Hey fandom imagine lovers
If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines.
Hope you enjoy this book
And please share with people who you know...
The CCPD Gala was one of the biggest events of the year. (Y/N) had spent the last hour alone trying to fix her makeup. "Why does eyeliner have to be like this? We've fought all kinds of crap, but this has to be the worst battle." Let's just say that (Y/N) was not the most experienced with makeup. Iris came in, looking flawless as ever. She was wearing a form-fitting silver dress that just barely touched the floor. "You've almost got it. I'll fix it for you if you mess up this time," Iris wanted to get to the gala; they were already ten minutes late. "Honestly, (Y/N) what's up with you and Barry always being late to things?" Barry. The thought of him alone almost made (Y/N) mess up her eyeliner again. She and Barry were closer than anyone they knew. Unfortunately, they were not dating. Yet, anyways. "Maybe we're just built that way," (Y/N) laughed, finally finishing her makeup and shimmying into her dress. Ten minutes later, they had arrived. It seemed that each year the women there were prettier and the men got more dapper. The Gala had served as a fundraiser for the families of fallen cops for years, always raising more and more money as well. Back at STAR Labs, Barry had just gotten back from intercepting another metahuman. "Crap, I'm late for the Gala!" Barry finally looked at the time, zooming back to his apartment to change. "As usual," Caitlin sighed. Despite her best efforts, even she couldn't get Barry to be more on time. After a bit of struggle and a taxi ride, Barry made it to the Gala. He had learned his lesson last year about running in a tux. He still shuddered at the fact that everyone almost saw him in his boxers. Including (Y/N). He walked in and spotted her right away.
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She looked more radiant than ever in a midnight blue gown, hugging all his favorite of her features. She was always beautiful, but this color seemed to bring it out the most. But Barry knew he couldn't think like that. It just made things harder. (Y/N) saw him at the top of the steps leading to the dance floor. She loved him in a tux. There was just this certain finesse about him that seemed to light up in a tux. (Y/N) wondered who he brought as a date. She was here stag, only really here because the Captain required all of the staff to be there. (Y/N) was one of the main detectives at the CCPD. That's how she and Barry met. "Barry, I'd like you to meet the newest detective here at the CCPD," Joe was insistent that Barry meet (Y/N). He thought they could make a good team. "Hi, I'm (Y/N). Joe's told me a lot about you! You're the forensic scientist here? I double majored in that and Criminology at Midway," (Y/N) was bubbly as ever, rambling to hide the fact that she found Barry very attractive at first glance. "Really? It's great to meet you, I'm Barry." Barry had a slight blush to his cheeks. There was something about (Y/N) that had clicked with him almost instantly. He wasn't sure what yet at the time, but he really wanted to find out. That was a year ago. "Hey Barry!" Iris called after him, summoning him to the dance floor. Once he reached them, his heart fluttered. (Y/N) seemed even more captivating to him as he got closer, wanting to hold her close and kiss her. (Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat. Barry's cologne was her favorite scent, and it just made her want to come in closer. "You guys look great!" Barry looked at (Y/N) as he said this. "You do too," (Y/N) grinned, a slight blush hitting her features. "You guys should dance together! I'm going to go find a few of the better dancers in here," Iris laughed, pushing (Y/N) closer to Barry. Iris and everyone else who knew the pair could see that there was no one better for each other. Barry looked down at the floor, trying to hide his blush. "Mademoiselle, may I have this dance?" Barry took her hand, kissing it gently. (Y/N), who was definitely bright red, nodded. They stepped to the dance floor and (Y/N) placed her right hand on his shoulder and her other hand in his. Barry's hand slipped on her waist, their bodies coming together almost like puzzle pieces. "You clean up well," (Y/N) looked into his green eyes, both their hearts fluttering. "So do you," Barry grinned, chuckling lightly. "How are you? We haven't been able to see each other as much as we should." "I know... you and your superhero-ing and me with my detecting," (Y/N) gave a soft smile, "But I've been alright. I've been in a pretty... yearning mood lately." "Yearning?" Without realizing it, the pair had gotten even closer together, their faces just mere inches from each other. "Yearning." They both leaned in, and (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered closed as she tried to close the gap. Then, a scream. Barry sped away from her embrace, and if the room was silent, you probably could have heard both their hearts shattering. "That was too close," Barry's voice cracked as he sped towards the source after changing into his suit. This meta had a woman on his arm, his other hand ablaze. The woman had a look of absolute terror on her face as the meta brought his fiery hand closer to her. It took only seconds for Barry to take her away from the meta, though not without a slight singe on his arm. The cops in attendance took her away to a nearby ambulance. She reminded Barry of why he could never do what he wanted to with (Y/N). He couldn't bear the thought of (Y/N) being in that position, and he would never forgive himself if she got hurt because of him. Of course, (Y/N) was never one to back off from a fight. "You! I've been looking for you," (Y/N) had gotten in front of the meta, gun in hand as she stepped closer to him. "You've been the cause of sixteen counts of arson, 10 counts of murder. Make one move and I'll shoot you where you stand!" The meta laughed heartily, setting his entire self ablaze. "Babe, you wish." The meta sent a huge burst of flames at her as she fired five shots, her hair flowing behind her. Barry couldn't believe she wasn't moving. In a flash, he had her in a far