since John had scared the crap out of you as a little girl, but, in the coma, you looked peaceful. It didn't look like you. Dean desperately waited for you to toss and turn like you normally did while you slept, but you were motionless.
They were too besides themselves to notice the people trying to go in. Dean recognized three of the boys and nudged his brother. It was the "not" werewolves. The one who you pulled a knife out on.
Trying to not be seen, Sam and Dean just hoped that they were here for someone else, but when Scott walked to your room, Dean cursed under his breath.
Liam paled at your appearance. Scott had warned the pack, but your skin was covered in ugly bruises. Your neck now had a necklace of bruising to adorn the cut on your cheek.
"Whoa," Stiles mumbled, "How-?"
"Leave," Dean cut him off.
The pack visibly jumped and turned around to face the three guys. Stiles tried to maintain his 'not afraid' facade, "Why should we?"
"Because only family," he stated, "And, I'm sorry, but I don't remember you at the reunion." Sam nudged his brother to remind him of what happened last year.
"Who's the new guy?" Scott asked.
"I am Cas," Cas answered the True Alpha, "What is your name, young we-"
"I'm Scott," he interrupted Cas, "What is Cas?"
"It's a shortened version of my name, werewolf." Dean and Sam cringed.
Dean warned, "Stop talking."
Stiles agreed, "Yeah, we're not taking any of that tone." He turned to Cas. "What are you? You know that Scott's a werewolf so what? Are you a werewolf?" The look on Cas's face shocked the pack. He looked actually disgusted.
Sam had been actually listening to the argument and asked, "What do you mean 'Scott's a werewolf'?" The pack looked at them with confusion.
"Y/N must have told you," Stiles confirmed.
"Well, it wouldn't be the first time that she lied," Dean muttered, "We raised her well. I couldn't even tell that she was lying." He looked at you for a bit before ushering the pack out of your room. Liam saw a piece of folded paper by your bedside table and took it quickly, shoving it in his pocket.
The three men talked in hushed whispers about what obviously happened with you. You had decided that they were good, but took the easier route and simply lied. They decided to meet at their old house in an hour, with a promise of no weapons or wolves.
Liam had opened the paper. It could have been your handwriting, but he wouldn't have known. I remember the promise and await your return.
That little sentence creeped Liam out more than seeing you like that in the hospital. He just shook his head and saved it for the Winchester's house.
Scott was going to make everyone else stay away, but the pack agreed that it'd be better to go together.
The house, after being empty for a year, was a mess. The pack stood while Sam and Dean got some chairs. Cas wasn't there. "Where's your friend?" Scott asked.
"Cas is staying with Y/N," Dean explained, "She's special to him. She can hear him." He saw their blank faces. "Okay, let's start from leaving Beacon Hills. We'll tell you if you tell us. Deal?"
Stiles and Scott seemed weary, but Lydia saw how deflated the brothers looked. They weren't looking for a fight. They were just worried for their sister. "Go ahead," she said.
"Well, Y/N's weird behavior started with-" Sam's voice almost cracked, but he said, "our Dad's death..."
The hunters were still on edge with the pack inside their house, but they were able to explain what happened until Dean went to Hell. "I'm sorry," Stiles interrupted them, "What?"
"It doesn't matter," Dean insisted, "When Cas brought me came back, she was different. She could hear and almost see Cas when other people's eyes were burned when they saw him."
"Okay, so she's talking to angels," Kira said slowly, "Continue."
Dean looked at the teenager before continuing, "While I was gone, Sam sent her to her aunt's house in Illinois where we had to find her there, making out with a boy on the couch." Liam ended up almost spluttering until Stiles hit him in the back.
"Anyways," Sam changed the topic, "It's not like Y/N spent her summer at a church. We met Cas, they figured out that she could hear him, then we run into a stray werewolf." The pack looked at each other nervously. "We're not blaming you. It was hurting the people of a nearby town. Y/N was meant to lure it somewhere, but things got serious when it caught up."
Lydia asked, "Why'd you guys even bring her along in the first place?"
