(Y/n) lit the candle with careful hands, watching Henry out of the corner of her eye. He was pacing up and down the room, muttering things under his breath. He was nervous. Very nervous. He had every right to be, this was his first ever date after all.
The mere thought made a tight pain form in her chest.
No, not now.
He needs you right now.
You can't be the jealous bitch you want to be.
He's your best friend.
Just your best friend.
Right now he isn't the guy you've been in love with for three years.
"Stop panicking" she smiled, waving out the flame on the match quickly before dropping it the sink to make sure it wouldn't set anything alight. That would be the last thing he needed.
"How?" he grumbled, pulling at his awkward shirt.
"Deep breaths, buddy" she sighed, walking towards him to help him fix it "You're gonna be fine" Her hands played with the material until it sat right on him, before leaving her hands on his shoulders in a comforting manor. He watched her with tense eyes, trying to calm down.
"But what if I'm not" he shrugged her off as he resumed his pacing, biting his lip "What if I say something rude? Or stupid? Or if I start rambling like-?"
"Like you are right now?" she grinned, pulling him so he stood in front of her once again "Henry, you won't do anything of those things okay. It'll be perfect. And even if you do, I bet my life she'll find it cute"
I know I do.
"You really think so?" he gave her one of his lopsided, half smiles, making her heart fluttered.
"I'm sure of it" she replied in a quiet voice, trying to not show how much he affected her.
"Thanks, (Y/n)" he drew her in for a quick hug before she grabbed her coat and walked out the back door, wringing her hands as she went. He didn't seem to notice however. He also didn't notice the tears dribbling down her face as she walked home.
Henry walked down the road, his hands stuffed into his pockets, head low. The date hadn't gone well.
She doesn't like me that way.
The one chance I have at normalilty and its snatched away from me.
He glanced up at the small two floor house in front of him. He noticed the girl's light was still on, despite the fact she had told him she wasn't feeling well that day. She had been walking around helping him with a glum tired look on her face. He had just assumed she was sick. But this doesn't make any sense.
He knew (Y/n) like the back of his hand. And when she was sick, she slept as much as she could.
He knocked on the floor door tentatively, wiping away any evidence that he had cried on the walk home.
He could wait until he was alone before the tears started again. He would have to. (y/n) hated to see him cry. But he had to get to the bottom of this.
"Um, hi Mrs (Y/ln). I was wondering-"he began as the girl's mother opened the door in her dressing gown.
"Oh Henry, how many times have I told you?" she tutted "Just call me (Y/mn). Now come in quick, or we'll both catch our death of cold"
She ushered him in quickly, smoothing out her slightly messy hair.
"Now, I'm guessing you're here to collect those books you left here last week" the woman smiled "(Y/n) left them down here for you-"
"Actually, I'm just here to see (Y/n)" he interrupted, heading towards the stairs "Buts thanks anyway"
"I don't think that's a good idea love" she stopped him, a tight lip smile on her face "She isn't feeling well, wouldn't want you to catch it too"
"Then whys she still up?" he frowned.
(Y/mn) didn't answer, her fake smile faltering.
"I think it's time you got home now"
"Why can't I see her?"
"Has something happened?"
"You need to go now. She'd just not feeling well"
He could hardly fight back against the woman as she manoeuvred him towards the door, confused and slightly frightened.
"See you tomorrow maybe"
And like that the front door was closed once again.
Henry looked up at the girl's bedroom window. The blinds were closed the lights on. She was in there. A tight feeling in his stomach told him something was wrong.
So naturally, he couldn't just give up there.
(Y/n) heard a shuffling noise coming from outside, moving her head up from her crippled position. She was laid out on the bed, hair tangled, sleeves still damp from when she had wiped at her eyes. She had told her mother she didn't want anyone near her, retreating to her room to cry in piece. She and Henry were very much alike in that sense. They didn't like to show others how upset they were.
She had heard someone come in minutes before, but just assumed it was her father finally in from a long day of work. But now with the mysterious shuffling, she started to wonder if something more sinister was at work.
She listened as her window slowly slid up, cursing at the fact she hadn't put on the latch.
(Y/n) felt her heart jump in her throat as a hand pulled back her curtains. She got ready to scream for her mother, but when a familiar head poked through the gap in the material her cries fell silent.
