Run. Run. Run! Your heart beat is a thousand miles per hour. Your legs, as tiny as they are, have been running and running. A quivering sensation taking possession of them, threatening to not being able to do this anymore.
You can feel this entity chase after you, sending goosebumps all over your skin. You keep looking back, to see if the creature is coming any closer to you. You see nothing but darkness but you are able to hear it howling, snarling its way to you.
Your skin is covered by a thin layer of sweat, your long hair sticking to your forehead. Making it difficult for you to see where you are heading. You keep running through the forest you're in, the treetops looming upon you, overclouding your vision. It is a never ending journey, you don't know where to go, where to hide.
Finally, you come to a halt. You spot a tree house a few feet in front of you. And by the looks of it should be easy for you to climb it. As soon as you reach the tree, you start to climb. Desperate fingers clinging to the tree trunk. The monster has found you, and it's growling at you. Eager to see you slip so it can devour you. As if foreboding the future, your boot slips, making you lose hold of the tree, falling on your back next to the boarhound creature. Its red devil-like eyes glint at you, welcoming your presence. His enormous mouth greats you grunting, rows and rows of sharp teeth close around your face. You scream your lungs out, before everything falls into darkness.
Emma wakes up to a scream, startled she gets up quickly. Nudging Killian awake on the process.
"Killian, it's Y/N." Emma says fazed as she puts on her slippers and runs to your room to find you crying on your bed.
"Hey baby, what happened?" Emma sits next to you, cupping your face. Your cheeks are rosy and your eyes puffy and bloodshot as you cry your heart out.
"M-Mommy!" you cry and bury your face in Emma's chest. "It's going to kill me. He bit me and his eyes were red and... and" you rant, your chest going up and down with fright.
"Hey there, lass. It's okay." Killian makes his way to your other side and runs the rough pad of his thumb along your tear-stained cheeks. "It was just a bad dream, aye?" he soothes you with his hand running along your hair. "Nothing will hurt you while I'm around, my little pirate." Killian places a soft kiss on your head.
Your breathing had calmed down, you instantly felt better now that your mom and dad where there by your side.
"Do you want to tell us what it was about, baby?" Emma coos you while placing her hand above yours and giving it a gently squeeze. You frown and shake your head. "I-I just want to go back to sleep." You say in a small, drowsy voice. Your eyelids fluttering close and open once again.
"That's alright, Y/N. We are in the next room if you need us." Emma gets up and turns on your nightstand. Killian places a warm kiss on your forehead, giving you a comforting smile.
"Daddy. Can you stay with me till I'm asleep again?" you say with a feeble voice, your hands rubbing your tired eyes.
"Of course, love." Hook gives Emma a quick kiss as she smiles at him, going back to their room, turning off the light before leaving.
Your dad gets into bed with you, hugging you closer to him. He pats your head slowly with his right hand cooing you into sleep. You feel drowsiness tugging at you, your consciousness fading until your eyes close one more time and you're able to sleep sound through the rest of the night.You were on deck on the Jolly Roger, your family and you sailing the blue seas. A beautiful day ahead of you, white fluffy clouds in the sky and a nice cool breeze.
You rested your chin on the rail of the ship. Inhaling the salty air, filling your lungs. Suddenly, it's not the blue of the sky you're seeing, it's the blue of the ocean. The rail broke and you fell to the endless ocean. Startled you try to swim back to the top, your lungs running out of air. You keep swimming up, up and up. You can never reach the top. Alarmed, you start to throw your arms around the water, your eyes burn from being open underwater. You can't help but gasp for air, swallowing half the ocean in the process.
You try and scream for help, bubbles leaving your throat. The rays of sunlight bathing the water are the only thing you can see before black spots cover your vision.
"AHHHHHH!" you scream to the top of your lungs. Tears streaming down your cheeks, your heart racing, filled with horror and distress. You cried holding your pillow. Every single night, every single one you would have a nightmare. And you dreaded going to sleep because of it.
"Y/N, love. It's okay. I'm here, I'm here." Hook runs to your side, hugging you tightly as you cry on his shoulder. "Daddy. I-I drowned." You say with a shaky voice, your puffy eyes looking up at his blue ones.
Killian sighed and cupped your face, making you look at him. "You didn't. It was just another nightmare, lassie. Everything is alright." He kissed your forehead as he smiled reassuringly at you.
"Where is mom?" you asked looking around you. "She had a night shift at the commissary, remember?" Hook replies as he tucks you in once more. "Try and sleep again, darling. I'll be close if you need me again. I love you." Killian pecks your cheek and tucks your hair behind your ears before leaving you alone once more."It's not normal, Killian." Emma growls as she crosses her arms above her chest. You were at school after another restless night and your parents were having lunch at Granny's.
"I assure you love, that it is." Killian said, flashing her a reassuring smile. "When I was no more than a little lad, sailing the seas with Liam I used to have nightmares every night." Killian gets a hold of Emma's hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.
"Yes, but how can you not be a little bit more concerned about your daughter?" Emma says, a sad glint in her eyes. "I feel like she's afraid of something, like in real life. Maybe that's why she gets so many nightmares."
Killian falls silent, letting sink in the words Emma said. Emma did really see the matter in a different light. "Swan, what are you suggesting?"
"Killian, I abandoned Henry. I was abandoned by my parents. Don't you think maybe, just maybe she's afraid of the same? That the same thing will happen to her?" Emma states hesitantly. As if afraid she might be right. Killian looks at her, uneasiness in his eyes. "Do you want to talk to her?"
"Yes, tonight." Emma kisses Killian and smiles to him."Hey my little lassie." Hook sits by your side on the bed. He kisses your forehead and tickles you with his right hand. "Daddy! Stop it." You laugh and twirl to get rid of his torture.
"Sweetheart, we wanna talk to you." Your mom says taking the other spot on the bed beside you.
"Did I do something wrong?" You say in a timid voice. Your fingers fidgeting with the hem of your pyjamas.
"Of course not, love." Hook caresses your head, running his fingers along your hair. "We, are worried about you and your nightmares. Is there anything you'd like to tell us?"
"What do you mean, daddy?" you ask confused. "We think maybe, you are afraid something might happen, that we might fail you in some sort of way?" Emma cups your face, her pad running along your cheeks.
"I-I guess... I'm afraid of being left alone. I love so much, and it makes me scared to think of losing you. That you may abandon me." You almost whisper, your eyes looking at your hands in an embarrassed way. You knew your parents loved you, but sometimes the thought would assault you. You would imagine all sorts of scenarios where you'd be left alone, deprived of their company.
"Oh no, no lassie. Don't even think of it. I'll never let you get out of my sight, love. We will be with and for you forever, understand that? Don't ever doubt that, we'll always be here for you. We love you immensely, don't ever forget that my little pirate." Killian swipes away the tears that had escaped your eyes, Emma smiles at you and they both embrace you in a bone-breaking hug.
You felt sure once again in their arms, nothing, not even the wildest thoughts. Were able to bring back the nightmares.

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...