"I didn't!" Sam said quickly, "Because if I said any say in it, she'd still be at home."
"She was raised to be a hunter, Sammy," he pointed out, "Plus, without us or Dad, what would she have done?"
The hospital was scarily packed, but no one bothered you. There was only one other person who could see you. A boy about your age. "Y/N, they left," the Reaper tried to persuade you, "It's their instinct. Leave no matter who dies. All of you did when John died."
"Shut up! I'm not dead," you declared, "We brought Dean back." You turned to face him in the eyes. "And I'm not afraid of you."
"I don't need you to be afraid of me," The Reaper said tiredly, "I need you to choose."
You glared at your unconscious body until you saw a familiar person in a trench coat come near. "Ha! Cas is still here," you mocked.
"Oh, yes," he remembered, "The Angel. Why is it that he's so attached to you?"
"I can hear him," you answered sharply. After that, the Reaper left me alone until Sam and Dean came back. Liam, Scott, Stiles, and Lydia were there with them.
Dean saw the familiar board in Sam's hands and groaned, "You have got to be kidding me." You saw the Ouija board and said, "This feels just as pointless as it did the first time."
Stiles and Scott let Sam and Dean set up the board while they talked. "Scott," Stiles reminded, "We also have the Dread Doctors and everything. Why are we focusing on Y/N?"
You rose an eyebrow at the mention. Scott answered, "Don't you think it's weird, how Deaton said that we'd never see them again and they just happen to come back? Maybe they could help with the Dread Doctors."
The boy looked unconvinced. Stiles was always suspicious of you, but you needed help if you wanted to wake up. You laid a hand on him, knowing that he couldn't feel you. Even so, something changed and he just nodded.
Sam sat on one side of the Ouija board and you were going to sit on the other side, but Liam had sat down there. "That's where Y/N is going to be," Dean explained to him. His eyebrows raised and he got up. Liam gestured to the area as if motioning you to sit down.
You looked straight into Sam's eyes, but he looked right through you. "Y/N, are you here?" Focusing your energy, you moved his hand onto 'Yes'.
"Is this real?" Stiles whispered, "Like, is this proven to be real?"
"It worked for Dean," Sam said.
He scoffed, "Oh, yeah. The guy who literately scrapped his elbows, climbing up from Hell." You narrowed your eyes and quickly spelled on the board, 'You told them'.
"They're helping, Y/N," Dean reassured. You were about to spell out something else, but the Reaper appeared again. "You're really stubborn, you know that?"
Instead of its human disguise, the Reaper showed its true skin. You froze from fear. That meant that someone was going to die. It moved to your unconscious body. "Get away from me!" You warned.
"I think we should leave," Cas suggested, "The doctors will be back soon."
"We're not leaving her," Lydia insisted, "If that even is her."
"What do you mean?" Dean asked, clearly offended.
"Lydia is right," Stiles jumped in, "How do we even know that it's her?"
Liam was looking at your unconscious body. Your heart rate was changing. "Uh, guys?"
"I know it's her!" Dean insisted, "Now, if you didn't want to help, you could have just left us alone."
"Dean-" Sam started, but Stiles cut him off, "Oh, I wonder why we can't leave you alone. Maybe because you came to kill my friends!"
"Stiles, now is not the time," Scott stated.
"When is the time, Scott?" Stiles asked, "You can't just forget being told to leave once they got here."
Cas almost narrowed his eyes towards your body. You, being too busy dealing with the Reaper, couldn't deal with all of the arguing. "Leave her alone," he stated firmly. It looked at Cas and left the room. You sighed a bit.
Leaving the room, you chased after it. It was in the hallway as its human disguise, glaring at the floor. "I'm obviously not dying," you treaded carefully, "Why are you trying to force me to?"
"Castiel isn't the only angel with a soft spot for you, Winchester." The Reaper turned a tiny bit more caring than it had for the days you've been there. "We know what's going to happen to you and we just want to protect you."
That made you freeze. Hunting wasn't a safe hobby. You were always prepared for dying on a mission, but the way the Reaper was talking, it made it seem awful. "What do you mean?" You asked.
