Newt TMR series

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"Finally!" Minho shouted as he pushed out the door. "Vacation time! Do you guys know how long I've waited for this day?"
Thomas threw a towel over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. "Six months, seventeen days and four hours. How could we forget?"
Newt closed the door behind the two boys who'd walked about and slipped on his sunglasses. He walked close behind them, listening to their stupid conversation about all the girls they'd see. Newt just sighed internally and played with the car keys in his fingers.
It was an entire day's trip to the beach where they'd stay for a week. Finals had finally passed and everyone was fleeing away from the college as quickly as they could. Nobody was going to stick around there longer than they had to.
Newt tried to keep his eyes on the road but Thomas was playing with the stereo and belting out the wrong lyrics to every song he heard. Minho eventually joined in and for a moment Newt considered flipping the car.
But eventually they got to the beach. It was fairly warm and Newt could feel the heat on his back. Thomas and Minho yelled some excited cheers as they grabbed their towels and stopped off their shirts, running to the beach like little kids again. Newt locked the car and followed after them quickly.
"Now hold on!" Newt called. His feet sunk in the sand and he nearly toppled over Minho from them stopping abruptly. "What? Why did you guys stop?"
Thomas and Minho starred at the barren beach with blank faces. Newt turned his gaze and got the same look. No one was on the beach except for a couple middle aged men who were on the dock casting their fishing lines into the water. Minho sighed and put a hand on his hip.
"Well there goes my plans of getting a girlfriend."
"Well," Newt shrugged. "You have to be attractive for that, Minho."
Minho cast him a glare and Newt snickered. Thomas began stepping forward and looked at the end of the beach closely. "Hold on," he paused. "There's a girl down there!"
Minho perked up and looked to where Thomas was pointing. "Dibs!"
Newt rolled his eyes again as Minho and Thomas sprinted towards you. He would be surprised if you didn't start running too in fright.
Newt jogged after them with a clearly apologetic look on his face. "Idiots," he muttered.
Once they reached you, they slowed down to a walk and Minho gave you a smirk.
Newt pushed forward and stood in front of the two morons. He was going to speak when his words were taken from his mouth. You were beautiful. Newt wanted to introduce himself but he couldn't speak. Speechless.
"Can I help you guys?" you asked and folded your arms in front of yourself.
"We-uh," Newt stuttered.
"If you're wondering why no ones here," you chuckled, clearly knowing what was going on. "It's because a shark was spotted yesterday and no one dares go back in the water."
Thomas's shoulders slumped and he stared out to the water. "Then what's the point of being here?"
"Well you can still enjoy the beach," you shrugged. "I just don't recommend any swimming, sorry."
"Come on," Newt slapped Minho on the shoulder. "Let's go find a hotel."
You opened your mouth and Newt waited. "Actually, my dad owns a hotel, just over there." You point to a three story building a mile or so from the beach. "I bet I can get you guys a discount or something if you want to stay there."
Newt considers it for a second and then looks to Minho and Thomas with a nod. "Yeah why not?" Newt says.
"Okay once you guys are done here I can take you to the hotel if you'd like," you suggest. The boys think it over quickly and nod.
"Alright," Minho says. "But first you have to come build sand castles with us, or the deals off."
Newt wasn't sure how it was a fair deal but surprisingly you agreed to it. "Alright, you're on."
You could feel their eyes on your back as you led them towards the waterline where the sand would be denser.
"Hey, uh, you never told us your name," Thomas says.
You smile at them from over your shoulder. "I know."
"W-well I'm Thomas, this is Minho and Newt."
Newt goes red when you look at him. He was cute, to say the least. You continue forward and stop when the sand is wet enough to hold a form. You kneel down and the guys all do the same.
"What if we form teams?" Thomas asks. "I'll be with her, and you two can be together!" he tells Minho and Newt. They both give him a disapproving look.
"Actually would you mind if I teamed up with Newt?" You give them all a confident smile and Newt visibly gulps. He walks over to you, nearly tripping in the loose sand and takes position by you.
"Okay, ready, set, go!" You announce.
Thomas throws you a bucket and you fill it with as much sand as it could hold. It was a little childish, but come on, you had to win didn't you?
Newt builds a base and, was that a moat? You place the first tower down and begin making another. You eye Minho and Thomas's sandcastle and see that they were still building as fast as you were. You hand the bucket to Newt and start sculpting with your hands as he fills it up.
After a couple minutes, you look at Minho and Thomas's castle. It was a it bigger than yours and you think of another way to win. A sly grin comes across your face as you turn to Newt and put a finger against your lips. The other boys were too distracted to see it.
You reach out with your foot and push it against the biggest, yet weakest, part of their castle. The tower goes crashing down and collapses on the rest of the castle, ruining all their work.
"Hey!" Minho says, shocked. He shakes his head at your laughing stance and Newt can't hold back his smile either.
Minho reaches over and tips your two towers down which ruin your castle too. "I still win," you laugh.
"He'll never admit defeat, you know," Newt mutters to you. Minho purses his lips at that and folds his arms.
You sigh. "Alrighty come with me, I'll show you the hotel." You stand and offer Newt a hand. Minho stands and knocks Thomas back over when he tries to do the same. Glares were cast.
At the hotel, your dad gives you a suspicious look. "Y/N? What are you doing?"
"Y/N! Hah! We know your name now," Minho smirks.
You shake your head and help your dad check in the boys. He watches you carefully around Newt, knowing something was odd between the both of you.
You hand Newt the room key and before long it's snatched out of his hands and Thomas is running, being chased by Minho, up to the hotel room. You laugh and Newt rolls his eyes, about to follow them.
"Wait, Newt?" You stop him.
He turns back with his attention fully on you. "Yeah?"
"Can I see you tomorrow?" You bite your lip in hope that he said yes. Your dad just throws his hands up and presses a palm to his face before walking to he back of the hotel.
"Course," Newt smiles. "I can't always be around them," Newt motions to the second floor where you can still hear them shouting and running. "I'll go insane."
"Good, I'll see you then," you promise.
He gives you a real smile and walks to the elevator. You grin to yourself before your dad walks up behind you.
"Who is he and what is he here for and how do you know him and where were you today?" he asks in one breath
You groan. This was going to be a long talk.

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