You were in the kitchen cooking for your son while he played in the living room. You were about to finish when you heard your phone ring you went to see who it was. You saw that it was your husband you had him labeled as (the devil himself.)
"Hey hun I'm not going to be able to make it too dinner tonight something came up."
"Lucifer that's the third time this week what am I going to tell Michael. when he ask why doesn't daddy come home anymore?"
"I'll be home tonight I promise tell him I'll be home tonight to read him a bed time story "
"I swear if you don't come home tonight Lucifer .I won't be able take another night of him crying for his dad because, it doesn't help I'm missing you too and it's just hard "
"y/n I'll be home I swear "
"If you're not ill raise hell myself."
"Oh God that's the only hell I'm afraid of, ill be home to make It up to the both of you."
"You better be."
"I will be I love you more than anything."
"I love you too now go raise your own hell."
"I love you bye"
Michael came rushing in
"Was that Daddy is he coming is he coming for dinner "
Come here you hugged him
"He's not coming for dinner "
You saw him getting sad
"But guess what "
"What "
"I don't know if I should leave this a surprise or not "
"No mommy tell me please, pretty please mommy "
You picked him up and whispered in his ear
"He's coming to read you a bed time story tonight "
"Really "
"Yeah "
"Yay daddy's coming home."
He hugged you really tight
"Alright well let's eat dinner "
You served the food for both of you
"Here you go now come sit next to mommy."
He sat next to you and you both started eating dinner
"Mommy why does daddy work so much."
"Because he has a very important job and he needs to work really hard for his job."
"Oh I wish he could come home more often though."
"Me too."
You both finished and washed the dishes
"Mommy can we clean my room so when daddy comes its clean"
"Yeah sure."
(You thought in your head) "Danm it Lucifer if you're not here tonight I will make the devil himself afraid for his life."
You both went upstairs and picked up all his toys and made his bed it was a major improvement Lucifer had quite a habit of spoiling his children.
"ok so what pajamas do you want to wear tonight Michael ."
"The black ones that daddy likes that say I have a little devil in me."
"Haha oh yeah man that was a funny gift from your uncle Gabriel."
"I wish uncle Gabe visited more "
"Me too."
"Ok now we can either watch a movie or draw something for daddy."
"oooh lets draw something for daddy ."
"Ok let me get the markers and paper "
"Ok mommy "
He started drawing you together as a family with Uncle Gabriel and uncle Michael was stick figures but you could still tell who was who.
"That's really nice Michael."
"Look mommy were all together."
"Haha we sure are."
"Do you think daddy will like it?"
"I sure do Michael."
"Here will bring some cookies and milk so that you can share with daddy"
"Yay thankyou mommy."
You went down stairs and took out the cookies put some on a plate and poured two glasses of a milk. When you went too put the milk away you heard a voice behind you.
"I told you I keep my promises."
He was leaning against the wall when you turned around.
You know you had me scared for a little but I knew you were a man of your word now come over here before I attack you."
"You know I might prefer you to attack me. "
"Wow Lucifer just get over here."
You embraced him in a hug just letting the moment happen. He kissed the top of your head.
You heard Michael yell
"Mommy hurry daddy's going to be here soon."
"Ok I'm coming, I'm coming, come in a little bit later after me so it seems like you just came ok."
"Yeah ok be quit shhhh.'
"Alright hehe "
You went upstairs and took the cookies and milk
"Yay mommy now wait with me .ok so you really think daddy's coming"
"Yeah I really do."
Once he walked in Michael was like lightning he couldn't wait he went running towards his dad hugging him
"Daddy I really missed you. You need to take a vacation."
You both started laughing really hard
"I really do don't I. "
"Hey I like your pajamas."
"I knew you would daddy, I made you something daddy mommy show him."
You grabbed the picture and handed it to him.
"Thank you is that Uncle Gabriel and Uncle Michael."
"Yeah we're all together"
"I love it."
Lucifer smiled I swear that kid is the only kid that can make him smile.
Ok so which book do you want to read?
"This one."
Michael handed it to Lucifer
"Ok go lay down and ill tuck you in and start reading."
Lucifer tucked in his son and man was it a sight to see he was reading the book and making it come to life. He would use voices and hand gestures to make it enjoyable for Michael .they would both grab a cookie and eat once in a while. Michael wouldn't take the his smile off his face he would laugh ever so often too because of his dad .I knew that our son could make Lucifer go soft .once he finished the book Michael was already closing his eyes .
"Daddy I love you"
"I love you too son "
Lucifer kissed the top of Michaels head and said "goodnight."
Then he headed to the door way where you were at.
So now how can I make it up to you?
"I don't know if you can "
He smiled a devilish smile and said
"Well I know what can make you smile."
"Lucifer don't you dare"
He knew where your tickle spots were you started running .you ran to your bed room and he grabbed you and threw you on the bed and started tickling you.
"No Lucifer stop it hahah please."
"Ok I will "
He stopped and laid next to you and looked at your face.
"You really do need a vacation."
"Yeah I can agree with you on that."

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...