away corridor, her skin hot against him. "Barry! What the fuck?!" "I'll handle it! I don't want you getting hurt!" "Sorry to break up the party, lovebirds," The meta had somehow caught up with them, and he quickly took (Y/N) from Barry's arms. Barry could hear her screams as he ran after them. He fought back tears as he circled the city looking for her. Then he heard a scream. Surprisingly, it was a more masculine scream. At the edge of the shore, (Y/N) had the meta just enough out of the water so he could breathe and she could cuff him. Her dress was singed in places and had a tear in the middle of her breasts. "(Y/N)!" Barry came to her side, taking the meta back to STAR Labs, putting him in a cell, and coming back to her with one of his sweaters. "That was quick," (Y/N) chuckled as she slipped on the sweater. She silently wished that it was in different circumstances that she was wearing his sweater. She smacked him upside the head. "Stop thinking I can't handle myself!" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just glad you're alright." Again, they were just inches from each other, and their eyes flickered to the others' lips. "We shouldn't," Barry pulled back, kicking the ground as he tried not to focus on her. "Why not?" "I don't want you in more danger than you already are." "Fine." After retelling this story to Iris a week later at Jitters, a few tears fell from (Y/N)'s eyes. Iris sipped her latte, thinking hard about what she could do for her friends. Barry had always been the heroic and stubborn one, even before he was The Flash. "I think... I think it would be good for you to go on a few dates," Iris kept her voice gentle, knowing that (Y/N) had loved Barry since the day they met. "What? Iris, that's-" "Crazy, I know, but who knows? Barry's stubborn. Either you're going to realize that there's a more open guy out there for you, or you'll both realize that it can only end with you guys together." (Y/N) decided that Iris was right. She deserved to go out and have some fun, right? Iris set up an online profile for (Y/N), and almost immediately got a match. "Ooh, his name is Sam, he's a business exec, donates to charity all the time, watches all the superhero movies... Sounds like the perfect date, (Y/N)!" Iris giggled, hoping for the best for her friend. Hesitantly, (Y/N) agreed, setting up the date for the next night at Enchante, a new fancy restaurant in town. The next night, (Y/N) had just finished slipping on her dress when she got a text from Barry. Teddy Bear :) : What's up? (Y/N): Just getting ready to go out! Hbu? Teddy Bear :) : Oooh where you going? (Y/N): Enchante, for a date actually! I'm surprisingly a little excited :) Teddy Bear :) : A date?! Barry, back in STAR Labs, sat down, conflicted. In the back of his mind, he knew he should be happy for her. This is what he wanted, right? He wanted (Y/N) to be happy, and safe, with someone else. But his heart told him that it was the furthest thing from what he wanted. At seven o'clock sharp, (Y/N) arrived at the restaurant. Sam was sitting at a table in the middle of the room, discussing the best wine for the night with the waiter. "Sam?" (Y/N) squeaked, suddenly conscious of how tight fitting the dress was. "(Y/N)! You look.... fantastic."
The date went well, with good food and jokes making it a good night. Afterwards, Sam offered to give (Y/N) a ride home, which she accepted. Nothing seemed terribly off about him. "Let me walk you to your door," Sam grabbed her hand as (Y/N) exited the car. "Um, okay," (Y/N) had a bad feeling wash over her. She had forgotten to slip her ankle holster on before the date. Silently cursing herself, she walked with him to the door to the building. "Well, I had a great time! I'll.. I'll call you." "Don't think you're leaving that fast," Sam grabbed her and forcefully kissed her, groping her ass. (Y/N) tried to pull back, but Sam had way more force than she was expecting. Sam started to grab the end of her dress as (Y/N) heard a familiar swoosh come closer. "Get off her!" Barry yelled, pulling him back and punching him in the jaw. Holding his jaw, Sam smirked. "Okay, if that's how you like to play it." Sam quickly grabbed a blade from his pocket and threw it at (Y/N), running to his car. "(Y/N)!" Barry pushed her away as the blade hit his shoulder. "Bear!" (Y/N) got up and ran to a fallen Barry. "I'm.. I'm okay." "You have a blade in your shoulder! We need to get to STAR Labs, now." Refusing to let Barry speed them to STAR Labs, (Y/N) called Cisco, who drove over in the van with Caitlin quickly. Once they were in the lab and Barry was stitched up, (Y/N) didn't take long to hug him. "I can't believe you took a blade for me." "I would take a bullet for you." "Don't scare me like that again." "Don't go out with a psycho again." (Y/N) pulled back. "Well, I can't date the psycho I want to be with. He's too busy thinking I can't protect myself." Barry frowned. "It's never been that. I'm just.. I'm scared someone is going to hurt you, and I won't be fast enough. That they'll try to use you to hurt me. I don't know what I would do with myself if you got hurt, or worse, because of me." "It's a risk I'm willing to take." "Are you sure?" (Y/N) sat on his bed and caressed his face. "I love you too much not to be with you." Barry, even though it hurt his shoulder like hell, pulled her closer. "I love you so much it hurts." "Let me ease the pain," (Y/N) whispered, touching her forehead to his. Barry, looking into her beautiful eyes, closed the space between their lips. Their bodies seemed to sigh into each other as (Y/N) held his face. Barry placed his hands on her waist, not wanting to ever let go of her. "Finally, sheesh," Cisco yelled as he glanced into the room. The couple pulled away as they both laughed. "Shut up, Cisco," They said at the same time, laughing again. "I guess I just can't help falling in love with you," Barry smiled as he placed a chaste kiss to her lips. "You make it pretty hard too," (Y/N) smiled as a wave of warmth went through her. Even in her tight dress, she couldn't help but feel extremely comfortable in his arms. "But I am never letting you go," Barry leaned in and kissed her again, far from the last time.