Sirius Black had long black hair, he wore his uniform casually at best, his shirt usually open, half tucked into his pants. Over a black undershirt that showed off every curve and crevice. His Gryffindor tie was usually slung around his neck, not tied and he very rarely had anything else on. Sirius Black was a prankster, a player and one of the most well known guys in school. His smile could stop a freight train, Sirius Black however had a secret. No one ever knew what Sirius' tattoo said, ya know, the one that reads your soulmates name? Sirius had used magic every morning to cover it and had not even shown his closest friends James, Remus, Peter and Lily.
Sirius also liked to sneak out, a lot. They would meet at the Leaky Cauldron for drinks and if you got invited, well that meant something. One night he invited a small group of Hufflepuffs to join them. If they could sneak out that is, your friends assume they invited you all because of you. Sirius had called you Hufflepunk on more then one occasion. However, who hadn't, you definitely didn't fit the Hufflepuff look. You dressed very much like Sirius, you wore your hair and makeup in an extreme sort of way. You just didn't fit in with Hufflepuffs, and Sirius Black knew that. You had been very careful not to get to close, however, this was just too good to pass up.
That night you dawned tight black muggle jeans, a tight curve hugging black tank top that was far too low cut and a purple plaid shirt. Which you wore open and rolled up. You didn't have tattoos like Sirius, you of course had that tattoo, the one you couldn't even read the hand writing was SO bad. Something along the lines of Derec or Sliror... who knows. Anyway, some sleek eyeliner, your hair pulled up, showing off the colourful streak you put in it and that shaved side, and you're out the door.
When you see your friends Kary and Laura you shake your head and chuckle to yourself. Karly is wearing slacks and a jumper and Laura is in a flowy skirt and top. How you ended up best friends with these two still amazes you, but their the best. You all head out of the Hufflepuff commonroom. You make it to the secret entrance and into Hogsmeade and next thing you know you're going shot for shot with Sirius Black.
"Hey, Hifflepink," Sirius slurs "I mean Hufflepuffle"
"I think you mean Hufflepunk" you try, getting it you give yourself a pat on the back for being less drunk then Sirius.
"Whatever, you're pretty, and I wanna go back to the dorms, and I want you to join me."
You check on your friends and you're happy to see that Laura is hitting it off with Remus Lupin while Karly is with her on again off again Hufflepuff boyfriend. You let them all know that Sirius is too drunk and you're taking him home, you leave with him draped across you. As you walk however the night air seems to sober him up, which is good because your foggy brain has decided that Sirius is going to be your treat tonight and who wants to snog or more with a guy too drunk to hold himself up. By the time you reach school grounds he has lifted you up, your legs around his middle and he is snogging you hard. He carries you through small hallway after small hallway seeming to know exactly where to go without getting caught. Every few turns he pushes you into a wall, forcing himself harder into your mouth. By the time you get upstairs to his dorm you can feel every inch of his body and his want for you. He throws you on his bed and pulls the curtains.
That next morning you wake up laying on the bare chest of Sirius Black, he is smiling down at you and winks. You pull yourself up and smirk back,
"What's so funny Black?"
"Well I tried to be a gentleman last night and get your name, once I remembered I only knew you as hufflepunk, but you were busy and didn't tell me"
"OH! right, its (Y/N)"
Sirius goes white, he sits up quickly knocking you off his body and his eyes dart to his wrist, to the tattoo you had never seen before, the one he covers every morning, the one he hadn't covered yet.
In small writing is your signature, he stares hard and grabs your wrist, his mouth makes a faint "O" shape and you realize in that moment, the unreadable signature reads... Sirius...
He snogs you hard and wildly, laughing a hearty laugh and pushing you down into the mattress.
"This is unbelievable (Y/N) I have spent years looking for you..."

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...