"Henry!" she hissed, diving for him "What are you doing? You're going to get yourself killed. Inside, inside this room right now!"
She helped pull him through, landing roughly on her back with him hovering over her.
The two stared at each other for a few seconds, trying to catch their breath.
"You've been crying" he whispered, reaching forward to stroke her cheek.
"No I haven't" she replied quickly, flinching away from him.
He frowned at her actions, wondering why she was shutting him out.
"Why are you upset?"
"I think you should go, Henry"
She pushed him gently, standing up slowly. She walked over to her door, opening it for him as she turned off her bedroom light. She was tired. Too tired to fight anymore.
"Doesn't matter what you think" he answered smartly "I'm staying"
She laughed lightly at his persistence, sitting down on her bed with a loud thump. After a moment or two he joined her.
The two sat in silence, (Y/n) staring at her hands dully. Henry watched her however, trying to decide what was wrong. But after a while, he become more captivated with her.
He loved the way the moonlight was bouncing off her (Y/hc) hair, the brightness also reflecting in her (Y/ec) eyes. She was slouched over, fragile. Tired.
"Beautiful" he mumbled, catching her attention.
"Pardon" she frowned.
"Nothing, it's just um...you...uh" he stuttered "You look beautiful, I mean"
She glanced at the mirror and snorted. Her hair was puffy and a tangled mess. Her eyes were bloodshot, large bag forming underneath them. The skin of her cheeks was blotchy and wet, clothes crumpled.
"Funny" she grumbled, falling back against the covers.
"I'm being serious" he copied her actions, reaching out to play with her hair.
"So I'm guessing the date didn't go that well" she changed the subject quickly "Or you'd be with her"
"Yeah" he sighed "She doesn't see me that way"
"I'm sorry" she whispered "I know you really liked her"
He wasn't really listening, he was looking at her lips and then at the sad look in her eyes.
I wonder.
He rolled over so he hovered above her once again, sliding one hand so it lay against the top of her head.
"What are you doing?" she gulped, a light blush covering her face.
He didn't reply, bending down lightly.
"Wait" she stopped him "Don't do this if it's a pity kiss. Don't do this just because you know that I'm hurting and that you're hurting. Don't do this out of pity Henry"
She paused.
"If you kiss me, do it because you actually want to kiss me. Not her. Me"
He waited only a second before smashing his lips onto hers.
(Y/n) had her head resting on his shoulder, but she knew he wasn't there. Not really. He had been distant all week, only talking when he absolutely had to, barely laughing at her jokes. It wasn't like him, not at all.
"Henry?" she whispered, gazing down at the book resting on her stomach. She had stopped reading half an hour ago, but he didn't notice.
The boy didn't answer, staring blankly at a random place on the wall.
"Henry?" she repeated, glancing up at him "Henry!"
"Yes, (y/n)" he responded quietly, his lips in a thin line.
She didn't say anything else, eyebrows furrowing together. He didn't make a move to try and start up the conversation once again, returning his gaze to the wall.
(Y/n) sat in the silence until she couldn't take it anymore. She didn't understand what was going on. He was being so cold and distant. Was it something she'd said or done? Or was it nothing to do with her at all?
"Fine" she whispered, getting up off the couch and grabbing her coat. She strutted toward the door, body trembling. She wouldn't cry in front of him though. He hated to see her cry, and she didn't want him to be in an even worse mood.
"Where are you going?" he grabbed onto her wrist, pulling her back. His eyes were no longer blank, but confused. It made her blood boil.
"Oh so now you care" she huffed, pulling away from him "I've finally got your attention, have i?"
"No don't (Y/n) me" she grumbled "Either tell me what's wrong or I'm leaving"
He angrily ran his tongue over his teeth, trying to stay calm. He didn't like how she was snapping at him, but deep down he knew he was in the wrong.
"It was my mum"
"It was my mum who made her say that. It wasn't Violet's words. She likes me too"
(Y/n) felt her heart shatter into a thousand pieces, she almost fell to the ground in shock. Not because of Violet's feelings for the boy. She had always known she had liked him, it was obvious.
It was his choice of words that broke her.
She likes me too.
He still liked her.
He lied.