It looked sadly onto you. "No one should have to suffer like you. If you are sure, I'll let you wake up," it promised, "But I strongly suggest that you think this through."
Your answer was instant. "My brothers are there," you said, "I want to be with them." It nodded and suddenly, your vision was blinded by a white light.
Instead of feeling weirdly painless, all of your injuries set in. You opened your eyes slowly to see your brothers and Cas looking over you. Behind them, you saw the pack, minus a few, looking at you with shock.
"Okay, if we want to work with these Dread Doctors, someone's gotta have to get me out of here," you ordered, "Dean, I'm looking at you." Getting you out of the hospital seemed a bit more challenging than you made it out to be. Lydia, Liam, Scott, and Stiles trailed behind the hunters awkwardly. The four of you had an agility like a cat's.
"Okay, so breaking someone out of a hospital," Stiles muttered, "Great. Now what?"
Cas inspected your wounds and healed as many as he could. You nodded in thanks and turned to the pack. "Who are the Dread Doctors?"
Scott answered, "We don't know. They're experimenting on people and changing them into hybrid supernatural beings. One of our friends, Hayden, is one."
Liam's eyes widened and he texted Hayden. Being with the craziness that ensues whenever the Winchesters come to town made him forget. "Then, where is she?" You demanded. The pack looked at each other. "Bring her to our house."
"Now, hold on-" Stiles started to argue, but you cut him off, "No, you hold on. You want our help, we're doing it our way. Get the girl and bring her." Your tone was a lot more strict. You seemed less of a teenager and more like your brothers.
"Impala?" You asked.
Dean scoffed, "What else?" He and Sam went to go get the Impala, leaving you with the others.
"Do you guys have a ride to the house?" You checked. They nodded so you sighed in relief.
"You're feeling well, Y/N?" Cas checked.
"Peachy," you said with a smile. Dean and Sam came up in the Impala. "See you guys there." With that, you and Cas got in and drove off.
Lydia pointed out, "I guess we never really saw her hunter side." Her face turned uncomfortable. "I have a bad feeling."
"Death feeling?" Scott checked. She nodded slightly. It was really strong. "Maybe it's just the hospital. Come on. We got to pick up Hayden."
On the way there, the pack was silent, still clearly rattled. Hayden tried to ask questions, but no one really answered. When they got to the house, you opened the door. "Welcome to the temporary house of Winchester. Now, presumably Hayden, tell me about your experience."
Hayden told you and your brothers all that she knew and remembered. Sam wondered, "So, any motive? At all?" The pack shrugged.
You got up to consult the library and Liam quickly followed. "Hey, Y/N," he said weirdly. You waited, looking at him expectedly. "Uh, I found this by your nightstand in the hospital." He held out the scrap of paper. You read the words swiftly. "I don't know where it came from."
"That's not my handwriting and I don't recognize the quote," you stated, "Sorry, Liam, but I have to work."
"Uh, Y/N?" He called once again.
Even if you were slightly annoyed, you didn't show it. "Yeah?"
"Everything's going to be okay, right?" Liam checked, "With you and your brothers and Hayden."
Your cold exterior cracked a bit. "Liam, Hayden will not get harmed. I'll make sure of it," you guaranteed with a smile, "I promise." With that, you left to the library to see if you could find anything on chimeras or Dread Doctors.
Finally, the pack and you guys had formed a plan to lure the Dread Doctors out. Hayden would be the bait, but secretly protected by everyone. Dean and Sam would quietly observe them and decide the weapon choice.
At the school, it was eerily quiet. Stiles crossed his arms. The two of you were hiding near each other. "So, when did all of this happen for you?" He asked.
"Uh, training started about 3 or 4."
"3 years ago?" Stiles guessed.
You shook your head and corrected him, "When I was 3. Then, hunting started at 10, when Dean and Sam starter hunting."
"What happened to their mom?" Stiles inquired, "They didn't mention her."
"A demon killed her when Sam was a baby," you recalled the story, "Which led to John's extreme training, but I'm not complaining. Are you?"
