You met him while serving the US Air Force: he was from 58th Rescue Squadron while you were part of 26th Special Tactics Squadron. And, as irony of fate, he ended up rescuing you when your mission was to help his squadron. Soon what started as friendship and mutual support became a slow romance. You have gone through great difficulties before you two could managed to secure the relationship, he had left the army two years before you and that was the most difficult phase. Until he met Steve Rogers and, as if you went back quickly to time, your life became again pure adrenaline and pressure.
You had gone to visit your base and catch up with your squadron, when you first saw him on television as Falcon fighting alongside Captain America against ... Iron Man? For a moment you lost your ground, throughout your military career you had not felt so lost and confused with a situation like now. You felt afraid to watch until the end of the fight, so you just tried to get back as fast as you could, driving your bike at full power, you just wanted to get home.
Managing to get on that night still,, there was no sign of your boyfriend or anyone else but you, then you took a quick shower and decided to leave everything ready waiting for him to arrive. You had combined since the first day you met Steve that if something bad happened, he would have your home as safe point. Then you placed your military first aid kit, some towels and even clean clothes on the table. He probably wouldn't come alone, but you didn't care, just wanted to make sure he was alive.
"Honey? Wake up, dear." Sam's sweet voice took you out of your sleep state.
"Sammy..." you got up from the couch in a brusque movement and throwing yourself in his arms, almost knocking him in the process. "How are you? What the hell is going on? Where's the rest of your team?
The tension fades away when Sam felt your body squeezing against him, laughing loudly and relieved to hear your voice making thousands of questions. But quickly the weight of the whole situation fell over the room, making you take an upright posture and rise from the ground, pulling him together. Sam smiled weakly, his lips almost in a line, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and squeezing you one last time before pulling back toward the entrance hall.
"Steve, Clint, Wanda, Bucky, Scott... This is (Y/N), my girl. And, (Y/N), these are the guys." Sam had stopped in the middle, getting between you and the rest, he had pointed and presented quickly. He knew you knew them, just had to officiate the presentation with his friends.
"Ok, the perimeter of the house is completely safe, I've separated some clothes and towels... So... First you clean up and then I will make the necessary healing." you murmured after a strange silence among the group, you could tell they were exhausted and knew even more what it was to have to fight with former teammates.
"Aw, I really need a shower. So we need to do rock, paper, scissors." Clint mumbled, already preparing his hands for the game.
"There's four bathrooms in the house, guys. I think you may well make do, right?" you heard the amused voice of Sam away up the stairs. "Follow me if you want hot water!"
"Hm, Wanda, right?" you smiled awkwardly for the younger who embraced you tightly, catching you off guard. "I didn't know you were coming, so let's go to my room, I'll give you some clothes."
"T-Thanks, really. You know my power.. ?" she lookedit a little b insecure for a moment, but you just grinned and nodded, thinking 'You can read minds, then know that I'm happy to do anything to help.'
After almost 3 hours later, you had done bandages at everyone and left them in the living room to have a moment of rest and peace. So going to the kitchen, you hummed a song as you began to prepare some food for the heroes, an education that your mother had given you years ago. Even without knowing te secret to do large banquets, you could make something kind of dinner with breakfast, when you finished setting the table, you went to the room where Sam and the others discussed plans and tactics.
"Guys, it's better to eat something first." you interrupted, leaning casually on the arm of the chair where your boyfriend was. "I did something for you, so let's eat, hm?"
"Sam, I'm kinda in love with your girlfriend." Scott beamed a little tired.
"Get your filthy hands from my woman!" Sam hugged you from behind while you drove the group to the kitchen. "Oh lord, (Y/N)!"
"What?" you look a little confused, looking at the table where the rest already sat down.
"Ma'am, we are forever in your debt." Steve said smiling making everyone murmur in agreement.
"It's too much food!" Sam and Clint murmured, you decided to ignore and chuckled.
"My momma always said welcome people with open arms and an open heart..." you said seriously, this was a learning you always wore especially when involved your missions. "And sometimes food helps too."
"Thank you, (Y/N), for having us ... Everything is being very difficult." Steve murmured in his usual tired soldier expression.
You for a moment looked around, noticing even more the tired and hurt expressions of the group, you noticed that it wasn't about the mission they were used or a normal group fight ... It was something much worse. You automatically held Sam's hand across the table and squeezed it, trying to control your anxiety. Then you noticed the silence that had been without your answers and how serious everyone was.
"You can stay here as long as necessary, in fact, make this home your base. I'll help with anything you need." you tried to keep your voice neutral, but was in full command.
"Honey..." Sam seems to notice your change, soon stroking your arm and then yourr hair. "You don't need do this ... You're still in the army."
"This should then be the first reason, right? I swore to protect what I thought was right. End." you were going into war mode, you dind't want to see any of them suffer or die because of this stupid government.
"Thank you, (Y/N)."
"Just ... I'm sorry and thank you."
Silence fell again, but no one dared to speak. Everyone ate without looking up from their plate, not daring to think what would happen thereafter. It was a war that they didn't want to fight, but they were being forced... Well, they wouldn't surrender so easily.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...