"You lied" she bit her lip, shaking her head "Why would you do this? I'm your best friend"
"What do you mean?" he frowned, watching as she trembled. She looked very vulnerable, wrapped in one of his hoodies. It looked too big on her, like she had shrunk.
"I told you not to kiss me if it was a pity kiss. But you did, you fucking did" she ranted "You said you liked me too. You kissed me knowing full well how I felt and now-now she's back I'm yesterday's news. Do I really mean that little to you?"
"I never said that. I never said any of that" He yelled "you're assuming"
"Oh really" she snarled "So that's why you've been distant all week. That why you've avoided me, pushed me away. Because you like me"
"Look" he sighed "I'm confused- I like you (Y/n). I really, really like you..."
He reached towards her, watching the tears roll down her cheeks. He hated it when she cried.
"But I like her too"
She shook her head, stepping out of his reach.
"That doesn't make any sense" she hiccupped, griping at her hair in frustration "You can't- it doesn't make sense Henry. You can't care for me and care for her. Ones more important and you damn well know it-"
"No don't. Don't" she ran towards the door "You have no idea, do you? I've waited so long for this. To hold you and kiss you and be honest about how I feel. Because it killed me every day to hear you talk about her like she was your world. And I had to stick around because I was your best friend. And that night you snuck into my room and kissed me, it thought that I had finally got my chance. I told not to give me your pity kiss, you didn't listen. You've brought this on yourself"
She opened the door, chest rising and falling unevenly.
"Wait!" he dived for her.
"No" she replied coldly "You need some time to think about what you've done. Don't talk to me until you decide"
"Decide what?"
"Decide if it was a real pity kiss or not"
Henry paced nervously outside her door. Two weeks. If had taken him two weeks to do this.
Would she even care anymore? It had taken him two weeks to just pluck up the courage to decide. Even now he wasn't fully sure. But he knew he couldn't live without her. He couldn't do this anymore. He needed her.
Henry tapped his knuckles against the door, listening nervously as footsteps approached the wood.
Could he really do this?
Could he honestly look this girl in the eye and tell her his decision?
"Henry" she frowned, tilting her head to the side "what are you doing here?"
"Violet, we need to talk"
(Y/n) sat at her windowsill, drumming her fingers gently on the hard wood. She had tried to stay away from it but she just couldn't.
He would come, wouldn't he?
The question had been running through her mind for two weeks. And for at least an hour a day she would sit on that windowsill and think about him.
Had she over reacted?
She didn't know anymore.
She pulled back her messy (Y/hc) hair, tucking it behind her ears as she turned away from the window.
She couldn't spend her whole life just waiting. It was time to let go.
He had made his choice.
She didn't hear the crunching of footsteps as she chances out of her pyjamas, slipping on a cosy jumper, leggings and fuzzy socks.
She trudged down her stairs, jumping the last one. She used to always do it when she was little, it used to make her feel so proud of herself. Like she could accomplish anything. It was such a silly thing to be proud of, she saw that now.
Her feet barely brushed against the ground before the doorbell rang. Her body froze, ridged with fear. Her parents weren't due home for hours. No one said they were coming over.
She played with the sleeve of her sweatshirt, walking quietly so whoever was behind the door wouldn't know she was coming. She waited a few seconds, trying to decide whether to open it or not.
What if it was him?
Without a second thought the door flung open. Henry stared up at her hopefully, his hands buried deep in his jeans pockets.
For a few moments neither of them spoke, both trying to decide what they wanted to say. (Y/n) had been thinking about him and what she wanted to tell him for weeks now. But as she stared back at the pained look on his face, all of her thoughts vanished, as if they had never existed at all.
She had missed him.
He took a few tentative steps toward her, moving his hands out to run them through her messy hair. He captured her lips in a quick kiss, moving his cold hands to cup her cheeks, running his thumb over the sensitive skin.
"I see you've made your choice" she whispered quietly as they drew back. Her lips rose into a small smile, moving forward to rest her head on his shoulder "I'm still kinda pissed though"
"I understand" he sighed, glad to have her in his arms again.
"Why don't you come in for a hot chocolate?" she suggested, pulling back slightly "We have lots to talk about"
"Only if you still have those little marshmallows your mum bought in" he grinned.
"I make no promises" she laughed lightly, grabbing his hand and leading him indoors.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...