"Not at all," he agreed. An awkward silence settled between you two before Stiles started talking again, "Was your dad really killed by werewolves?"
Your teeth clenched a bit. "Yeah, I was 18 months old," you said straightforwardly. Finally, noises became coming from the hallways, but something was up. Scott should have been here.
The Dread Doctors walked in, slightly fuzzy. Hayden looked at them with a little fear. Scott and Liam were nowhere in sight. You gripped your gun and ran in front of her. You promised.
One of them looked at you curiously. It took a sword thing out. "Hayden, run," you ordered, clutching your gun.
"But-" she started, but you cut her off, "Find Scott and Liam now!" Hayden left quickly. Stiles went after her. You tried to shoot them, but it wasn't helping. The one with the sword got closer. You had no where to go.
Lydia was trying to get Scott and Liam to wake up when Hayden and Stiles found them. "What happened?" Dean asked as he and Sam walked in, "Where's Y/N?"
Her face scrunched a bit and she covered her ears. Stiles had managed to get Scott awake. He shot up gasping with his red eyes. Lydia gasped slightly when she heard a scream pierce the silence.
Sam and Dean both paled a bit before running off to where you were. You were by yourself. At first Dean was relieved, but when he saw the wound in your chest, all of the air just left his lungs. They ran to you. "Cas!" Dean yelled, hoping that the angel would be listening.
You tried to remain strong, but your eyes gave it away. The pack ran in to see you in Sam's arms with a fatal wound. Liam saw you and turned to Scott. "The bite. She can survive it," he suggested.
Before Scott could say anything, you muttered, "If you turned me into a werewolf, I'd never forgive you." Your face had gone deathly pale. Sam looked at you sadly. "Hey, Sammy. Don't look so sad," you pleaded.
"Kind of hard when your little sister is-" his voice gave out.
Your blood soaked through your shirt and his as well. "We all know that hunters don't typically die of old age."
"Jesus, Y/N" Dean sighed and held on to your hand, "Please just stay." The pack looked at the scene with sadness.
"If I could, I would." Your calmness went away. Tears flowed down your face as your breathing got haggard. "I don't want to die," you admitted.
Sam and Dean had tears in their eyes. "We love you, Y/N," Sam promised.
You looked up to them. "I love you too," you said before your breathing stopped finally. Your eyes looked off into nothingness.
The pack was unaware on how to approach the hunters. They simply followed them to a nearby ditch. "Typically, hunters are burned," Dean told them stiffly, "But we're burying her."
By midnight, you were buried with a wooden cross on your grave. Sam and Dean went back to the house only to come back to the grave in the morning.
Liam, Scott, and Stiles were there as well. "I was kind of wishing it was a dream," Liam admitted.
"Nice wish, kid," Sam stated.
Out of nowhere, Cas appeared behind them. "Nice timing," Dean growled.
"It had to be," Cas stated, "She is in a better place. There are no creatures that are trying to kill her."
"Can you talk to her?" Stiles asked.
"Yes. She's with her other family. Y/N also said that now all of you have a guardian. She will guard all of you to the best of her ability." Everyone nodded, still a little depressed.
Sam and Dean were leaving, but for good that time. They couldn't just change directions randomly to visit you. Although, from time to time, they visit your grave to remember the little girl they first met was brought into the crazy world of the supernatural.
Liam stayed a bit longer, having known you a little better than Scott and Stiles. Cas remained. "You know, young werewolf," he started, "Y/N considered you as one of her friends. You made an impact in her life."
"Then why couldn't she stay?" He asked sadly.
Cas looked at Liam sympathetically. "The same reason why I couldn't save her." Cas paused before talking again. "She told me to tell you that she remembers the promise and awaits the return of all of you."
The promise that everything will be okay. You still promise that everything will be okay no matter what. Liam smiled a bit at your grave then at Cas.
The most impressive hunter of your age had saved so many lives, only to be unknowingly buried in California, many miles from where you were born and raised.
Maybe the pack and the hunters will forget tiny things about you, but at the end of the day, you will be there to welcome them.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...